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Paragraph access based on Extranet login

Jens Jakob Kristensen
Jens Jakob Kristensen

Hi Nicolai,

I have a feature request regarding the frontend access to paragraphs on a page.

We would like to be able to control whether or not a paragraph on a page is accessible frontend for two basic visitor types:

  1. Anonymous user (is not logged in frontend via Extranet)
  2. Known user (is logged in frontend via Extranet)

We do not wish to control specific content scenarios in relation to certain user profiles (Personalisation).

It is merely the need to control access to a certain paragraph frontend, based on if the visitor is logged in frontend or not.

The functionality is working fine on a page level via Permissions in relation to specific user groups. We just need the same "simple" functionality on a paragraph level. It would save a lot of template work, since the buttons are already there on the paragraph settings.

We hope this can be implemented. Thanks.


Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu


A permission setting for anonymous users would be extremely useful


Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Both

Not sure I understand how the permissions should work differently than they already do? See dump#1,

Could you please ellaborate?

Votes for this answer: 1
Jens Jakob Kristensen
Jens Jakob Kristensen

Sure, perhaps a small scenario:


When an anonymous user visits a url the content is X, and when this user logs in the content switches to Y.

Suggested solution:

We have a page called "My profile" and url /my-profile. The page is accessible for all, but the content should be different depending on your logged in status. On this page we wish to have a paragraph visible to all visitors, logged in or not (Paragraph ID=20). This paragraph displays a general headline and some facts/bullet poins.

Below paragraph  20 we create another paragraph (Paragraph ID=21) which should only be visible for anonymous users, showing a signup form to become a user (create profile), or a log in form for existing users. This paragraph 21 should not be visible for users who are logged in.

Below paragraph 21 we create another paragraph (Paragraph ID=22) which should only be visible for logged in users. This paragraph could contain the Extranet module displaying my contact information. 


The page url is the same, but the content is relevant according to my loged in status. When the anonymous user is on the page and logs in, the page refreshes and now displays the profile data.

I made a support case because the permisions on a paragraph level didn't work, and the answer was that permissions do not support this access scenario.

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi Nicolai,

My use case is kinda simple.

I want a paragraph (or page) to be visible to Anonymous users AND a specific user group but denied to other user groups.

The current setup allows to Deny access to Anonymous users and Allow for Specific user groups. Unless the functionality was changed since last time I tried, the permissions are not activated unless you select Deny All.

Does it make sense?



Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

ok - a "do not show to logged in users" feature.

On a not, permissions for 9.4 is redone from scratch and will probably cover this as well.

BR Nicolai

Votes for this answer: 2
Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

I am fine with both answers :)

Thanks a lot,


Jens Jakob Kristensen
Jens Jakob Kristensen


Looking forward to the Permissions overhaul in 9.4.


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