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Database Synchronize Item types

António Ramos
António Ramos

Hi guys,

We have two solutions (local and local2) with the same shared database. To keep all the item types sync we set to sync by database (didn't find the link in the new documentation portal) and the items are correctly shared.

But we have an issue that we don't know if it is the default behavior or we missed some setting.

When we create a new field in the website A the field it's not pushed to website B. But if we pool recycle the server in website B the new field appears. Is this the "normal" behavior?

Best regards,

António Ramos


Nicolai Pedersen

Yes, or you can click the refresh button in the item type list

António Ramos
António Ramos

Hi Nicolai,

Thanks for your feedback! We tried your suggestion but the item field wasn't pulled to other website. The refresh button works well if we create a new item type but when we update an existing one with one new field it does not refresh.

DW Version:


António Ramos

Nicolai Pedersen

Did you remember to configure both instances of the solution to run on the database?

António Ramos
António Ramos

Hi Nicolai,

Yes. I set both instances to run in database. 

Note: We start this project from a wrap solution where the item types were firstly created by file. Because of this and after setting the solution to run in database I went to each item type and made a save and close (to force database creation). Then I delete all itemtype files and the solutions were both OK.

Do you think that this previous setup could influence?


António Ramos

António Ramos
António Ramos


Nicolai Pedersen

Have nothing to add. We can get it to work in our environment. You have to provide screenshots of setup on macine #1 and #2 of database, item type sync, the IIS on both servers, and item type folders in filemanager


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