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Hello there. Im trying to use the SqlIndexBuilder, to be able to have some custom item fields in my index. First things first im trying to build the index. However after having entered a sql query aswell as connectionstring. Whenever i try to build t ...
Anders Ditlevsen
08/09/2016 14:26:34
Last post: 08/09/2016 14:41:41
Updates on sorting, changes order
Hi, I noticed something strange (using When in the paragraph with the Product catalogue module in Index mode, if we change the something on the existing sorting settings, the order is reset. It should be kept. ...
Nuno Aguiar
07/09/2016 13:02:51
Last post: 08/09/2016 09:57:16
Item Relation List instead of Item List problem
I know that Item List is deprecated so I am using Item Relation List to emulate Item Lists (using Inline as item source). One question, when I copy the entire page that has a list inside and change the list item inside the copied page, the change in  ...
Davor Zlotrg
24/08/2016 11:53:56
Last post: 08/09/2016 09:49:23
Issue with item types
Hi there, For most of the contents we use item type based paragraph. The website is also based on an item type where we store general data. On an usual day the site goes down two times. The error describes SQL expection (columns form an item type are ...
Adnan Catovic
07/09/2016 13:08:33
Last post: 07/09/2016 22:19:49
Form save to user group
Hi I'm creating a new user with name, company and email on form submit. Does anybody know if it is possible to save the user to a specific user group/folder, and if so how? Regards Thomas ...
Thomas Schroll
10/06/2016 12:31:35
Last post: 07/09/2016 16:42:37
Login Issues
Hi DynamicWeb So in all honesty i'm not sure why i'm having such a hard time with this but apparently i am :( I created a new trial version of DynamicWeb on my PC and installed it without any problems. Then i setup a login page, create profile page,  ...
Casper Andersen
02/09/2016 14:49:07
Last post: 07/09/2016 16:26:37
URL handling issues
Hi, We are having a bunch of challanges setting up language layers on different domains and with correct 404 handling. Issue 1 - Pages with identical names The client needs - amoungst others - a french version of the site on different domains, ie: .c ...
Rune Skovbo
07/09/2016 11:30:21
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New indexing - custom product field as string used in facet as integer
Hi, I have a solution where we have a custom product field (created as a string). Is it somehow possible to use this as an int in a facet? It doesn't seem to work, but maybe there is some workaround? ...
René Poulsen
12/08/2016 11:23:47
Last post: 06/09/2016 11:27:43
Range price facets
Is there a best practice or some example code on how to implement range price facets, on the new repository index? On a product list I want to create the following filter Price --------------------------------- [ ] 0 - 999 DKK (5) [ ] 999 - 1999 DKK  ...
Thomas Larsen
05/09/2016 12:16:33
Last post: 05/09/2016 21:22:28
Cache control
I have published a new version website but users continue to open the old version home page. Can you advice me a solution to control their browser cache on DW? Thank you. Ciao ...
Giuseppina Giunta
05/09/2016 13:04:11
Last post: 05/09/2016 15:33:20
Where can i find Newsletter V3 tags?
I am aware the module is obsolete, but it is the only way to use content subscriptions as far as I am aware of. For a costumer that is already running Newsletter V3, I need to make some changes. But i can not find any documentation on what tags are a ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
30/08/2016 10:25:45
Last post: 30/08/2016 10:37:37
Extending the UserIndexBuilder
Hi there, I am looking into ways to extend a user index with data such as the email marketing performance score or voucher codes used by a user. This allows us to created targeted marketing campaigns to involved users. How would I go about this? Shou ...
Imar Spaanjaars
26/08/2016 09:56:22
Last post: 29/08/2016 10:28:15
Password recovery Error messages
Hi Guys, I am trying to display error messages in the Reset Password template but I don;t get any error message back after submitting the form. I am using DW_extranet_error_uk (tryed also _dk) and nothing is returned. Also, the verification if the nu ...
Adrian Ursu
27/08/2016 11:13:57
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Backend start page incorrecly redirecting for groups
Hi there, When I have a frontend start page set for a user group, the redirect doesn't work when you're not in the root. For example when I log in from /products, it tries to take me to /products/Default.aspx?ID=123 instead of /Default.aspx?ID=123 I  ...
Imar Spaanjaars
23/08/2016 12:57:53
Last post: 26/08/2016 09:43:26
Performance of personalization
We're running into a significient performance hit when using personalization on a site. When checking SQL Profiler we see a query like the following for each personalization profile. SELECT * FROM AccessUser WHERE AccessUserID IN (SELECT AccessUser.A ...
Scott Forsyth
22/08/2016 17:42:27
Last post: 26/08/2016 08:02:03
Looking for a complete ItemType code-first sample
Hi guys, In my previous project I used code-first item types. It took some try-and-error to get a working itementry class, mostly because I couldn't find proper samples. I didn't get to use all properties which are available when you create an item t ...
Peter Leleulya
16/08/2016 11:47:42
Last post: 25/08/2016 14:21:43
New Index with Items
Hi, I was wondering if it is already possible to use the new index based search on content and items. For my solution I need a full text search, all pages are using paragraphs with items to display the content. I couldn't figure out how to configure  ...
Harald Brouwers
24/08/2016 16:13:24
Last post: 25/08/2016 09:37:42
Forms for Editors - Performance tweak
Hi, Using Forms for Editors I noticed that the module is querying the FormOptions table for evey field, even when it's an input text field, which results in a waste of server resoucers and additional database lookups. In my project it has no impact,  ...
Nuno Aguiar
24/08/2016 15:43:07
Last post: 24/08/2016 16:21:28
Redirect after Impersonation
Hi guys, I need to redirect the user to a specific page after deciding to impersonate another user. Is there a standard way of doing it? Like a hidden field in the impersonation form or something similar? The same goes for Logout. Is it possible to r ...
Adrian Ursu
22/08/2016 23:26:42
Last post: 23/08/2016 16:08:55
Inactive paragraph items published via item publisher still accessible via url (google)
Hi, My client has a list of paragraph items on one page - these are then published using itempublisher on another page. You can click the paragraph items to see the details, and a custom url is also generated. If the editor disables one of the paragr ...
Jacob Storgaard Jensen
11/08/2016 13:50:38
Last post: 23/08/2016 10:10:05