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Possible to lock capture to a certain order status?
My client wants to be able to press the capture button in the order page only when the order has status "shipped". Is this possible? best wishes. ...
Siv Hansen
20/02/2019 11:52:00
Last post: 20/02/2019 16:43:09
Vipps integration?
Is DW planning on implementing a Vipps integration as a payment gateway in DW eCommerce? ...
Siv Hansen
20/02/2019 12:08:03
Last post: 20/02/2019 16:41:21
Calculate loyalty points earnings
Is it possible to calculate the loyalty points earnings? For example "price * 0.2 = loyalty points" instead of having to manually enter points on each item? Thanks for your patience with all my questions Best wishes. ...
Siv Hansen
20/02/2019 12:27:51
Last post: 20/02/2019 16:36:29
Canonical link in meta
Hi Guys, I have this situation: 2 websites on the same solution. One of the websites displays canonical URL correctly in product detail page, the other one does not. For both solutions I am using @GetValue("MetaTags") in the master page for getting t ...
Adrian Ursu
02/03/2016 08:39:08
Last post: 20/02/2019 10:44:42
Show in Product List - How is it working?
Hi guys, I have a bit of confusion about this field that is displayed on the product list. I see that any newly added product, has a value of "False" for Show in Product List. And I don;t see any option to turn that value to True. I initially thought ...
Adrian Ursu
13/02/2019 13:16:20
Last post: 19/02/2019 15:36:21
Quantity Prices
- Hello I am building a intervaled price list table using Product.prices When i have more than one price defined to a same quantity, it is necessary to Filter the loop, to avoid inconsistent data in Output (like in the attached image of test Product ...
Lara Arsénio
15/02/2019 13:12:28
Last post: 19/02/2019 13:17:39
Checkout on specific CartContext
Hi guys, I have a solution where we need to use multiple cart contexts. Adding to each CartContext works correctly. Listing the cart orderlines by CartContext seems to be only available outside of the Cart Module. in a page temp[late or a paragraph T ...
Adrian Ursu
19/02/2019 11:21:55
Last post: 19/02/2019 12:46:34
Exclude usergroups from Assortment
Hi, I have a lot of usergroups for each B2B customer in the shop. Each of these groups have different users assigned. Each group can be assigned to an assortment, with specific products for this specific group, besides the public products. Right now ...
Kurt Moskjær Andersen
18/02/2019 10:00:14
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Inconsistent list of Orders
Hi guys, I am a bit confused by some difference I see in OrderList. In the ecommerce section, if I click on Orders I sometimes get a different list than when I click on the Orders>{ShopName} Is there a reson for that? Is there an additional filter ...
Adrian Ursu
15/02/2019 12:02:44
Last post: 15/02/2019 12:26:38
Automatically create user upon purchase
In a test site a client of mine has access to, a customer is automatically created when they purchase in the shop. I was set to the task of verifying this, but my test site has no buy option, so I cannot test it. I tried to search the documentation, ...
Siv Hansen
15/02/2019 09:45:38
Last post: 15/02/2019 10:39:22
Images sitemap
Hi guys, Some customers are asking for Images sitemap. I know this is debatable but I cannot avoid it for long. Is there any way I can implement this type of sitemap in Rapido 3.0 + DW 9.5? Thank you, Adrian ...
Adrian Ursu
15/01/2019 11:58:34
Last post: 09/02/2019 09:33:14
Impersonation, sorting of user list
My client wants to use the impersonation features in DW. However, they have hundreds of customers, and in the list of customers their sales reps can impersonate, it is displayed in an unsorted list. How do I sort the alphabetically? Kind regards, ...
Siv Hansen
07/02/2019 15:12:47
Last post: 07/02/2019 19:37:53
RMA how -to
in this page,, the RMA is described. It says: RMAs can be created either manually or through the customer center app. To create RMAs manually: Locate the relevant order in your order lis ...
Siv Hansen
07/02/2019 11:25:10
Last post: 07/02/2019 19:28:41
Facet loop not showing dw
Hi Guys, Can I implement Facets in DW version If yes, I have created repository and created Facets at backend but I can't see the FacetGroups loop in frontend, am i missing something? /Adeel ...
Adeel Nasir
17/10/2018 15:02:32
Last post: 06/02/2019 15:55:18
OrderLineService.Create method not available
Hey! I'm trying to create new orderlines based on existing orderlines using the orderline service (essentialy copying orderlines but with new Id's). The OrderLineService.Create() method seems ideal for this, but it seems that I'm not able to use it. ...
Oscar Romin
04/02/2019 11:25:31
Last post: 04/02/2019 15:39:28
Facets with special characters
Hi guys, I know I have a duplicated name on a previous thread but I cannot find a better title. I have a Slovak website where some of the facets are rendered weird. The ProductCategory fields are rendered correctly (for example Pneumatické) but the V ...
Adrian Ursu
01/02/2019 15:48:57
Last post: 04/02/2019 12:58:48
Attachments in order confirmation
I found this, in the multi-step checkout process,, which indicates that one can attach for example a pdf when sending order confirmation to a customer. However, I'm not able to locate the correct location of ...
Siv Hansen
01/02/2019 14:53:25
Last post: 04/02/2019 08:25:44
List of vouchers or discount codes assign to user/customer
Hi guys, What would be the best way to retrieve a list of Voucher codes or discount codes that a specific customer can use? i am guessing based on the discount (or voucher code) being assigned to all users/customers or assigned specifically to this u ...
Adrian Ursu
08/12/2018 13:39:35
Last post: 25/01/2019 11:22:13
Terms and conditon, breaks the user flow
When a customer is in order and payment mode, but would like to review the terms and condition, the shopping basket contains a link to those. However, this opens in the same window, so the user navigates away from the basket. This adds unneccesary fr ...
Siv Hansen
24/01/2019 10:14:03
Last post: 24/01/2019 14:13:18
Check-out process based on device
A customer of mine wants to have different check-out process based on device. They would like the ecom80, single page checkout on mobile and the ecom90 (multiple step checkout) on desktop. Is this possible? ...
Siv Hansen
24/01/2019 10:41:33
Last post: 24/01/2019 14:11:52