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Open external links in new tab
Hi DW 10.7.3 Swift: 1.26.4 I can't get my external links in the footer to open in a new window. I have read the docs here: ...
Suzi Louring
19/09/2024 10:06:09
Last post: 19/09/2024 11:14:12
Out-of-bounds element bug
I've noticed in some cases, such as from the image attachment, that for some small dropdowns or modals that open when toggling an action results in the box being out of bounds. At the bottom of the window appears a horizontal scroll bar that we c ...
Smári Alfreðsson
17/09/2024 16:11:11
Last post: 17/09/2024 23:38:04
Extend gtag add_to_cart
Hello, I need to extend gtag event "add_to_cart". Is there any way that I can overwrite the standard function inside of _cart.js? I`m aware that i can get to the update.swift.cart event but not sure how I should overwrite/change a function ...
Alexander Tømmerholen
11/09/2024 11:03:43
Last post: 12/09/2024 08:46:39
DW10: Error when selecting variant option in product details view using pretty urls
Hi. We have products which are assigned a default variant so when the user selects a product from a product list the default variant is automatically selected and everything looks fine: ...But when the user tries to select any other variant from this ...
Jóhannes Þorkell Tómasson
02/09/2024 22:16:39
Last post: 09/09/2024 15:27:04
Logout error when watching user pages
Hi, When a user is watching the user pages (e.g. the user dashboard) and selects the "Logout" menu, then an error appears (see attached image). The error is triggered because after logout the user is not allowed the see the user pages, that ...
Tomas Gomez
10/05/2022 14:00:36
Last post: 30/08/2024 12:24:49
File extension in uppercase
Hi When I want to insert an image in the visual editor, I only get images with lowercase extension. See my screendump. Assets shows me all. How do I fix this? DW: 10.7.0 /Suzi ...
Suzi Louring
29/08/2024 12:35:38
Last post: 29/08/2024 15:22:25
Show inventory at variants in table
Hi, On the product page, how do I show the inventory of the variant products available in the related product list ('variants' = source type)? So show the number per variant per row. This is what I want to show: Here in each row: This is the ...
Caro De Weze
06/08/2024 07:52:59
Last post: 28/08/2024 08:49:55
Carousel arrows in product details
When building product details page, we have the possibility of opening images for the product in a modal where you can switch between them by toggling arrows left and right. However, there does not seem to be the possibility of having these kind of a ...
Smári Alfreðsson
15/08/2024 14:43:43
Last post: 27/08/2024 16:40:47
Order details missing product name
Hi there, Product name is not showing for standalone products under Orders page but it does show under My Customers orders. The issue is due the following line as it else statement is returning empty string instead of original value: https://github.c ...
Mario Santos
25/07/2024 10:54:26
Last post: 27/08/2024 15:13:22
Hide master product in related product list variants
Hi, How can I set the master product not to be shown in the related products list with source type 'Variants'? I can easily add this with JavaScript, but I would rather not do that. Kind regards, Caro ...
Caro De Weze
26/08/2024 11:07:16
Last post: 26/08/2024 11:20:38
Not able to send email campaign through Mandrill
Hi community! We changed the delivery provider to Mandrill so Google can accept our newsletters. Mandrill are all set up and works properly. I know this because when we send test emails, we receive them, and they show up in the counter in Mandrill. W ...
Simen Mindrebøe
26/08/2024 08:30:59
Last post: 26/08/2024 09:37:22
Show desktop header on tables
Hi there, Where in Swift is the distinction made between the Mobile and Desktop header and footer? I am trying to display the desktop version of the header on a tablet in landscape mode but I can't figure out where to change this. Can this be don ...
Imar Spaanjaars
21/08/2024 16:06:26
Last post: 22/08/2024 11:02:24
Multi column pages
Hi guys, We have faced a few situations where we had to handle pages with 2 columns (one sidebar for Navigation) and one for content, where you should be able to add multiple rows and columns (mainly for the content part but sometimes also for the si ...
Adrian Ursu
16/02/2023 13:05:26
Last post: 16/08/2024 14:33:06
CSS decorations cached for too long
Hi there, It seems that CSS decorations are cached for too long and are not updated when the decoration is changed or other pages like branding or themes are saved. Steps: 1. Open Swift tools | Designs | CSS and add a new decoration 2. As the CSS, en ...
Imar Spaanjaars
15/08/2024 09:33:00
Last post: 15/08/2024 16:29:03
Reduce number of image folders in Swift
Hi there, In a standard Swift setup, yoiu get a whole bunch of root folders related to images: I think these get in the way and every time I need to select a file or folder I see these folders and need to mentally ignore them. How about somehting lii ...
Imar Spaanjaars
13/08/2024 09:25:39
Last post: 13/08/2024 12:50:28
Setting a focal point in Swift have no effect
Setting a focal point in backend have no effect in frontend. Is this a general bug or...? We are running Swift 1.26.4 and DW 10.6.7. ...
Timo Kofod
12/08/2024 10:15:02
Last post: 13/08/2024 08:50:44
Search string is banning IP at DK
We had a client that reported an issue with a customer getting a 403 error and then not being able to access the site. They were entering a value into a form that turned out was getting their IP banned, I'm guessing because it was being falsely f ...
George Jaros
12/02/2024 19:14:47
Last post: 08/08/2024 15:42:14
Swift sitemap
Hi, I have two questions about the sitemap: In the backend it is set that this goes to sitemap_not.xml instead of sitemap.xml. Why is this? When I search for it I also get the following error: I was told that it is better to use the Swift sitemap, so ...
Caro De Weze
06/06/2024 11:22:54
Last post: 07/08/2024 12:37:25
Stock State Feature in Swift
Dear Forum, Could you please advice on the availability of the "Stock State" featue in Swift? Currently this setting only work for the backend and not working for the frontpage product detail. Thanks, Yoon ...
Yoon Peti Nwe
26/06/2023 12:35:03
Last post: 30/07/2024 11:39:43
Product component slider
Hi, I'm having some trouble getting the product component slider to show what I want. It should show products from the selected relation group, but I seem to get somewhat random results. In the documentation it says the "Groups to relate to& ...
Justin Sjouw
18/07/2024 18:40:52
Last post: 22/07/2024 18:59:47