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Splitted GlobalSettings not obeyed
Hi I have a solution that is running v9.8.2. The solution has been running with splitted GlobalSettings.config files for years. But after the latest upgrade the system does not obey the splitted GlobalSettings. E.g. I have the entry "<SolutionLast ...
Lars Larsen
21/04/2020 14:25:30
Last post: 21/04/2020 14:56:39
SecondaryUsers and prices tab on product for a customernumber
Hi, I have special prices for some customers - and these have been added to the prices tab on a product - where the customernumber is added as a reference. This works perfectly when I log in as this user. The correct price is shown. However, if I log ...
Jan Sangill
21/04/2020 10:40:26
Last post: 21/04/2020 11:40:36
Wrong stock amount for stock locations in multiple languages
Dear Dyanmicweb, We have an issue with not having the right stock amount after a purchase in this tag: Ecom:Product.Stock. We see the problem when checking the stock amount in another language, where the stock amount is then taken directly from the p ...
Anders Ebdrup
30/03/2020 21:16:54
Last post: 16/04/2020 09:07:29
Providers source code
Hi, Is source code of shipping providers and payment providers available for download and where? Ivan ...
Ivan Marijanović
15/04/2020 15:25:15
Last post: 15/04/2020 15:51:45
Add field to existing Item
Hi, I know we can use CodeFirst to create new items, but I am wondering if/how we can use the API to add fields to an existing Item. Is that possible? My goal is to build a dll that adds some fields in an existing Item (i.e. Custom tab from Rapido), ...
Nuno Aguiar
13/04/2020 01:20:46
Last post: 15/04/2020 10:19:08
Installing dw 9.7.2 and above issues with one of our servers. why?:(
Hi, I have a development server. No issues running any sites below 9.7.2. But if I try and install a site above that - then I cant. I have installed web framework 4.7.2 on the server. Whatever I do - I get this error: "The page cannot be displayed be ...
Jan Sangill
04/04/2020 15:34:16
Last post: 05/04/2020 20:47:33
Fresh NuGet install error
Steps I followed: New (Empty) Visual Studio project: ASP.NET Web application Go to NuGet, install Dynamicweb.Admin 9.7.5. Fails with Roslyn error, as per documentation I run the 'Install-Package Dynamicweb.Admin -Version 9.7.5 –IncludePrerelease' com ...
Ambert van Unen
21/01/2020 13:44:46
Last post: 02/04/2020 17:39:15
Remove canonical-tag by api
Hi, Is it possible to remove the canonical-tag inserted by DW into the documents header, by api? My customer would like the canonical-tag to be totally removed on the search-page. We're using DW 9.7.2 -- Best regards Kurt Moskjaer Andersen ...
Kurt Moskjær Andersen
27/03/2020 10:21:07
Last post: 02/04/2020 14:06:45
AddIn Dialog
Hi Community I have a working AddIn Button, that needs an extension. Currently it’s a button of the class RibbonBarButton that works with the “Click” event, that triggers a serverside function Code looks something like this: RibbonBarGroup group = ba ...
Daniel Hollmann
31/03/2020 16:34:34
Last post: 02/04/2020 13:17:38
Setting up existing project
Goodday, I'm rather new with DynamicWeb, and I've received a copy of a complete installation. I've restored the database and edited the globalsettings.asax with the correct DB configuration. When running the project I keep getting the 'Welcome to Dyn ...
Ambert van Unen
02/04/2020 09:35:02
Last post: 02/04/2020 11:27:10
Edit Subject in Order Flow Email
Hi community. Im trying to edit a order flow email, but I have not found a proper way to do it. I've tried to use the subscription for BeforeSendingOrderFlow but this notifcation only contains get methods, not set methods so it's not possible. I've a ...
Daniel Hollmann
28/02/2020 15:31:04
Last post: 31/03/2020 16:52:21
Get product group field of type File Mananger
Hi How do I get the value that I used to get in the old days with GetString("Ecom:Group:Field.MyFieldName.Clean") for a product group field of type "File Manager"? I want the value in a template that inherits ViewModelTemplate<ProductListViewModel ...
Lars Larsen
27/03/2020 13:10:24
Last post: 30/03/2020 15:22:31
List of all DW cookies and what each is used for ( CCPA )
In the US we are having to follow new CCPA rules which require each site that is using cookies to list each cookie and describe what is used for. A good example of this is I know this doc page ...
Jason Harwell
25/03/2020 15:33:01
Last post: 30/03/2020 15:20:30
Rendering Field Display Groups in frontend
Hi, I was trying to use Field Display Groups to display certain fields on the frontend in the Product Page, but I couldn't find any tag to get the information from the Field Display Groups. Is is possible to render the FIeld Display Groups in fronten ...
Mafalda Correa
05/04/2019 11:28:26
Last post: 30/03/2020 07:49:41
Get pageid from url using API
Hi I need to get the pageid from a URL using the API. How can I do that? ...
Lars Larsen
26/03/2020 10:39:17
Last post: 26/03/2020 11:29:41
Where is this field being loaded
Hi, I have observed that the stock location field on order lines on completed orders is populated with a value that does not match my expectations. I would have expected the stock location to be that which is configured on the shop for the site being ...
Reynir Viðar Ingason
23/03/2020 22:24:53
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Outputting Custom ProductFields in ProductViewModel
Hello, I have this ProductField (1.png) & (2.png) I would like to output the Colors in my template which inherits ProductCatalogue.ProductViewModel If I iterate over Model.ProductFields.Values: (3.png) I get the following (4.png) If I field.Value ...
Søren Ravn Lund
20/09/2019 14:50:50
Last post: 23/03/2020 14:13:29
Default index sorting not working for product viewmodel
Dear Dynamicweb, After switching the product catalog to viewmodel the default sorting is not working anymore. I see a couple of issues: The module settings is saved in the database like this: "<QuerySortByParams>null</QuerySortByParams>", ...
Anders Ebdrup
08/03/2020 08:52:39
Last post: 17/03/2020 11:57:27
Solution info in GlobalSettings
Hello, This section of the Global Settings is super annoying to version control. One of our solutions didn't update it for the past 3 months, either a bug in DW or our setup, but however, it was really great not seeing Global Settings at every commit ...
Søren Ravn Lund
16/03/2020 06:41:47
Last post: 17/03/2020 00:03:56
Bug when saving the definition of an item type with a TextParameterEditor parameter, having the TextArea=true option
Hello, When defining a custom item type editor control, for a TextParameterEditor with the option TextArea=true; the value is not saved when the definition of the item type is saved (I've attached an image): [AddInLabel("Sql query"), AddInParameter(" ...
Emil Dumitrescu
11/03/2020 13:48:51
Last post: 16/03/2020 22:13:45