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RE: Standard stock status
Hi there. Is there a way to configure a standard stock status (global) for a shop's products? Right now the products (sample data products) are set to none (igen). There is one stock status in Management center > ECommerce > Orders > Stock s ...
Victor Jonsson
16/09/2013 11:16:07
Last post: 17/09/2013 21:45:03
New prices if logged in
Hi people Is it possible to set two different prices on a product? One price for customers who are not logged in and another price for customers who are logged in? For instance:
Product 1.
Normal price: 120 DKK.
Logged in price: 85 DKK I need to be a ...
Rune Skovbo
07/08/2013 10:38:44
Last post: 17/09/2013 21:27:19
CART to ORDER log connection
Hi, Trying to determine what happens to a given order (live solution) I cannot understand which CartId became a specific OrderId. Is this information lost? I have an order with no data about the user (except for the user ID fortunatly), but the user ...
Nuno Aguiar
16/09/2013 13:39:37
Last post: 16/09/2013 16:02:15
voucher status
Hi DWs When using the new voucher module for DW8, the client has created a voucher and assigned a discount of 500 DKK. when the end user has used the voucher for a product which costs 100 DKK, the end user is presented with an order which says: 1 Pro ...
Peter Bille Larsen
15/08/2013 11:19:28
Last post: 12/09/2013 09:38:00
Default stock states has resurfaced
Hi guys I've just updated a shop to version and then something strange happened. All the products suddenly had new stock states. I looked in Management Center --> eCommerce --> Orders --> Stock state. Here I found that three new stoc ...
Jesper Holm Damgaard
10/09/2013 15:34:50
Last post: 11/09/2013 13:07:42
Sort productlist by customfield from querystring
With version 8.3 it is possible to sort a productlist on customfields in the paragraphsettings of a cart module. That's great. But I want to sort a productlist dynamically by adding the sortfield and sortdirection to the querystring on a productl ...
Lars Larsen
29/08/2013 10:28:28
Last post: 06/09/2013 14:57:29
Kim Søjborg Pedersen
02/09/2013 16:41:56
Last post: 04/09/2013 23:48:48
Custom product fields
Hi everybody,
I would know how to delete a custom 'product fields' that I have created. I have deleted it in the Management Center but it is still in the product details. Thank you. ...
Giuseppina Giunta
29/08/2013 10:57:03
Last post: 04/09/2013 23:38:27
frontend navigation sorting is different from backend sorting
The sorting in my frontend navigation is different then the sorting from the ecom backend
I have checked a fresh xml from savexml=true and the database directly and they dont match..
See navigation settings in the attachments.
Runing dw ...
Kim Søjborg Pedersen
04/09/2013 13:59:18
Last post: 04/09/2013 23:19:10
Smart Search duplicate products
I've created a smart search to find all products with a custom checkbox set to true (New product - yes/no).
It finds 42 products (so it says in the backend "site tree" on the left). When I then click the smart search in backend, it chan ...
Jacob Storgaard Jensen
25/06/2013 23:20:19
Last post: 23/08/2013 12:03:21
Group extended variants in rss
Hello! How do I get the extended variants grouped when displaying e.g. products by the "smart search" in a rss feed? Right now the same product is displayed multiple times for each variant which is not desirable. Best regards, Anders ...
Anders Ebdrup
22/08/2013 09:59:07
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Check Stock Before Order
Hi People, I have a problem with stock... For example: I have one product with 10 units..
I have two people in the same time trying buy 10 units... The guy what have made the order before, get the product... but the second should not buy if I have ze ...
George Nelzo Pereira
19/08/2013 22:23:00
Last post: 21/08/2013 12:38:49
Cart and Browser Back Button
Hi, We are having a problem with some clients, gateways and orders. I know this is an old issue, but someone might hold the answer. Has anyone came accross this issue? A user builds a cart and proceeds to the payment gateway The user get's redirected ...
Nuno Aguiar
09/08/2013 16:55:07
Last post: 12/08/2013 21:30:21
Product loop from product group loop
Hi people Hope you can help me with this. I need to make a design that looks like this:
Product Group --- Product subgroup --- Subgroup + Products
And this on 1 page with horizontal scrolling. All is working fine until i need to output the products.
Rune Skovbo
09/08/2013 08:53:59
Last post: 12/08/2013 14:27:58
Very slow responds when showing productlists
I got a xslt productlist template, which handles both grouplisting and productlisting. Theres two different grouplisting templates, parent group listing and child group listing. The reason why i made it all in 1 template, is because of the variu ...
Kasper Jensen
31/01/2013 14:21:35
Last post: 12/08/2013 12:56:24
StackOverflowException in ProductTemplateExtender using API Functions
Hi Recently we have upgraded our project to version
Running it on a testenvironment caused no problems, running it on a live environment caused the IIS to drop en restart after the application after a couple of minutes each time. Now I'm run ...
Martijn Bokhove
31/07/2013 15:22:05
Last post: 01/08/2013 11:55:34
Create Order to Another User
Hi people,
I need create one order to another user...
Like... I'm a salesperson and I work behind phone, then one user can call me to buy something... I will make my login (salesperson) but I need create this order for that especific user (userXPTO). ...
George Nelzo Pereira
28/02/2013 16:58:51
Last post: 31/07/2013 20:16:36
Integration with GLS (shipping)
In 8.2 release notes it says that a GLS shipping provider has been implemented.
It says: "A GLS shipping provider has been added that allows you to choose a packetshop for delivery during checkout and create shipping documents from backend (requ ...
Peter Bille Larsen
31/07/2013 09:05:11
No replies yet
Product with special packing, question
Hi everyone,
Not sure how should I approach this but hopefully we can solve it easy :)
I have a product that I need to add to cart, each product can have 3 types of packing that must influence the price. 1) no packing - normal price
2) packing - norm ...
Dmitrij Jazel
02/07/2013 10:27:02
Last post: 26/07/2013 11:15:55
Hi, We're trying to use the new Dibs payment window, but the return url keeps failing.
If using the old Dibs payment window, the return url works just fine. Are the new Dibs payment window supported in Dynamicweb? The return url I'm getting from the ...
Martin Gammelholm
15/05/2013 15:31:44
Last post: 26/07/2013 10:57:32