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Forum » Ecommerce - Standard features
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Address Validation during checkout
Hi Guys, Is there any way to decide if I want to use Address Validation (Smarty Street, Avalara or any other method) by a setting on the Cart module (assuming I have multiple checkout flows on the same solution) or some setting on the user or directl ...
Adrian Ursu
21/11/2016 16:23:55
Last post: 24/11/2016 13:42:01
Add a Payment step in the checkout process without converting the cart to order
Hi Guys, I am trying to setup a checkout process allowing for a Payment step without converting the cart to order. I am using Ebiz Charge (not sure if it's relevant) and right now, the Payment step is actually in the Checkout step, meaning the cart h ...
Adrian Ursu
21/11/2016 10:58:58
Last post: 21/11/2016 14:48:41
Add to cart even though stock level = 0
Hi Does anyone know what to do when you cannot add a product to cart with stock level 0? We are building a new solution for a customer and on the their old site this was possible. ...
Bjarne Rosendal
14/11/2016 15:14:25
Last post: 15/11/2016 10:26:34
Cybersource embedded mode
Hi, We are using the Window Mode set to "Embedded" on Cybersource payment method. When using a new card (saving it or not at DW) it's works fine, but when we try to pay with a saved card we are always redirected to Cybersource. Is this the correct be ...
Mario Santos
03/11/2016 17:02:39
Last post: 17/11/2016 02:33:02
productlist sort by sorting
Hi Is it not possible to show a productlist in front end sorted by sorting? We have a costumer who would like to be able to decide the order/sorting of the products shown i productlist. The most obvious way for me would be to set the product catalogu ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
02/11/2016 03:19:12
Last post: 02/11/2016 09:28:14
Download order as CSV/Excel
Hi Guys, Is there any way to download an order from Customer center as CSV or Excel? Thanks, Adrian ...
Adrian Ursu
01/11/2016 15:47:38
Last post: 07/11/2016 17:31:15
Not enough space to display "Override default parameters" and "Sort By"
Hi there, We have an index repository with lots of filters and sort options. When I add a product catalog to the page, the areas for Override and Sort By overlap. See attached. Is that a bug or am I missing somethign obvious? I tested this on ...
Imar Spaanjaars
01/11/2016 11:17:43
Last post: 06/12/2016 10:41:21
Using the SortBy querystring on a product category field
Hi is it possible to use the sortby querysting on a category field? I can not get it to work but maybe I am doing something wrong... I'm using repositories ...
Kim Søjborg Pedersen
01/11/2016 10:11:39
Last post: 01/11/2016 10:21:06
Hi everyone, We have these product groups: GROUPA GROUPB GROUPC And we have created an assortments where only logged in users have access to these groups and it works fine. but we also have GROUPD which is not related to any assorments but the produc ...
Umar Farooq
26/10/2016 11:37:08
Last post: 28/10/2016 13:57:47
Multiple email address on order not triggered
Hi, Is Ecom supposed to handle multiple email addresses on the same field? Ex: OrderCustomerEmail or OrderDeliveryEmail? I noticed that using Order flow State emails, this is possible, but only for the Billing address email (OrderCustomerEmail), and  ...
Nuno Aguiar
24/10/2016 13:46:49
Last post: 25/10/2016 14:07:43
Recurring Order at checkout
Hi, During the checkout process we're able to set a order to be a recurring order. I've set the recurring options (interval, interval unit, end date, etc...) and updated the cart, checking the database and the order was set as a recurring order succe ...
Mario Santos
19/10/2016 13:11:44
Last post: 12/01/2017 14:06:19
Product link tag with Customized URLs
Hi, I was under the impression that the Ecom:Product.Link tag would be built considering the customized URL settings, meaning, if we had selected "Ecommerce group path (GroupID)", the tag would have "&GroupID=GROUP1" added automatically. Am I wro ...
Nuno Aguiar
18/10/2016 18:59:30
Last post: 25/10/2016 14:16:15
I need Product ID and Product Number should be the same
I have a products catalog uploaded using Data Integration module where all products have the same ID and Number. Sometimes my customer should add manually new products, but adding manually a new product the Product ID and the product Number are not t ...
Giuseppina Giunta
18/10/2016 18:41:31
Last post: 19/10/2016 09:38:20
Different receiptpages and receiptmails, based on type of product sold
Hi We have a client who sells 3 different types of products. And depnding on what type of product a costumer orders, our client wants a solution where a message on the receipt page and in the receipt order, is depended on the product. So product a =  ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
18/10/2016 12:22:46
Last post: 25/10/2016 14:10:25
Not including part lists
Is there a setting to not include Parts Lists items in an order? We use parts lists on some projects for read-only info. It's useful info but we don't want them to be added to the cart. We just want the parent part. I'm hoping that's an easy configur ...
Scott Forsyth
12/10/2016 19:00:24
Last post: 13/10/2016 02:39:38
Get all Products ID's from product list
Hi, I have a product list with 30 pages, is that possible (using the API maybe?) to get all Products ID's of all 30 pages when viewing a single page? I need this to query the database for some values I can't get out of the index or product list, but  ...
Mario Santos
12/10/2016 18:16:43
Last post: 13/10/2016 01:03:41
Filter - First variant in group
Hey DW. I'm using the expression "Color - First variant in group" for listing the product variant colors, but this somehow intervenes with the "Size" filter. Each products have the size M (medium), but I only get one product in my filter result.. The ...
Jakob Westhausen
12/10/2016 11:12:35
Last post: 12/10/2016 14:10:05
Product in multiple groups without assortments?
Is this not possible? ...
Per Søgaard
11/10/2016 17:37:45
Last post: 11/10/2016 17:49:44
Discount Matrix Aggregating when it shouldn't
When creating discount in the matrix we have three options: Order Discount (Inclusive) Order Discount (Exclusive) Orderline Discount (Exclusive) We have multiple Orderline Discounts on products and groups which works fine and if a product has more th ...
Keld Gøtterup
11/10/2016 16:11:45
Last post: 11/10/2016 18:24:12
table indexes to aid with Email Marketing statistics
Are there any recommended indexes that could be added to the Marketing Email tables? We have a client that wants to retain all historical statistics but at this point, trying to view any of them results in a timeout. In the current state, other than  ...
Terri Donahue
07/10/2016 21:04:33
Last post: 11/10/2016 15:01:18