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Edit price and quantity on quote on DW9
Hi guys, I have a case where products need to be evaluated by a sales representative in order to provide a final price for the customer. I was thinking of using the Quotes for this purpose. My thought was to create a Quote flow, let the customer plac ...
Adrian Ursu
22/05/2017 21:55:11
Last post: 03/08/2017 15:58:18
Sort by for products
Hi! How do I create a sort by function to show products? Etc. Lowest price, highest price, name, newest. Tried Google and this forum but as I am fairly new to DynamicWeb I can't wrap my head around it all yet. ...
Sofia Soje
31/07/2017 12:53:52
Last post: 03/08/2017 12:30:27
Monthly sales report
Hi, Is it possible to create a monthly sales report sent by email, from within Dynamicweb by default, or do I have to create it in a custom module? Best regards Kurt ...
Kurt Moskjær Andersen
02/08/2017 13:53:03
Last post: 03/08/2017 09:47:58
Custom orderlinefields other than text
Hi, Is it possible to create other custom orderlinefields than text, like it is possible with the custom orderfields? Kind regards Kurt Moskjaer Andersen ...
Kurt Moskjær Andersen
06/07/2017 11:12:54
Last post: 31/07/2017 07:39:43
Impersonation and billing address
Hi there, I'm impersonating another user and everything works fine. If I put an item in the cart and proceed to checkout, it is my address listed as billing address, and not the impersonated users. Do I have to change it myself, to the impersonated u ...
Kurt Moskjær Andersen
13/07/2017 10:41:03
Last post: 31/07/2017 07:38:55
Intermittent error with CyberSource provider
Hi there, We get the attached error from time to time with CyberSource (both in the frontend as well as the backend). An IIS recycle makes it go away for a while. It seems to be caused by loading neutral cultures from the connector's constructor. Any ...
Imar Spaanjaars
29/05/2017 17:42:57
Last post: 28/07/2017 14:04:27
Order Discount (inclusive) bug?
Hi, We are running into an issue with Order Discount (inclusive) discounts in 9.2.9 and there appears to be a bug. Not sure why, but the discount amount changes at some point (not sure why or how, as it's always ...
Nuno Aguiar
09/06/2017 18:45:54
Last post: 25/07/2017 15:15:30
Facets with Numbers
Hi Guys, I have a situation where I have some facets and the facet options are numbers. They seem to be indexed properly, the facets show the options correctly, but the filter is not applied. I have defined the fields as system.string[] and the condi ...
Adrian Ursu
13/07/2017 23:30:39
Last post: 20/07/2017 20:37:08
Send notification to different recipient
Hi guys, I have a couple of custom notifications that I need to send, where the recipient of the email is different based on a setting on the user or the user allocation to a user group. Specifically, I have users allocated to Sales agents. The users ...
Adrian Ursu
12/07/2017 12:58:16
Last post: 20/07/2017 13:18:35
Override prices when placing order
Hi guys, I have asituation where I need to allow the Sales Reps of a company to submit an order while impersonating another user but in the process they want to have the ability to override the prices. I am thinking an Input field on the orderline of ...
Adrian Ursu
20/07/2017 10:37:57
Last post: 20/07/2017 13:18:02
Affiliate sales
Hi Guys, I have a request from one of our customers. They want to run a campaign and reward any of their existing customers that will recommend their products to new customers. Basically, if Customer x will recommend the products to NonCustomer Y, bo ...
Adrian Ursu
19/07/2017 11:38:27
Last post: 20/07/2017 11:59:21
Free shipping sales discount
Hi Guys, I am trying to set up a Sales discount of type Free shipping for a particular set of users. Besides the fact that it does not applies always, I am abit confused about how it is supposed to work. I am first asked to select the type (in my cas ...
Adrian Ursu
14/07/2017 01:00:57
Last post: 20/07/2017 10:39:08
Send notification on Quote State change
Hi Guys, I have set up a notification email on Quote Status change. Nothing fancy. An empty template with a simple text in it just to see what happens. After changing the state on the quote, I've got the following yellow error: [NullReferenceExceptio ...
Adrian Ursu
19/07/2017 01:22:40
Last post: 19/07/2017 13:16:57
DW9 customfield in orderlineloop e-mail
Hi, Currently we have an e-mail where we show the orderlines + it's custom fields. The custom field is empty unless there's atleast one @TemplateTags() in the template. Here's the relevant code: @foreach (LoopItem ol in GetLoop("OrderLines")) { <t ...
Justin Breg
13/07/2017 13:53:35
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Variant Options for a Product not working in a cshtml template
Why does this not work? Im using the same data for the same product in the same dw ecommerce solution, I have a product.html template and a product.cshtml template with the following code: html version works <!--@LoopStart(VariantGroups)-- ...
Kevin O''''Driscoll
13/07/2017 10:19:21
Last post: 13/07/2017 11:28:26
Rounding issues
Hi, We are running into some issues with rounding with discounts and taxes. The difference is usually by 0,01€, but still depending on the settings in the backend there are 2 consequences: The credit card is authorized for less The customer complains ...
Nuno Aguiar
15/06/2017 16:58:07
Last post: 12/07/2017 12:47:08
Resend order mail in 2017 with DW9
Hi, There is an old thread from 2011 about how to resend the order mail to the customer: Is there a new approach here in 2017 with DW9? Best regards Kurt Moskjaer Andersen ...
Kurt Moskjær Andersen
10/07/2017 08:50:42
Last post: 10/07/2017 10:41:23
Different default shipping on 2 different websites
Hi, I have a solution with 2 websites, each having their own ecom shop in the same country. They both have different shipping methods. However I have a problem, the default shipping method is defined on the country, which means that one of my shop ha ...
Gaëtan Di Caro
29/06/2017 09:25:45
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Setting up index with assortments
Hello, I have some issues setting up the index with assortment active as an item should be shown if the item is in a user's assortment or the item is in no assortment at all. But I cannot get this to work. Right now I have a query string like this: + ...
Anders Ebdrup
28/06/2017 00:11:47
Last post: 28/06/2017 16:16:37
Update values for Address Custom Fields
Hi guys, I am trying to use the newly added custom fields for User Addresses. I have succesfully defined them in the backend but it looks like I cannot update them from front-end using the default tags. I am using 9.2.14 Thanks, Adrian ...
Adrian Ursu
26/06/2017 19:55:10
Last post: 27/06/2017 14:28:19