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Forum » CMS - Standard features » The e-mail cannot be empty message when editing profile (DW 9.10.17)

The e-mail cannot be empty message when editing profile (DW 9.10.17)

Fabio Monte


When trying to edit a user profile on the frontend, even though the Email field is filled in, we always get the "The e-mail cannot be empty" error message

This seems to only happen with users that are a Login and a Customer:

Can't seem to find the cause why this happens, it should be straighforward to fill in the email field and update the user.



Fabio Monte

Any feedback on this issue?

Nicolai Pedersen

Ensure you submit the UserManagement_Form_Email field in a post.

Fabio Monte

Hi Nicolai

We are already submitting that field but the form validation errors loop keeps returning the same error:

Nicolai Pedersen

I cannot reproduce.

What is in your post - can you show you post from the dev tools of this form?

Fabio Monte

Sure, here it is:

Nicolai Pedersen

Is the app setup to use "UseEmailForUserName"?

Fabio Monte

We have the app set for Edit Profile so that option isn't available:

Nicolai Pedersen

We need access to the solution. Can you either provide a copy or a public url?

Fabio Monte

Sure, here it is:

Fabio Monte

Hi Nicolai

Did you had a chance to look into it?

Nicolai Pedersen

Cannot see what it is.

You have a lot of notification subscribers and some of them is messing with users and switching them around, saving them etc. Can you remove those notification subscribers and see what happens?

Or reproduce this issue on a solution without custom.

My next step will be a full copy of your solution including source so we can debug - but really should be able to do that.

BR Nicolai

Mario Santos Dynamicweb Employee
Mario Santos

Hi Nicolai,

I took a look at this issue in a solution without custom code (Swift), and was able to repro the issue. It happens when there is an user with the entered email used as username and app setting "Require unique emails" unchecked. I tested on 9.12.7 -

Let me know what you think.

BR Mario

Oleg Rodionov Dynamicweb Employee
Oleg Rodionov


I've tested using couple users (like in first video above) created via the site frontend and having the same email but was not able to catch the issue on editing the both profiles, here is video about the check. The same results on my test environment based on Rapido 3.4.3 and 9.13.0 admin.

Regarding the issue during creating new user, I was able to reproduce it on the environment as well. New task 6639 has been created to fix the bug. Thanks.

BR, Oleg QA 

Kristian Kirkholt Dynamicweb Employee
Kristian Kirkholt

Hi Fabio

The problem regarding creating new user #6639 has been fixed in Dynamicweb hotfix release 9.13.4
You are able to get this release from the download section here

Please contact if you have any question regarding this upgrade

Kind Regards
Dynamicweb Support
Kristian Kirkholt


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