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Ledgers entries fields
Hi, On the Customer Center module there is a Ledger entries option to the module view. Although, the Menu Texts, Links and Templates fields for the ledgers are not showing up. Is there any trick or is just missing? DW version: 9.2.14. Thanks, Mário ...
Mario Santos
28/07/2017 12:50:46
Last post: 08/08/2017 10:40:58
Multiple emails on a user - Email marketing
Is it possible to extend email marketing so a user with several email adresses will receive an email on all email adresses? ...
Tobias Høst
07/08/2017 13:57:36
Last post: 07/08/2017 16:16:30
upload issue with different browsers
There are file maps for different areas with different permissions. Every area has it's own content manager who has permissions to upload in their own file map. In some browsers people can upload the files in their own map where they have the permiss ...
Mannon Wekking
22/06/2017 12:54:20
Last post: 07/08/2017 14:38:07
Translate email marketing subscribe link.
Hi, Our customer uses the email marketing module. Under the mails there is an unsubscribe link. The mails are in English, but the link {{EmailMarketing:Email.UnsubscribeLink}} says ''uitschrijven' (what means unsubscribe in dutch). If you open the ea ...
Mannon Wekking
03/08/2017 16:44:30
Last post: 03/08/2017 16:51:23
Invalid SMTP setting
Hi Guys, I have a situation where a workingSMTP setting no longer work. Unfortunately I could not capture the exact moment when this stopped working, I just found out about it and I am trying to fix it. The solurion is pretty ol: running on  ...
Adrian Ursu
31/07/2017 20:13:41
Last post: 03/08/2017 11:55:28
Can not import empty values into Integer and decimal number fields
I am trying to make an import to populate Items, but I can not import empty columns into type Integer or Decimal number I would expect the import to autmatically take care of this. Is it a bug, or am I making a mistake? ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
31/07/2017 15:24:40
Last post: 01/08/2017 08:31:36
Personalization based on country IP
Hi Guys, Is there a possibility to create personalization profiles based on Country IP? I know I can add a dependence on IP but how do I find out the range of IPs for a specific country and how do I use it to crate a range in the Profile settings? Th ...
Adrian Ursu
31/07/2017 11:39:27
Last post: 31/07/2017 16:01:22
Is it not possible to import to named item list using data integration?
It looks like I can only import to page or paragraph. Is it not possible to import to named item list? /Hans ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
31/07/2017 13:33:40
Last post: 31/07/2017 14:24:26
Email personalization
Guys, I'm trying to use the segments in the email personalization. However it does not work as supposed in the documentation :) When selecting a smart search the segment is displayed as unknown, and when saving the dialog it does not save anything. I ...
Ben Doorn
20/07/2017 16:16:56
Last post: 28/07/2017 20:20:31
Dw statistics vs Google Analytics
Hi guys, Can you think of a reason that Dw statistics would show values that are grossly different than values provided by Google Analytics? - Shows Unique IPs, Visitors, and Page views for the month of March ...
Terri Donahue
25/04/2017 22:56:59
Last post: 28/07/2017 16:15:58
Cannot save files metadata
Hi there, I'm trying to edit the files metadata but it's always getting a javascript error and the values are not saved, as you can see here: Is anyone experiencing the same issue? DW version: 9.2.14 BR, Mario ...
Mario Santos
13/07/2017 12:41:52
Last post: 28/07/2017 15:28:07
Double quotes in VariantOption name
Hi, DW allows us to create VariantOptions with double quotes characters, but when we try to add variants to the products the VariantCombinations are not showing up due the double quotes be breaking the js parse JSON function. https://www.screencast.c ...
Mario Santos
19/07/2017 14:20:53
Last post: 28/07/2017 15:27:17
Marketing emails
Hi Team, I am trying to find out why emails are not sending. The Email shows up in Marketing Emails under Sent with a failed status. Send Start and Send Complete show N/A. The general log doesn't show any errors related to the emails. The EmailMarket ...
Terri Donahue
24/07/2017 18:59:17
Last post: 26/07/2017 21:38:07
Wild Sql Error for Item Types
Hi Guys need some help on this. Im getting a weird sql Error for a local install of Dynamicweb.dll Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid object name 'ItemType_Feature_Panel'. We have a live site and a development site ...
Kevin O''''Driscoll
25/07/2017 11:36:15
Last post: 26/07/2017 10:06:42
Ipaper integration
Hi Guys, I have a customer that requires a PDf version of the catalog with the possibility to rder form it. For this customer I have both Assortments and Custom Prices which means that the PDf catalog need to consider User Uthentication. I remember t ...
Adrian Ursu
26/07/2017 09:58:09
Last post: 26/07/2017 10:06:18
Sent email to all users with a specific personalization profile
Guys, Is it possible to sent an email markerting newsletter to alle users within a specific personalisation profile? Krgds, Ben ...
Ben Doorn
20/07/2017 12:28:47
Last post: 25/07/2017 14:27:42
Captcha in forms
Hi Guys, I have just received a request form one of our customers to put Captcha in all forms in order to prevent SPAM. I need an official opinion about the relevance of captcha for our forms. I know there is a form of SPAM prevention in the forms al ...
Adrian Ursu
25/07/2017 11:14:09
Last post: 25/07/2017 14:00:55
Reset Assortment Cache
Hi Guys, I have a weird situation that keeps on recurring. I have a website with a bunch of assortments (60) and a lot of users and groups (24000). I have a set a general Assortment that is available for all users (including anonymous) that are not a ...
Adrian Ursu
17/07/2017 00:54:03
Last post: 25/07/2017 12:32:34
Most Visited Content
Hi, In Marketing's Dashboard (using 9.2.8), the "Most Visited Content" number of visits and percentage values seem very strange. I know Analytics behave differently across platforms/softwares, but we get the exact same amount for most of our pages. D ...
Nuno Aguiar
24/07/2017 15:56:35
Last post: 25/07/2017 10:36:30
Sorting QueryPublisher
Hi Guys, I know this subject was brought before but I could not find the answer to it. I am using 9.2.14 and I am trying to Sort the results published with QueryPublisher module. I am assuming this means that I need to follow a specific way of defini ...
Adrian Ursu
20/07/2017 11:48:30
Last post: 24/07/2017 16:19:38