I just upgraded a site to 9.12.3 (from 9.10.x) and I'm running into an issue: "An item with the same key has already been added."
I tracked it down to new code added a couple months ago in Frontend.ContentViewModelFactory.cs. (commit b32e0298).
AddressCustomFields = GetCustomFieldValues(user.AddressCustomFieldValues),
CustomFields = GetCustomFieldValues(user.CustomFieldValues)
I've confirmed that the data itself doesn't have duplicate keys (custom user or address fields). One of those two lines must be generating a duplicate somehow. We notice the error when impersonating, but I don't know that it matters that it's impersonating. I believe it's just from the login on a customer account.
It can be reproed here: devupgrade-wolv.mydwsite3.com. You can create a simple login in the backend with impersonation access to any of the Customers -> All Customers. It fails on any customer that it impersonates. It's just a copy of a site so feel free to do what you want with it including changing any of the custom fields.