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Discounts - Product Quantity
Hi, I'm looking for confirmation on the Product Quantity feature in Discounts. I believe it's by design, but the UI is misleading in my opinion. A customer has selected Product Quantity to be "Any Product" with Quantity = "2". This works well with Or ...
Nuno Aguiar
11/02/2020 13:12:11
Last post: 11/02/2020 15:43:51
most frequently bought items not right?
Hi Dynamicweb, I have a question about the most frequently bought items as it seems to most bought items and not most frequently bought items as it sums the quantity bought and not the number of orderlines with the current product. Is that assumption ...
Anders Ebdrup
07/12/2016 19:34:29
Last post: 10/02/2020 15:27:18
Different Order Prefix for each shop
Dear All, I have 3 ecommerce websites with 3 different shops. May I know how can I configure to have the different order prefix for the orders from each shop? Or may I know is there a workaround regarding this? Thank you! Best Regards, Nyein ...
Aye Nyein Myat
10/02/2020 12:27:54
Last post: 10/02/2020 15:08:23
Default VAT Group multiple countries
In our shop we have the product prices including VAT in our database. We have multiple countries with different standard VAT rates. In the settings we checked 'Prices in the database include VAT' and 'Use VAT group rate as system VAT' and added a VAT ...
John Broers
29/01/2020 13:52:18
Last post: 07/02/2020 16:16:27
Discounts UI changes
Hi, Having worked with Customers that have a LOT of discounts we've come to realize/collect some feedback that might be helpful. Most importantly relates to having a cleaner UI to help visualize all of the "active" conditions without having to scroll ...
Nuno Aguiar
06/02/2020 14:00:40
Last post: 06/02/2020 15:01:18
Delete quotes on frontend
Hi, Is it possible to delete quotes not yes accepted from the CustomerCenter on frontend? I cannot find any template tags, so guess it's not possible? I'm using DW 9.7.2 with Rapido 3.1 -- Best regards Kurt Moskjaer Andersen ...
Kurt Moskjær Andersen
05/02/2020 17:40:15
Last post: 06/02/2020 08:45:53
Indexsering af produkt kategori felter
Hej DW, På Diesellas DW 9.7.2 løsingen er vi kommet ind i et problem med, at få indexseret reference produkt kategori felter. Problemet består i, at data til de forskellige produkt kategori felter er indekseret pr. produkt kategori selvom, at vi brug ...
Cecilia Sørensen Vejle
04/02/2020 08:44:24
Last post: 05/02/2020 14:21:35
Decimals in discount percentage
Hi guys, I have noticed that the discount input in Disocunt settings does not allow for decimals but just integers. I have a situation where the discount needs to be with decimals because it is applied to the value with VAT and I don't seem to be abl ...
Adrian Ursu
13/11/2019 11:33:41
Last post: 05/02/2020 12:57:06
Shipping methods not returned when there are no regions in DW
Hi there, We have a customer that ships worldwide, and as you would guess we don't know all country regions in the world. Currently in the checkout process, shipping methods are returned when they match order's country and region. Would make sense to ...
Mario Santos
11/12/2019 19:47:27
Last post: 05/02/2020 12:48:45
Tax Provider Errors not being cleaned up
Hi, We are experiencing an odd scenario with taxes. It seems that the TaxProviderErrors loop is populated based on the default country but when user changes the order countries that collection is not cleaned up causing the user unable to place the or ...
Mario Santos
02/12/2019 16:50:48
Last post: 04/02/2020 14:55:17
NotificationSubscriber on quote
Hi, Are there any specific NotificationSubscribers to subscribe to, when a quote is submitted? Is it just CheckoutDoneOrderIsComplete like a normal order? -- Best regards Kurt Moskjaer Andersen ...
Kurt Moskjær Andersen
03/02/2020 10:57:10
No replies yet
Sorting by discounted prices
Hi, So using the Repositories / Indexes I've querying products for at specific group that I want to sort by price (Asc/Desc) and show them in the frontend. That works fine until there are some of these products that are discounted. It seems like it i ...
Lars Pham
29/01/2020 16:14:45
Last post: 30/01/2020 10:49:10
Product discount
In order/discount you can create product discounts (10% on all products with a spesific voucher code). When the cart is displayed, the discount from all products in the basked is summarized. Is there a setting to configure that discount is displayed ...
Siv-Renate Hansen
29/01/2020 14:47:51
Last post: 29/01/2020 14:59:50
Shop field in the product detail page
Dear Sir, May I know how the shop field works on the product page? I found the definition from the document site. But, not clearly understand. I will be appreciated if you can explain more details. Thanks. Thanks Phu ...
Thet Nong Phu
24/01/2020 05:12:22
Last post: 24/01/2020 09:22:20
GLS and Consignor
Hi, Our customer are using Consignor with their Navision ERP-system. At the same time, they would like to use the build-in GLS-module to select nearest parcel-shop. As I understand it, it's either the one or the other, as the DW GLS-module automatica ...
Kurt Moskjær Andersen
22/01/2020 09:02:00
Last post: 24/01/2020 09:13:20
Error with Discount when Editing Ecom Group
Hi, I am getting a server error editing ecom groups associated with Discounts. This started happening after a recent upgrade to 9.7 (currently in 9.7.5) I tried looking at the source code of the EcomGroupEdit.aspx file but there are 2 GetType methods ...
Nuno Aguiar
21/01/2020 13:16:28
Last post: 22/01/2020 14:53:06
Output ProductCategories via API
Hi. We're trying to use product categories via the API inside the checkout. We try to use Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Services.ProductCategories, but whenever we get to the Fields collection, it tells us that it is obsolete (or deprecated if we try with a s ...
Mikkel Belchuke
21/01/2020 09:13:06
Last post: 22/01/2020 07:39:39
Different products in same group in different languages
Hi We have a customer who want to have product A and product B in the same group. Product A should only be visible when browsing the group in Danish and product B only when browsing the group in Swedish. How can this be accomplished? Is it a custom s ...
Lars Larsen
27/11/2019 10:02:54
Last post: 20/01/2020 14:35:21
Bug in Order view
Hi there Our customer is having problem viewing order details on their laptop. See attached photo. It doesnt matter if they minify the left menu, it still doesnt show product number. Is this something that can be fixed? They have to be able to work " ...
Asdis Gudmundsdottir
17/01/2020 13:06:50
Last post: 20/01/2020 09:01:49
Show BOM products on product detail
Hi, I have a solution where I don't want to show BOM products in the producstlist. I only want to show them on product detail. So I have product A which is just a good old regular product. I go to the page that shows product A. Product A is also, tog ...
René Poulsen
15/01/2020 12:32:45
Last post: 16/01/2020 13:43:27