Posted on 17/07/2017 17:40:35
Hi Martin,
That is correct with a few comments:
1. Using UserGroups instead of Smart Search is less flexible. UserSmart Search is a great tool if it has a use. So far, I cannot find any use for it if it can't be accessed in the above mentioned areas.
2. Not all solutions use Integration to assign users to groups.
3. Even if you use integration, if you use Group association will put a terrible load on the AccessUSer table. First as number of rows, then as number of values that can be stored in the Groups field. The Groups field is limited to 255 characters. Assuming each group allocation will take 6 fields, a user can only be assigned to maximum 42 groups. This number is pretty small if you have a very segmented user database.
4. USerSmart Search is supposed to use indexing for building the lists, which should probably make accessing the UserGroup content more performant.
That's my 2 cents (or more) on the subject.I hope you guys will see it as a constructive approach and not as a criticism :)
Thank you,