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Forum » Ecommerce - Standard features
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Variants data seem to get corrupted
Variants-data seems to get corrupted although data has never been saved A product has several variants (afmetingen tafelbladen). Within the product overview, the variants can be shown by clicking the '+' which unfolds the variants. On the product det ...
Ton Martens
12/03/2015 15:41:42
Last post: 13/03/2015 17:35:55
GetLoop("Details") returns one empty node if the list is empty
Hi Guys, It looks like after ugrading to (have not noticed this before the upgrade but this does not mean it was not there) the GetLoop("Details") returns one empty node. Meaning that @foreach (LoopItem i in GetLoop("Details")){ @ i.GetStrin ...
Adrian Ursu
04/03/2015 15:06:35
Last post: 26/05/2015 03:11:41
PriceProvider and Search
Hi all, I'm working on a fix which needs a custom priceprovider. This priceprovider checks a custom productfield and changes the price according to the value of the field. Everything works (that is: in lists I get the expected value for different pro ...
Tom Kamphuis
04/03/2015 10:39:01
Last post: 22/04/2015 08:00:59
Variant sort order with Filters
Hi, We have a list of products (from a smart search after filtering), but when we list it, choosing Variant Visibility : Visible, the variants are not sorted accuratly. We managed to reorder in Razor, but that only works for the products/variants in  ...
Nuno Aguiar
03/03/2015 16:56:54
Last post: 13/03/2015 19:06:11
Orderline price without fees, discount or taxed
Hi, How can we get the orderline price without discount, shipping/billing fees, vat or tax? Right now the only way we can think of is: double num_subtotal = GetDouble("Ecom:Order.PriceWithoutDiscountsOrTaxes.Price") - GetDouble("Ecom:Order.ShippingFe ...
Nuno Aguiar
02/03/2015 19:21:28
Last post: 09/03/2015 18:53:38
Only show products that are in stock
Hi In Management Center -> eCommerce -> Advanced Configuration -> General there is an option "Only show products that are in stock". If I tick it, the products with zero stock still show up in the frontend. Does anybody know if I need to che ...
Thomas Schroll
25/02/2015 19:39:36
Last post: 03/03/2015 08:42:44
DiscountID in orderline
Hi, We need to assign an image to a discount orderline. We created an item list (website) so the user could assign an image to a discount. So far so good and we did that with Sales Discount for a client, but there are 2 problems: We don't get a tag w ...
Nuno Aguiar
24/02/2015 12:46:57
Last post: 05/05/2015 15:45:18
Alternative prod price with certain collected product amout
Hi I know its possible to set an alternative product price on single products when the cart amount of that product exceeds a certain amount. Is it possible to set alternative prices on all products and when the cart amount collected of different prod ...
Peter Klünder
24/02/2015 10:09:04
Last post: 24/02/2015 14:05:05
Can't get GeoLocation in the Dynamicweb Maps module
I have som troubles updating and retriving the Geolocation number for some of my users in the Dynamicweb Maps module. I've tried to update the missing user though Management Center > Control Panel -> Modules > Maps , and i only get a lot of  ...
Lars Mathiesen
23/02/2015 08:55:04
Last post: 23/02/2015 14:12:48
Discount matrix vs. Sales discount
In a new custom solution I need the possibility to do the following things. Create custom discount providers Show the discount orderline(s), connected to the product orderline Show a products relation to different discounts on the product detail page ...
Thomas Larsen
19/02/2015 16:44:14
Last post: 06/07/2016 12:15:46
Order discounts and shipping fee
Hi there, I set up an order discount (Order Discount (Inclusive) with a value of 10%. When the discount is added to the cart, it also gives discount over the shipping fee. So I have something like this: Product 34,95 Shipping 5.99 Discount 4.094 (10% ...
Imar Spaanjaars
17/02/2015 14:45:11
Last post: 18/02/2015 16:24:02 Internal Server Error 500 product field Radiobutton List
Getting 500 Internal Server Error on 8.6.0,1 and when trying to add new option in product field Radiobutton List (see attachment) ...
Kim Søjborg Pedersen
17/02/2015 13:08:06
Last post: 17/02/2015 13:38:44
Ecom search escape char
Hi, How can we escape characters from the lucene search. We have a client that want to search for "m-lok", but due to the '-' char. We applied the workaround of replacing '-' with a '+' but I want to know how/what else chart to escape/workaround. Bes ...
Nuno Aguiar
12/02/2015 15:18:15
Last post: 04/03/2015 14:36:48
RenderNavigation not showing eCommerce
Hi, I'm running on 8.4, and I get can't get any eCommerce pages out in my savexml=true document. - What am I doing wrong, or what am I missing? This is my renderer: @RenderNavigation(new { template = "breadcrumb.xslt", expandmode = "all", id = "bread ...
Daniel Williams
11/02/2015 11:28:51
Last post: 24/06/2015 07:55:37
Sitemapmode lose ecom menu
Hi guys, When applying sitemapmode:True at dwnavigation i lose the ecom menu. Is this a bug or i'm missing something? PS: I have the groups with "Show on sitemap" and their appear on my menu without sitemapmode. Best regards, António Ramos ...
António Ramos
05/02/2015 18:56:12
Last post: 11/02/2015 15:07:50
Address Validation
HI, How does the address Validation work? We have a user that uses Avalara (Tax provider) and works OK We try to use the same credentials for the Address Validation with no sucess The address validation was expected to work as soon as the address is  ...
Nuno Aguiar
05/02/2015 18:20:52
Last post: 19/02/2015 10:53:27
CountryText at getCountries
Hi guys, I just added several new countries via "Internationalization -> Countries -> New Country -> Add all", but when i access via API to the country name it returns blank. When i access via backoffice to that respective country, the field ...
António Ramos
02/02/2015 12:54:52
Last post: 03/02/2015 03:41:40
Upload files when creating a new RMA request from the Client Center
Hi there, Can a user upload files in the Customer Center when creating a new RMA request? If so, what are the tags or control names I need to use? The manual comes up blank on this so I don't know where to start. Imar ...
Imar Spaanjaars
27/01/2015 14:40:55
Last post: 03/04/2015 22:44:47
What's the RMA event for an e-mail after a customer has submitted an RMA
Hi there, I would like to be notified when a customer submits a new RMA through the Management Center. I set up a notifiction for RMA Created but that doesn't send me an e-mail. Other events seem to work fine. Is this the correct event to subscribe t ...
Imar Spaanjaars
26/01/2015 15:37:44
Last post: 26/01/2015 22:32:03
Ecommerce - URL/Link to product edit page in DW Administration?
Feature reqeust Hi fellow DW Partners / DW. Since we started doing more and more dataintegration with/for our customers, it come to our attention that the below described feature could be nice for us(our customers) to have: A direct link to product e ...
Finn Frost
26/01/2015 15:08:58
Last post: 26/01/2015 15:35:12