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Duplicated Variant Options ID error
Hi everyone, Could someone help me with this issue, please? I have to create a lot of variants for my products so I imported the variant data with Data Integration jobs into the EcomVariantOption table. The data was smoothly imported. But when I crea ...
Khaing May Thaw
21/10/2020 05:11:09
Last post: 21/10/2020 16:17:21
Separate orders by shop depending on user group
Hi guys, I have a project that is currently implemented as a combined B2B2C shop where B2B users are the ones coming from NAV and the B2C users are the ones registering on the website. The integration flow is now the same for both B2B and B2C orders. ...
Adrian Ursu
17/10/2020 13:52:22
Last post: 19/10/2020 14:49:47
Tracking Number saved to others order when edit and save
There is a bug in Order edit in DW backend where we open Order detail and click track&trace then without doing anything we click next btn to go see other orders. And if clicked save, the order saved will have the tracking No. of the order we last ...
Arker Soe
15/10/2020 05:04:33
Last post: 30/11/2020 10:53:52
Bambora payments in Euro
Hi, according to the documentation, the Bambora payment provider currently only supports payments in USD and CAD. ( We have a customer that would very much like to use Bambo ...
Martin Christensen
12/10/2020 16:19:55
Last post: 14/10/2020 11:00:54
Expandmode = Pathonly is still working?
Hi guys, I am trying to render a navigation containing subgroups of the current Group. I am using this approach: var navigationMarkup = RenderNavigation(new { id = "leftnav", cssclass = "dwnavigation", startLevel = 1, endlevel = 5, template = "LeftNa ...
Adrian Ursu
12/10/2020 13:27:26
Last post: 19/10/2020 17:05:44
Shipping/Payment moves to first step in cart on selection
When a customer changes/selects a shipping/payment option, the cart redirects to the first step. Is there a reason for this? It affects retention rate if the user get all the way to payment and then has to navigate through the cart steps again to get ...
Andrew Rushworth
12/10/2020 10:29:56
Last post: 16/10/2020 07:46:58
Configuration of Synonim search
Hi guys, I am trying to set up a Synonym search on a project. I have followed the steps described here: But I cannot make it work. I am thinking maybe there is something wrong with t ...
Adrian Ursu
06/10/2020 16:25:29
Last post: 21/10/2020 18:59:11
Render ecom quantity prices when using LiveIntegration
Hi guys, I have a solution running DW 9.9.2 and Live Integration V2 with NAV 2018. In this solution, I have products that are supposed to have Quantity prices. I have tested the Request and response and it seems that we are getting the EcomPrices nod ...
Adrian Ursu
04/10/2020 16:58:57
Last post: 07/10/2020 21:51:20
Reorder notification subscriber
Hi Dynamicweb, Is it somehow possible to capture the event that happens when we use the Reorder functionality from "My orders" list? We want to be able to show the user which products that have not been added to the basket because they are not in sto ...
Niels Foldager
03/10/2020 18:29:15
Last post: 06/10/2020 12:03:00
Related Product is not preperly working
Hi everyone, On the website with application 9.9.1, there is a problem with the Related product section I had set up one product in the Related product setting. But other products are showing in the Related product carousel on the frontend. Could som ...
Khaing May Thaw
01/10/2020 14:59:51
Last post: 08/10/2020 12:33:40
eCom:Related.CustomersWhoSawThisAlsoSaw does not work on shopping cart (DW 8)
Hi We are trying to display products in the shopping cart using this loop but it's not rendering anything. Our steps was to (see screen dumps): - Define the Number of views needed to appear on Customer who saw also list - Create a scheduled task for ...
Fabio Monte
30/09/2020 18:19:40
Last post: 01/10/2020 15:56:07
Minify HTML Setting
The "minify HTML" setting in DW is breaking the code. I've noticed a number of places in the Rapido template code where line terminations in the js are not present. There are also comments in the code "//". This minify HTML settings claim to fame is ...
Andrew Rushworth
30/09/2020 15:36:53
Last post: 10/08/2021 15:29:40
Add fee if order is smaller than X
Hi guys, I have a situation where I need to add a fee if the order amount is below a threshold. What would be the best way of handling this? I have tried with a negative value of discount but it is not saved. Should I create a custom Tax Provider? Th ...
Adrian Ursu
28/09/2020 15:24:06
Last post: 28/09/2020 16:29:36
Assortments and products in sitemap
Hi, I have a question regarding showing products in the sitemap. I have a shop with assortments in frontend activated and one active assortment. Furthermore, Include products are checked in the Product catalogue navigation settings and I can see prod ...
Vincent Gercke Pedersen
28/09/2020 13:02:01
Last post: 28/10/2020 13:07:55
Broken variants, object reference not set error.
When creating a variant of a project I'm suddenly getting a 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.' error. Full error: [NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.] Dynamicweb.Caching.DictionaryCache` ...
Ambert van Unen
16/09/2020 13:17:37
Last post: 16/09/2020 14:38:57
GlobalSettings CalcProductCountForGroup element not renaming itself
Hola amigos, I noticed when upgrading some clients from sub 9.7 versions to 9.8.10 that the GlobalSettings element /Globalsettings/Ecom/Navigation/CalcProductCount doesn't get renamed to it's newer version /Globalsettings/Ecom/Navigation/CalculatePro ...
Arnór Halldórsson
14/09/2020 18:44:47
Last post: 15/09/2020 16:47:04
Get number of units already in cart for this product
Hi guys, For a B2B scenario, I need to display in the product list, the number of units already in the Cart for each product in the list. Is there any tag already rendering this info on the Product List? I see there is one rendering if the product is ...
Adrian Ursu
11/09/2020 18:27:11
Last post: 14/09/2020 12:57:16
RMA requesst types
Hi, Is there any way to adjust/control the RMA request types when submitting a new RMA request? Currenty there is "Return", "Defective", "Exchange" in the list. Also, what would be the best way to add a file/photo attachment to a RMA request submissi ...
Jon Thorne
09/09/2020 05:19:54
Last post: 14/09/2020 17:29:24
Group 'Landing page' with Visual Editor
Hi, Not sure if this is the right category to post this the best one. May be a mix of Rapido + DW feature request. More and more we have customers that want "landing pages" for Ecom Groups. Essentially they want group navigation and for some specifie ...
Nuno Aguiar
07/09/2020 13:29:47
Last post: 05/11/2021 16:11:39
Poor performance with many related products
We have a Rapido 3.4 solution in DW 9.9 and experience poor performance (a TTFB around 15 sec) on product detail pages where the product have a lot of related products. For example 25 products in 8 relationgroups. Is there anything that we can do to ...
Aki Ruuskanen
07/09/2020 11:04:20
Last post: 07/09/2020 16:25:41