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Forum » Ecommerce - Standard features
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Total amount of products in a context cart
Hallo, I have a question. I'm using a context cart in my project. To get the total amount of products in the cart, I use: "Ecom:Order.OrderLines.TotalProductQuantity". This works fine in the checkout page(s) of the Cart V2 module. The problem is that ...
Harald Brouwers
08/12/2015 19:16:38
Last post: 09/12/2015 15:15:24
Price range facet
Hi, Using a price range facet we noticed that we don't get the lowest and maximum for the unfiltered set, making it impossible to use something like this How can we get those values? Best Regards, Nuno Aguiar ...
Nuno Aguiar
02/12/2015 13:12:41
Last post: 02/12/2015 14:59:17
Order discount in one step checkout
We have a customer with the old solutionset. We use the one step checkout template. I'm trying to use the vouchercode field for a order discount. The discount works if the order gets submitted. The problem is that I would like to have a button to add ...
Aki Ruuskanen
30/11/2015 16:01:05
Last post: 30/11/2015 16:26:32
VAT in EU - B2B (whitout) vs B2C (with)
We need to setup Dynamicweb to comply with the VAT regulation in EU Denmark - Webshop allways show and charge VAT to both B2C and B2B customers EU B2C customers - Webshop show and charge VAT to B2C customers in EU B2B customers - Webshop does not sho ...
Michael Fløe Haug
02/11/2015 14:26:55
Last post: 30/11/2015 12:14:50
Standard Customer Group and Custom static product
Hi I have one questions that I can not seem to find any answers on. 1. Is it possible to have a static product in the basket without the customer having to put it there. ...
Tom-Erik Paulsen
27/11/2015 13:22:07
Last post: 30/11/2015 11:28:53
Discount - Order field value
Hi, anybody have one idea how to check (in the cart) if the value in "Order field discount" is correct (im mean is the same to get discount) I'm using this to have one unique code like a Voucher to use for more people to give the same discount. We wa ...
George Nelzo Pereira
01/10/2015 15:47:34
Last post: 27/11/2015 09:10:50
Where to do some orderline recalc?
Hi folks, I have the following scenerio I need to get working with DW and I'm struggling: Ecom product is of type ProductType.BOM The price needs to be calculated as following: Ecom product price * User defined quantity + sum of (bomitem user defined ...
Peter Leleulya
25/11/2015 11:53:51
Last post: 25/11/2015 22:34:42
eCommerce search suggests inactive products
Hi, We have a client using the old index and running When we search for a product that is no longer active, it triggers the No Products found template, which is correct. The problem is that the suggestion the module provides is for another i ...
Nuno Aguiar
25/11/2015 13:14:36
Last post: 25/11/2015 16:29:47
Copy-paste teasertext / description to the variants
Hi all, We have an eCom solution with a lot of products with variants. The different variants have to have the same description without the admin having to copy-paste the teasertext / descriptions from the main-product to all the variants. How can we ...
Sonni Tost
13/11/2015 09:34:00
Last post: 25/11/2015 10:53:11
Send emails as plain-text
Hi, Is it possible to send out emails, order confirmations to be excact, with an option for the customer to view the email as plain text ? It should, preferably, be send out with the original design and content formatting if possible. This is why i n ...
Nicolaj Nyvang
24/11/2015 13:56:54
Last post: 24/11/2015 16:05:17
Resize image to fit an area
Hello guys, I was wondering if there is any way ot use the GetImage processor to resize an image to a specific size but fill out and center the image if the image has a different aspect ratio. To be exact, if I have an image of 800x300 pixels, and I  ...
Adrian Ursu
27/08/2015 18:09:57
Last post: 20/11/2015 15:21:09
Duplicate Friendly URL for products in separate shops
Hi Guys, I have a serius problem in one of our setups. I have a solution with 2 separate areas and 2 separate shops. Each area has its own domain. Each area has its own shop. Each shop has it's own products. Different productID's and different Produc ...
Adrian Ursu
19/11/2015 15:34:56
Last post: 20/11/2015 09:50:24
Variants not deleted
Hi, I have an issue with a client. Their steps are: Copy a similar product Edit the product information Go to Variants and add the Size variant group (already had Color variant group) Set the variants Rebuild the index (old index engine) Result: Afte ...
Nuno Aguiar
10/11/2015 11:58:31
Last post: 19/11/2015 16:50:43
Product list - group by
Hi, I've touched base on this subject in the past, but need an update. The issue is displaying a product list grouped by a variant group, for example; List all shoes and colors, but not sizes, where colors and sizes are 2 variant groups. In the past  ...
Nuno Aguiar
05/08/2015 13:39:29
Last post: 18/11/2015 11:14:09
Instant search with (new) index
Hi there, I'm migrating a project from old search index to new index method. The website search input field is extended with the instantsearch/suggestion as described in ...
Peter Leleulya
18/11/2015 09:52:47
Last post: 18/11/2015 10:39:07
Searching / Indexing frozen
Searching / Indexing frozen. Hi, Someone have any idea why I'm having the Indexing frozen sometimes? The indexing is scheduled to work every day after the integration, but, sometimes I see in management center they are frozen. I'm using ...
George Nelzo Pereira
16/11/2015 16:47:31
Last post: 17/11/2015 14:18:45
Sort productlist by customfield in product catalog
I have a solution running on DW version 1. Is it possible to sort the products in the productlist by a customfield ? - I have created a customfield "ProductCustomStartDate" Type: DateTime, that I would like to sort my product list  ...
Finn Frost
23/09/2013 11:42:32
Last post: 12/11/2015 15:13:08
Retrieve Card Number Last Digits
Hi, Is it possible to retrieve the last 4 credit card digits in the order receipt template when using DIBS Payment Window? Regards / Aki ...
Aki Ruuskanen
05/11/2015 15:58:30
Last post: 05/11/2015 16:33:38
epay - CheckoutDoneOrderIsComplete event not fired
As the subject say, it seems like the CheckoutDoneOrderIsComplete event is not fired when using the "epay - payment window" checkouthandler. Looking at the log we do get the callback from epay, containing the transactionnumber, so that is fine, and t ...
Kenneth Radoor
09/10/2015 12:34:46
Last post: 29/10/2015 15:09:10
Groupping field range
Hi, On the Repository I have created a groupping field for range based on the source set as coustom field and the ranges are from 1-50 , 50-100 etc. but apparently it puts all the products in 1-50 range? how can i fix this? Best Regards ...
Umar Farooq
29/10/2015 13:20:31
Last post: 29/10/2015 15:02:27