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Cannot resolve symbol 'Translate'

Peter Leleulya

Cannot resolve symbol 'Translate'

We are very excited about the newly added razor tags.
Only the Translate tag is still bugging us ...
Our system doesn't recognize it and makes all our pages invalid (we use JetBrains ReSharper).
I thougt adding the full namespace path might do the trick, but I can't seem to find it ...

Does anyone have a solution to this??



Nicolai Høeg Pedersen
Peter Leleulya

I'm familiair with this article.
We have itellicence and all ... The ONLY thing that is still bugging us is the translation tag, can't figure out why.

Mikkel Ricky
This post has been marked as an answer

The newly added Razor functions (@MasterPageFile, @IncludeFile, etc.) are not real Razor functions since they are processed by Dynamicweb before Razor is actually processing the template. We added fake functions to RazorTemplateBase to help you when editing Dynamicweb Razor template in Visual Studio (see, but we deliberately did not add a fake Translate function.

The reason for this is that we're working a new translation system that will introduce a real Translate function that you will be able to use as a part of the Dynamicweb API.

Best regards,

Votes for this answer: 1
Peter Leleulya

Ok fair enough, we'll have to do with that issue then until you role out your new Translation functions.


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