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Forum » CMS - Standard features
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Receipt URL in forms for editors has double PID causing it to break
Hi there, When I output the ReceiptUrl in an email template for Forms For Editors like this: @GetString("Submit.ReceiptUrl") I end up with a double PID in the URL: /Default.aspx?ID=61&PID=59&pid=59&s=WQBqAEsAbAA2AGoAUwB0ADUAVABBAD0A This  ...
Imar Spaanjaars
11/04/2018 20:04:56
Last post: 22/06/2018 11:33:20
Cookie Consent Plans
Hi guys, I was wondering if you have any plans on extending the cookie constent to support a more detailed segmentation as in these examples: Thank  ...
Adrian Ursu
04/06/2018 16:21:34
Last post: 19/06/2018 10:16:02
Withdraw consent
Hi Is it possible to withdraw a consent from the frontend? If so, what has to be setup in the backend. ...
Lars Larsen
18/06/2018 11:00:48
Last post: 18/06/2018 14:59:00
Reading Currency code
Hi Guys, I have a project where I use the CurrencyCode parameter to change the currency for products. The change works pretty fine. The trouble I have is reading that currency code from the master page. Not just when it is used in the URL but also af ...
Adrian Ursu
15/06/2018 14:50:44
Last post: 15/06/2018 15:28:38
Can't select a date after upgrading to 9.4.14
We can´t select a date on a item type after we upgradet from DW version 9.3.5 to 9.4.14, the datepicker is not working properly. ...
Vilhjalmur Ingthorsson
15/06/2018 12:23:04
Last post: 15/06/2018 12:38:19
Deleting large amount of subgroups / users fails in CMS
Hi, For one of our customers we are developing an import api for users/groups, and I noticed that after importing a lot of groups and users in those groups, that the "Delete Group" option on a group with lots of subgroups (Employers) and users (Emplo ...
Hans Kloppenborg
08/05/2018 12:48:31
Last post: 15/06/2018 09:32:02
Delete form entries using Data Integration & Scheduled tasks
Hi all, I have been told that it should be possible to perform deletions in Dynamicweb using the Data Integration module - however i cannot figure out how to do it. I have some Forms for editors forms. The submitted content of these forms need to be  ...
Sonni Tost
13/06/2018 13:50:35
Last post: 13/06/2018 15:40:36
Issue groups / smart searches
Hi, There is a problem with the connection between (normal) groups and smart searches. For Pentair ( we made a (normal group) called “Partners – membrane modules and/or systems”, for this group we used the smart search [Dashb ...
Gerard Kocks
24/05/2018 12:43:06
Last post: 13/06/2018 14:41:12
Split Testing by Geolocation
Hello! Is this possible as a custom solution? Has it ever been done before? Richard ...
Richard D. Lee
07/06/2018 03:31:14
Last post: 12/06/2018 09:05:12
Loging of 404 responses
Hi Does Dynamicweb 9 register 404 responses anywhere? I have checked the table Statv2NotFound but no luck there. ...
Lars Larsen
07/06/2018 14:35:44
Last post: 11/06/2018 09:40:51
Misleading default and alert messages in Import Users
Hi, We were tying to show a customer how to import users to a group and found a few small issues that puzzled the user: A simple/quick export, update and import did not work The default checked fields did not match the minimum requirements (no userna ...
Nuno Aguiar
22/05/2018 12:28:35
Last post: 09/06/2018 00:29:22
Index build fail notification mail does not get sent
Hi guys, For an application running on DW core 9.3.10 I have several indexes. Each index build has notifications set to "Send notification on failure", a sender name , a valid sender emailadres, a subject, send logfile set to true and my personal ema ...
Peter Leleulya
29/05/2018 13:08:18
Last post: 08/06/2018 16:44:46
Is it possible to set a DateTime.Now.AddHours(1) to a query
Hi Due to the time differrence on the server (CET) and local time (GMT), i want to add an hour to the less than or equal query (See attachment) Is this possible? Br. Hans ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
06/06/2018 10:51:19
Last post: 06/06/2018 15:52:02
Youtube video full screen
Hi, We added a youtube video via a paragraph with the iFram function. We want to add the fullscreen function so we added: <iframe width="780" height=428" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen><i/frame>  ...
Manon Wekking
06/06/2018 13:04:22
Last post: 06/06/2018 14:25:16
ItemPublisher condition using Session UserID
Hi guys, I might remember it wrongluy but wasn'there a way to use Code in the conditions set on ItemPublisher? My specific situation requires that I use the UserId of the user that is currently authenticated on the website. I am thinking I can use th ...
Adrian Ursu
01/06/2018 10:26:27
Last post: 06/06/2018 11:49:01
Submitting UserManagementEditForm with AJAX
Hi. I want to submit the form when I change the state of two different checkboxes. It seems to be submitting fine, but does not update the user. Don't mind the "beautiful" split to get your onsubmit code :) $('#check1, #check2').on('change', function ...
Mikkel Belchuke
05/06/2018 11:21:57
Last post: 06/06/2018 03:18:35
How can i test if logged in to extranet on paragraph level
On pagelevel (mater.cshtml), i can do this @if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(GetString("DWextranet_AccessUserUserName"))) { Do something } But I can not do this on paragraph level. There is no value to test, and I don´t know how i eg. could set a variable on ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
05/06/2018 20:12:44
Last post: 05/06/2018 22:49:41
Admin, Content not working in IE.
Hey. The admin panel does not work when using Internet Explorer. I tried differnet versions on several solutions... Yes I know IE sucks... ...
Bjørn Kamfjord
05/06/2018 13:23:50
Last post: 05/06/2018 14:03:56
How can i get and publish value of a System.String[]
If I use template tags, i get this field Infosidaa_EvniInfopage System.String[] System.String[] This is a field based on checkboxes, and i know it has some value. But no mather how I try, I cant get and publish the values of the string array. Hope yo ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
31/05/2018 20:42:31
Last post: 01/06/2018 11:24:30
Account lockout
Hi, How is the extranet account lockout function supposed to work? I have configured it for a client (see attached image) but it does not seem to do anything. Kind regards, Ben ...
Ben Doorn
30/05/2018 18:25:27
Last post: 31/05/2018 09:19:21