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Voucher Code duplicated
Hi Guys, In the project that I'm working now when an user applies a voucher code the discount is correctly applied but in the backoffice we are getting two orderlines for the same discount. I've attached two images where we can see the this problem. ...
09/08/2016 13:29:43
Last post: 12/08/2016 16:34:30
RE: Loyalty Points Calculation
Hi guys, As I can see the loyalty points calculation is based on the sum of the Order Lines. In the project where we are using this if a user uses a discount in an Order he will receive the points based on the price without discount. You can check th ...
26/07/2016 19:17:07
Last post: 27/07/2016 09:01:48
Printable order confirmation
Hi, In Ecommerce there is an option to print your order confirmation. You can design the template to get a nice order confimation for the customer. Is it possible to automatically sent this printable order confirmation to the one person in de stockro ...
Mannon Wekking
21/07/2016 14:59:49
Last post: 08/08/2016 21:05:47
Sorting by name using the new index
Hi guys, I have this site where I am using the new index together with the ProductCatalog module. It looks like the sorting by titel only works ascending and not descending. The version we are using is Here is the URL we are using: /image-cat ...
Adrian Ursu
19/07/2016 14:33:53
Last post: 08/08/2016 23:05:54
Deploy Ecommerce configurations to production environment
Hi, we have two DW environments (development and production). We are now working on the Ecommerce part of the website in our development environment.
Is there an easy way to deploy all Ecommerce configurations to the production environment, so we don ...
Tymen NNM
19/07/2016 11:31:13
Last post: 21/07/2016 10:23:56
Aggregated discount
Hi guys, I am using the option to apply always the Highest discount available if there are several discounts overlapping. The rules applies successfully to most of the discount types but it's not applying correctly for the "Product price-field discou ...
Adrian Ursu
18/07/2016 15:36:57
Last post: 12/08/2016 17:04:37
Reserved quantity when added to cart
Hi Guys, I am using the reserved quantity functionality when a user adds something to cart. The version I am using is I have found something strange and I want to check if somebody else found somthing similar. If you have an initial stock va ...
Adrian Ursu
18/07/2016 13:17:00
Last post: 09/08/2016 10:19:31
Exception in Charge Logic checkout handler
Hi there, We're seeing a .NET exception when we use charge logic for checkout. The error comes from GetPostedInfo in CheckoutHandler.vb: Protected Overridable Function GetPostedInfo(ByVal order As Order) As String Dim formXML As New Xml.XmlDocument() ...
Imar Spaanjaars
14/07/2016 14:08:41
Last post: 02/11/2016 14:07:44
Several Ecom modules at same page
Hi a) We have a template where as a part of the main navigation we are outputting Ecom Groups and Subgroups.. and when mouseovering a Subgroup in this navigation we AJAX load Products from the mouseovered Subgroup and show the Products as a part of t ...
Bo Dudek
11/07/2016 13:06:42
Last post: 13/07/2016 13:06:05
Order field of type date time injects calendar JavaScript
Hi there, In my cart pages I see the following: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/Admin/Public/DateSelector/calendar-skin.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="/Admin/Public/DateSelector/calendar.js"></script>
< ...
Imar Spaanjaars
05/07/2016 10:28:53
Last post: 07/07/2016 15:59:33
BOM Items quantity
Hi Guys, I am trying to display a list of parts in a PartsList product (BOM). The BOMProducts loop displays ok the details about the products but I could not find a way to access the quantity set on the configuration. Can anybody help? Thanks, Adrian ...
Adrian Ursu
30/06/2016 14:45:31
Last post: 30/06/2016 14:57:28
Is an index update required for stock?
Hi there, I have a batch job that imports stock on a regular basis. The only field that is updated is ProductStock. Do I need to run an index update (we're using the old index) for these changes to apply somewhere? Or is stock always pulled live from ...
Imar Spaanjaars
30/06/2016 10:44:12
Last post: 30/06/2016 15:34:24
RE: VariantCombinations Orderby in foreach
Hello, I have a loop: @foreach (var item in GetLoop("VariantCombinations")) { } In this loop, I would like to order the items by Ecom:VariantCombination.VariantText. Can't seem to find anything useful in the documentation on OrderBy?(e.g OrderBy(x =& ...
Michael John
24/06/2016 11:35:00
Last post: 24/06/2016 12:17:12
Customfields disappear when searched
On the canadian site when you search we have a multisearch which searches Products, Supportmaterials, news &events content. On the Supportmaterials tab we lose custom fields when searched. If you remove the "?q=vetoryl" part, you get "Login to do ...
Michael Vedstesen
22/06/2016 08:14:44
Last post: 22/06/2016 10:50:13
Newsletter signup and Create user during checkout
Hi can I have a cart v2 paragraph setup with a checked "Use email subscription" and an unselected "Create user during checkout", and if so, where do the user and the newsletter information go? I don't like to create a user doing checkout, because the ...
Kim Søjborg Pedersen
21/06/2016 16:18:44
Last post: 22/06/2016 11:53:32
Different reserving time in carts
Hi, If I have one dynamicweb solution with different shopping carts. I want that one of the shopping carts with it's products wil be reserved for one day. That is how it is set now. For the other shopping cart I want to set te minutes that the produc ...
Mannon Wekking
21/06/2016 12:44:53
Last post: 22/06/2016 12:01:15
Abandoned Cart - link to cart.
Hi I'm currently in the proccess of setting up the abandoned cart functionality for a customer. It sends the emails just fine and they look great, but I'm missing the link in the email to go directly to the cart WITH the context rendered in the email ...
Simon Nordahl
21/06/2016 10:28:20
Last post: 04/10/2017 13:34:05
Clear cart when browser is cleared
Hi there, I have a solution where "Days the cart is saved" is set to 0. Yet when I log in, add items to the cart, close all active browser windows and then log in again, I still see my old cart. Shoudn't a value of zero prevent the cart from being sa ...
Imar Spaanjaars
17/06/2016 14:45:47
Last post: 23/06/2016 21:12:43
Releasing stock on order delete
Hi there, Is there a way to release stock on an order that is set to Delete (i.e. a soft delete, not actually deleting the order) through standard functionality or the APII maybe? Thanks, Imar ...
Imar Spaanjaars
16/06/2016 15:56:18
Last post: 17/06/2016 15:36:44
Chargelogic gateway bug change cart to order without finishing
Hi guys, We noticed a strange situation when we go to render the gateway template, the gateway change the ecom from cart to order. I setup a local solution with all recent DW Templates and database and i reproduce the issue. Please see the screencast ...
António Ramos
15/06/2016 12:31:07
Last post: 22/06/2016 11:08:11