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Item content gets deleted on development

Rune Skovbo

Hi there

This was also mentioned at the last developer conference. When we are multiple people working on the same project with a shared DB, it often happens that the content of our items (maybe especially website items) gets deleted. Im assuming this is because it's handled partly by XML files.

Im pretty sure I heard something about some checkbox that could be checked in order to avoid this, but have not been able to find it.

Help please!




Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

You must refer to item types that can be shared so when changing schema, you will not run into problems, see dump#1

Votes for this answer: 1
Rune Skovbo

Perfect and fast response - thanks!


Rune Skovbo

Can you elaborated on how the 3 different settings will work? I mean what's the benefit/risk of choosing one over the orther.


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