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Create new user via API

Bjørn Kamfjord


I working on an frontend adminstration of users. Ref. this thread:

From the frontend you submit a new user with username, Name and a selectable "deparmtment"(group).

I use an ajax post function to update users, and delete users. This is working fine at the moment. The problem arise when I want to create a new user... I'm not really sure how to go about actually doing that. I'm using this code below for deleting a user.


Is there a similar method for Creating a user? Also I guess I would have to check to see if the username already exist...?

My thoughts so far... Not working...

@inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateBase<Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateModel<Dynamicweb.Rendering.Template>>

@using System.Web;
@using Dynamicweb;
@using System.Data.Linq;
@using Dynamicweb.Security.UserManagement;
@using System.Collections.Generic;
@using System.Linq;
@using System.Text;
@using System.Threading.Tasks;

@Title("JSON - Add New User")


    List<Root> feedObject = new List<Root>();

    Root feedRoot = new Root();

    var userUpdate = new UserUpdate();

        int userID = 0; //How to find a new unique user ID?
        var userName = HttpContext.Current.Request["userName"];
        var userNiceName = HttpContext.Current.Request["niceName"];

        int groupID = 0; // This we get from the POST
        var parameterGroupID = HttpContext.Current.Request["groupId"];
        int.TryParse(parameterGroupID, out groupID);

        var userNew = Dynamicweb.Security.UserManagement.User.GetUserByUserName(userName);

        if (userNew != null)

            userNew.Name = userNiceName;
            userUpdate.groupId = groupID;
   = userNew.Name;

            feedRoot.UserUpdate = userUpdate;

            var state = userNew.Save();
            feedRoot.state = state;
            //Clears the session cahce
            feedRoot.state = false;
        feedRoot.state = false;

    string jsonFeed = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(feedObject);

    string getParameter(string param)
        string value = HttpContext.Current.Request[param];
        return (value == null ? string.Empty : value);

    public class UserUpdate
        public string name { get; set; }
        public int groupId { get; set; }
        public int userId { get; set; }


    public class Root
        public Root()
            UserUpdate = new UserUpdate();

        public UserUpdate UserUpdate { get; set; }
        public bool state { get; set; }








Bjørn Kamfjord

Solved it.....

I had to use

var userNew = new Dynamicweb.Security.UserManagement.User();
@inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateBase<Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateModel<Dynamicweb.Rendering.Template>>

@using System.Web;
@using Dynamicweb;
@using System.Data.Linq;
@using Dynamicweb.Security.UserManagement;
@using System.Collections.Generic;
@using System.Linq;
@using System.Text;
@using System.Threading.Tasks;

@Title("JSON - Add New User")


    List<Root> feedObject = new List<Root>();

    Root feedRoot = new Root();

    var userCreate = new UserCreate();

        int userID = 0; //How to find a new unique user ID?
        var userName = HttpContext.Current.Request["userName"];
        var userNiceName = HttpContext.Current.Request["niceName"];

        int groupID = 0; // This we get from the POST
        var parameterGroupID = HttpContext.Current.Request["groupId"];
        int.TryParse(parameterGroupID, out groupID);

        var userNew = new Dynamicweb.Security.UserManagement.User();

        if (userNew != null)

            userNew.Name = userNiceName;
            userNew.UserName = userName;
            //userUpdate.groupId = groupID;
            // = userNew.Name;

          //feedRoot.UserCreate = userCreate;

            var state = userNew.Save();
            feedRoot.state = state;
            feedRoot.message = userNew.Name;
            //Clears the session cahce
            feedRoot.state = false;
        feedRoot.state = false;

    string jsonFeed = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(feedObject);

    string getParameter(string param)
        string value = HttpContext.Current.Request[param];
        return (value == null ? string.Empty : value);

    public class UserCreate
        public string name { get; set; }
        public int groupId { get; set; }
        public int userId { get; set; }


    public class Root
        public Root()
            UserCreate = new UserCreate();


        public UserCreate UserCreate { get; set; }
        public bool state { get; set; }
        public string message { get; set; }



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