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Url could not be resolved error
Hello, I'm tracking down an issue on a site which may have existed for a few years. We find that the GeneralLog has over 60M records per month and we're running into performance and stability issues on this site, which appear to be related to ...
Scott Forsyth
09/03/2022 00:12:29
Last post: 09/03/2022 18:15:32
GetImage Monitoring error
Hi, We're having an error reported in the Monitoring tool related to a null value in the source parameter 2022-02-10 11:05:03.102: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source. System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: s ...
Nuno Aguiar
10/02/2022 13:49:09
Last post: 08/03/2022 17:29:44
Field from custom field groups in NewsV2 does not show in add/edit news item
Hi guys I have created a new custom field group in control panel for NewsV2 and added it to a news category. But when i add/edit the news items in that category the fields does not show. I have done this a million times without any problems. Has ther ...
Jesper Holm Damgaard
07/03/2022 10:52:24
Last post: 07/03/2022 12:46:50
Users search log out from admin
Hi, For one of our shop we have a problem in admin that when we go to Users -> Search it is loading for some time and then we have information that "A secure connection could not be established" and when try to reload page or go to other ...
Adrian Lesik
24/01/2022 11:03:47
Last post: 07/03/2022 10:39:21
Maps not gathering Lat/Long for second location
Hello, We have an issue with this page: The map is too zoomed in. When we go into the backend to add the second address, it is not saving the lat/long. Has anyone seen this before? ...
Ryan Burnham
04/03/2022 15:24:31
Last post: 05/03/2022 04:34:36
No layout selected for website
Hi Upgraded to 9.9.1 on solution with two websites (A and B). Now when trying to use Visual Editor on website B I get "No layout selected for website". Both websites have "The selected domains can only reach this website" set. Now when removing this  ...
Lars Larsen
23/09/2020 11:33:14
Last post: 04/03/2022 12:56:26
Copy Row and Paragraph templates
Hi All, Is there a way to copy Row and Paragraph templates to another master within the same installation? Thanks! Greetings, Jaap. ...
Jaap Tinholt
24/02/2022 16:35:20
Last post: 28/02/2022 19:46:56
Extranet Module Templates DW v 9.7.7
Using the Extranet Module users profile edit form (Edit_Profile.cshtml) if we allow the logged-in User to update their zip code we do this: <input type="text" name="UserManagement_Form_Zip" id="UserManagement_Form_Zip" ...
Kevin O'Driscoll
22/02/2022 18:35:36
Last post: 24/02/2022 09:17:59
Avoid having sql executed from item dropdown?
Dear Dynamicweb, We are often using the future in Dynamicweb to make dropdowns in our items based on sql, but it seems to come with a performance penalty as the sql statement is executed every time the value from the item is used, even though we are  ...
Anders Ebdrup
21/02/2022 20:00:57
Last post: 23/02/2022 11:33:32
Incomplete recipients for Abandoned
Hi All, Can somebody share with me why I have those incompleted recipients on my Abandoned schedule emails and how can we resolve it? The incompleted recipients included valid emails and also their email permission was also ON. I am not sure why they ...
Nay Chi Phyo
22/02/2022 11:07:19
Last post: 22/02/2022 20:29:37
Querypublisher sorting on analysed field does not work correctly
Hello, We have a solution on DW 9.12.4, with a page with a querypublisher where we set the sorting on "Title Ascending". The Title field is defined as "Stored Indexed Analized". We use this title field on a certan page for the com ...
Hans Kloppenborg
22/02/2022 14:08:43
Last post: 22/02/2022 17:41:32
Problem with GetImage
Hi, We encountered a "strange" problem with the image handler. It simply does not work for some reason. We get a 505 Internal Server error. I cannot see anything in the logs. Example: ...
Aki Ruuskanen
17/02/2022 08:06:53
Last post: 18/02/2022 17:46:38
Can't access paragraph apps
Hello! I'm learning Dynamicweb so I might have missed some info, but when I click any of the paragraph apps , nothing happens. The "Configurable apps" can be accessed though. I tried different browsers.. Is there something I need to do  ...
Joel Setterberg
16/02/2022 19:38:52
Last post: 17/02/2022 10:55:23
Repository Rebuild Task End time not honored + odd message
Hi, Using 9.10.11, we're having an odd message in Monitoring. Consider the screencast Apparently the Rebuilt task end time is not honored Otherwise we would not be getting an error from the Scheduled Task ev ...
Nuno Aguiar
15/02/2022 17:26:26
Last post: 16/02/2022 11:22:35
System.IndexOutOfRangeException: TopFolderDescription
Hi guys, I have a solution running on 9.10.17 where we have an issue with the Emails folder in the Marketing section: I get a 500 error when trying to access: I have not encountered ...
Adrian Ursu
15/02/2022 10:59:42
Last post: 15/02/2022 12:11:11
Patched version af Dynamicweb.Admin 9.13?
Dear Dynamicweb, It seems like there is no patched version of Dynamicweb.Admin of 9.13 in the nuget feed. When is a patched version expected? Best regards, Anders ...
Anders Ebdrup
11/02/2022 12:31:20
Last post: 11/02/2022 13:28:24
COMException in Templates
Hi, We have a website that keeps logging an exception of type COMException, but I can't get a grasp on what it is. Considering the attachment, can someone point me to the proper direction? Here's the link to the log too. It's happening on ...
Nuno Aguiar
26/01/2022 16:10:55
Last post: 10/02/2022 13:50:52
Files permissions - web.config
I'm trying to update access for some file directories so anonymous users don't have any permissions to access files with direct URL to file. I checked Permissions (old) documentation and I see that it's possible to shut down a folder brow ...
Maksymilian Sadowsko
08/02/2022 12:45:41
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pdf=true breaking the layout
I have a shop receipt that i want to be printable/pdf´able via pdf=true. When I use the browser print function, the design is as it should be. However, when i use pdf=true - the design breaks, and info gets stacked. See video here https://www.s ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
11/11/2021 13:47:03
Last post: 08/02/2022 05:12:17
Calendar in the backend does not allow 2022
Hi, A customer using 9.10 (although it happens with 9.12 as well), cannot set dates for 2022 and beyond in the User Smart Searches Can this be fixed somehow, without having to upgrade? Best Regards, Nuno Aguiar ...
Nuno Aguiar
06/01/2022 11:50:20
Last post: 03/02/2022 21:16:06