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Avoid logout for backend users on application recycle
Hi guys, Is there any way I can avoid logging out admin users every time the application recycles? Thank you, Adrian ...
Adrian Ursu
15/09/2022 13:46:52
Last post: 18/09/2022 16:59:19
Translation of Access_User_ChangePassword.aspx
Hi How do you translate the texts on the page Access_User_ChangePassword.aspx used for changing user password? I have tried both Settings - Translations and Settings - User interface. But with no luck. ...
Lars Larsen
30/08/2022 15:26:33
Last post: 01/09/2022 08:47:08
Double up on discount lines in frontend
Hi, First off, sorry if placing in wrong forum, I was not sure where this belongs. We have a solution version 9.10.7. When a customer places they favorites via "buy all button" multiple discount a rendered in the frontend. The data sent to  ...
Eva Sommer
29/08/2022 09:00:03
Last post: 01/09/2022 02:16:35
Deployment Tool - Replace Links exception
Hi, We upgraded a solution to 9.13.11 and we are getting the following exception when we try to use Deployment Tool to sync paragraphs. Is anyone experiencing the same? Thanks, Mario ...
Mario Santos
25/08/2022 18:24:28
Last post: 31/08/2022 10:08:34
Image Handler taking too long
Hi, We are noticing that the ImageHandler is taking too much time on the first image. Although we don't have a measured baseline, we woul expect it to be under 1,5sec. The problem is that we're seeing it take more than 5 and even 10 seconds ( ...
Nuno Aguiar
26/08/2022 11:52:07
Last post: 26/08/2022 21:10:58
Idea for new logic behind creating new itemtype that inherits an existing one
I have multiple times been in the database and swapped item types to ones that inherit an exiting one without loosing all the existing data. So I thought why not bring this option to the backend? Explanation: When you create a new ItemType and select ...
Kevin Steffer
25/08/2022 15:47:09
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Sorting pages something hangs
Hi, Sometimes when sorting pages the site seems to throw an error. It does not happen always though Using DevTools I could see it's a 500 error returing a YSOD BR, Nu ...
Nuno Aguiar
17/08/2022 21:56:10
Last post: 22/08/2022 11:52:26
File path error when importing from Excel
Hi guys, I am trying to import an excel file using DataIntegration, just like I did a million times before. The difference now is that the path to the selected file is no longer recognized (notice there is no \ between files and Files) Job Failed wit ...
Adrian Ursu
17/08/2022 21:31:54
Last post: 21/08/2022 16:19:06
Monitoring Health Wrong Item Ids bug
Hi, I was chasing my tail for a while in Monitoring > Health > Content data > Wrong Item Ids. It seems to constantly hang and log an error in the event viewer. After looking into this I notice it's because of the Item Type system names w ...
Nuno Aguiar
13/07/2022 16:39:41
Last post: 12/08/2022 16:54:39
Dashboards and widget
Hi I'm creating dashboards for client and find out interesting thing After creating SQL query table widget, I got this kind of alert and auto logout from admin SQL query SELECT LogAction, LogDescription, LogUsername, LogDate FROM GeneralLog WHERE ...
Andrejs Zavorotnijs
11/08/2022 22:43:44
Last post: 12/08/2022 08:04:44
Product Category Fields Sort Order
Hi Everyone, We've been using the Product Category for our dynamic web solution and each of the product categories contains a large number of fields. When editing the Product Category you can specify the sort order of the Fields. However, each ti ...
Steve Knutson
08/08/2022 08:57:01
Last post: 09/08/2022 07:38:05
SSO for backend / Administration
Hi. Is there any standard implementation for SSO to the Backend / Administration. I can't recall ever seen it for the backend, but i do know its there for AD integration for frontend. Any good idea for making it for the Backend ? ...
Kenneth Radoor
08/08/2022 10:53:19
Last post: 08/08/2022 11:08:12
user defined url's takes a long time before turning active
Hello. I have a client running dw 9.9.6 that wants to change their pages url's to something that they define. It takes a long time after having updated the url, before it actually becomes the active. I have looked in the database, and the url is  ...
Alexander Olsen
04/08/2022 14:42:50
Last post: 05/08/2022 09:46:01
Error creating new Row
Hi guys, I have a new constant error when creating new rows in Visual Editor: 2022-08-02 15:07:02.633: Exception of type 'System.Web.HttpUnhandledException' was thrown. System.Web.HttpUnhandledException (0x80004005): Exception of type 'Sy ...
Adrian Ursu
02/08/2022 15:10:23
Last post: 03/08/2022 03:08:34
Access to content presets
Hi guys, I have a project where I need to allow Content managers to save VIsual Editor presets. I see that right now, only Admins and Administrators are allowed and I want to avoid defining the content editors as Admins. Is there any way I can accomp ...
Adrian Ursu
24/07/2022 19:00:42
Last post: 28/07/2022 13:11:05
Google Login
Hello, We've added Google Login using the default feature Dynamicweb provides with External Authentication. It works great if you go through it and complete the process but if you change your mind whenever you are redirected to Google to authenti ...
Daniel Voicu
26/07/2022 21:52:05
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Performance leak using Item Type User field
Hi, When working with a custom Item type, creating a field of type User, we notice a performance leak. We create the field Our intent was to get the group Id and then do something with it. We used Model.Item.G ...
Nuno Aguiar
26/07/2022 19:10:06
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Tiny MCE does not see value in editor
Hi Guys, I remember I have seen a similar post before but I cannot find it anymore. I apologize if it's gonna be a duplicate post. I have a solution running on DW 9.13.5. I am using (or trying to) TIny MCE as editor from the RichText ItemField. I ...
Adrian Ursu
16/06/2022 19:39:31
Last post: 14/07/2022 08:58:34
Item relation list limit
Hi, I have an item relations list that has 1000 items at the moment. And it won't let me add more. I create a new item and it shows on the list until I save it, at that point the item disappears. When checking the DB the item is created and exist ...
Cátia Torego
05/07/2022 17:27:46
Last post: 07/07/2022 03:47:41
Show manufacturer name instead of id
Can someone help me out with showing manufacturer name istead of Id? I can only pick id, but I want to display the name instead :) ...
Eva Sommer
27/06/2022 11:27:47
Last post: 06/07/2022 13:12:56