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Forum » Ecommerce - Standard features
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product.GetCategories() does not use LanguageId from product
Hello, We have a solution with multiple languages, defaultlanguage English, and category fields coupled to the products on the productgroups. The categories are only coupled to the default language, since they are the same for all languages. When I r ...
Hans Kloppenborg
11/01/2018 13:41:06
Last post: 11/01/2018 13:57:19
Impersonation rights
Hello, We are working with impersonation and have some issues with the two types of impersontation methods: Replacement of current user: The permissions for current user (say a sales person) to pages and paragraphs are lost and does not have extended ...
Anders Ebdrup
11/01/2018 11:17:59
Last post: 07/11/2018 13:47:11
PartsList stock availability
Hi guys, I am trying to use PartsList for a specific case in one of our projects. My question is related to the availability of the parts list in case one of the parts gets out of stock. How is the availability of the PartsList ProductCalculated? Doe ...
Adrian Ursu
09/01/2018 16:54:59
Last post: 22/02/2021 10:30:10
Image Patterns
Hi, I am trying to configure Image Patterns to work with a hybrid scenario of products with and without variants using the documentation from and I have the following chal ...
Nuno Aguiar
08/01/2018 13:32:53
Last post: 06/06/2018 11:02:27
DW9 Filemanager – start in latest visited folder like in DW8?
Argh! Someone - Please move this to "CMS - Standard features" Hi, I have a client doing a whole lot of image/and file picking via Filemanager fields on Items that I've created. In DW8, when you first had picked one file from a folder, then next time  ...
Jacob Storgaard Jensen
07/01/2018 00:12:37
Last post: 18/01/2018 05:50:47
How to make index query to only fetch products with a discount
Hi, How can I do that? Or even better how to make index query to only fetch products with a specific sales discount.. Like "black friday" or "januar sale" and use that to link to your special offer/discount Regards Kim ...
Kim Søjborg Pedersen
27/12/2017 14:30:07
Last post: 28/12/2017 15:03:30
Duplicate carts in CartsBeforeUserLogin
Hi, We are experiencing a problem when logging in with the following setting (all true): Recalculate a user's cart when the user logs in Keep anonymous cart when user logs in Merge the anonymous cart content with the cart saved on the user when loggi ...
Mikkel Ulstrup
19/12/2017 19:24:01
Last post: 20/12/2017 03:21:18
Hi Guys, I have a project that was upgraded from the version to I had the assortments set up and working in the version and after the upgrade they are not working anymore. In fact they are working in the product list page, b ...
Ricardo Pereira
19/12/2017 12:38:43
Last post: 28/12/2017 16:34:59
Variant simple to extended and paging
Hi, While setting up simple variants into extended variants, I noticed the icon changed accurately, but the data in the column did not until I reloaded the page. As much as that is okay, the paging was wrong. I didn't actually have any pages, but it  ...
Nuno Aguiar
14/12/2017 21:19:00
Last post: 19/12/2017 06:28:45
Add to Cart and setting the EcomCustomerEmail in the Cart
Hi, We noticed that, even being logged in, when we simply add a product to the cart, the EcomCustomer info is not populated until you access a page with the shipping cart module. That means some carts are not picked up by the Abandoned Carts Recipien ...
Nuno Aguiar
12/12/2017 16:17:28
Last post: 12/12/2017 17:49:59
Phonetic search
Our customer would like to start using and working with phonetic search, how do we do this? They found it here as one of the key bullets: /Søren ...
Søren Heide Larsen
11/12/2017 11:25:02
Last post: 11/12/2017 13:59:35
Sales discounts outdated but how to extend?
We have a customer who would like some additional discounts, but do not see a way to extend Order Discounts as you may with Sales Discounts? Any recommendations? /Søren ...
Søren Heide Larsen
07/12/2017 12:55:33
Last post: 11/12/2017 11:59:23
Ecommerce order overview sorting on price issue
Hi, I have an issue on v8.9.2.15 when sorting by price in the Ecommerce order overview. All other fields in the overview are working nicely when sorted. I have 4 currencies and language versions. Are you seeing this issue as well? Best regards, Marti ...
Martin Bakken Rickmann
05/12/2017 10:57:35
Last post: 06/12/2017 08:42:51
Relate orderlines when adding to cart
Hi Guys, I am trying to achieve something similar with PartsLists but without using PartsLists. More exactly, I am trying to connect 2 orderlines by using some hidden fields in the add to cart call. I am planning on using Multi AddToCart. The option  ...
Adrian Ursu
03/12/2017 21:51:27
Last post: 04/12/2017 18:44:23
"Full cart isolation per browser, even for the same user" for specific users?
In DW 9.3, under Settings > Ecommerce > Advanced > Shopping Cart there is an option "Full cart isolation per browser, even for the same user". Is there a way to enable this for specific users? We have a scenario where customer has clients wh ...
Evaldas Raisutis
29/11/2017 08:21:27
No replies yet
Issue with both positive callback and cancel from DIBS FlexWin
Hi, I'm seeing an issue on checkout for two different webshops running in v8.9.2.6 and v8.5.1.19. Both solutions are running with DIBS FlexWin. Issue is new to both of them and I have seen 3 examples of the behaviour in last 6 days. Solutions are run ...
Martin Bakken Rickmann
22/11/2017 10:06:32
Last post: 22/11/2017 15:13:34
Limit discount to maximum the value of the product
Hi Guys, I have a situation where a fixed discount (let's say $10) will result in negative value orderlines for products with price lower than $10. How should I handle this? Is there a setting that can prevent applying a discount with a value higher  ...
Adrian Ursu
21/11/2017 19:30:02
Last post: 28/11/2017 15:53:20
Product Detail Page problem in 9.3.6?
Hi Guys, I just noticed, already at the second solution, some issues with Product Detail Pages in 9.3.6. More precisely, I get a 404 error when trying to access the Product Detail page. Is there something new in 9.3.6 that can render this behavior? S ...
Adrian Ursu
21/11/2017 15:03:14
Last post: 24/11/2017 15:49:50
Image Patterns
Hi, I am trying to use image patterns for the products, but looks like the Advanced configuration settings does not work. I need to set the Shop setting for it. Can you confirm it please? I hardly ever used it, but I seem to be doing everything right ...
Nuno Aguiar
21/11/2017 02:01:48
Last post: 21/11/2017 09:22:30
Generate extended variants on localization of product
Hi Guys, I have a situation where the client has to localize products across different languages. I have defined first the Master Product, I have set which Fields should be dfferent across languages and across Variants, leaving almost everything that ...
Adrian Ursu
19/11/2017 15:34:03
Last post: 19/01/2018 17:08:01