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OData provider doesn't return the expected data
I'm using the OData provider on a DW9.17.7 solution to get prices from the Business Central web service (DynamicwebSalesPrices3), but I'm not getting the expected prices. I have followed the configuration from ...
Michael Knudsen
07/09/2024 23:15:06
Last post: 09/09/2024 10:12:35
Discount Price Calculation Issue In BC
Dear Support, We use a standard integration code in BC, but we’ve encountered an issue when creating a standard order discount from DW. When the discounted order syncs to BC, the discount line is not created as a separate order line in BC. Inst ...
Ya Min Thu
29/08/2024 12:44:36
Last post: 30/08/2024 12:36:23
Business Central Shipping integration fields
Good Afternoon, Is there a way of setting these fields via the API? Seems like your documentation says it is only available via the live integration? The Sales Order REST Api doesn't have that as an endpoint and was just wondering how to set it f ...
Joseph Vause
22/08/2024 17:29:54
Last post: 29/08/2024 11:03:21
Where did Refresh Schema go in DW 10?
Hi there, I have an integration job that maps from an XML document to a custom SQL table (using the DynamicWeb provider). I've added a new column to my table. but it won't show up in the backend's job. in DW 9 we had Refresh Schema but I  ...
Imar Spaanjaars
13/08/2024 12:43:03
Last post: 14/08/2024 10:02:02
Bug: Integration Admin Screen doesn't like subfolders on Linux Docker Image
Reporting a bug on the Integration Page when using Linux Containers. If the XML file for the integration is in a subfolder, it cannot read the xml file, so you end up with a screen like this and the the backslash is causing problems as on linux it sh ...
Joseph Vause
26/07/2024 12:22:44
Last post: 08/08/2024 13:15:50
Acquiring a Token from Business Central
Hello, We are running Dynamic Web on a Linux Container in Azure. When attempting to acquire a token from Business Central we are getting the following error once it redirects back to Dynamic Web from BC SetAuthorizationCode failed: Operation is not s ...
Joseph Vause
25/07/2024 16:32:16
Last post: 31/07/2024 10:40:55
Scheduled Task Logs for Odata Jobs
Hello, We are running into an issue with Scheduled task logs for Odata integration activities filing up drive space. These logs are duplicates of the data integration activity log for the job they are running. Each time it runs the log file continues ...
Jeremy Fesmire
24/07/2024 23:00:46
Last post: 06/08/2024 12:48:33
Delete missing rows from source for specific source
Hi guys, I have a project where we get products from multiple external sources. The problem we have to solve is removing the missing products depending on the source of the data. I am unsure if we can configure the DataIntegration job to delete the m ...
Adrian Ursu
15/07/2024 08:21:15
Last post: 28/08/2024 15:27:37
No Source Table From JSON Source Provider In Data Integration
Hi. I'm trying to set up a data integration using a JSON provider on a DW 9.12.12 solution. I'm running into an issue where no source table is found in my data: I think the issue comes down to the formatting of my JSON file without being 100% ...
Bo Nyby
09/07/2024 10:59:56
Last post: 18/07/2024 11:35:49
BC BluePrints template
For now I just downloaded and unzipped Because the instructions state: But I get: ...
Justin Sjouw
05/07/2024 11:19:39
Last post: 13/09/2024 14:49:15
Variants in liveintegration and many calls to BC
Hi, When calling on a productlist or a product itself that have variants - it will send a request to BC with ALL the variants on the product itself. If you have alot of variants and are showing 15 products per page. This will take ALOT of time. Am I  ...
Jan Sangill
19/06/2024 15:18:22
Last post: 19/06/2024 18:52:03
Import related products
Hi, I'm looking for a way to import references to related products. We already have a data integration job, doing batch integration at a scheduled interval. My main issue is that products in the client's ERP are referenced by internal product ...
Martin Christensen
18/06/2024 13:42:13
Last post: 18/06/2024 14:20:33
DW Discounts are ignored in live integration to BC18
Hi, We're having a problem where we are trying to make BC accept DW discounts, which I have seen work on other projects. It is a BC18 on-premise and the code unit is version For starters I want to ensure that the newest version of the c ...
Roald Haahr
11/06/2024 10:40:17
Last post: 12/06/2024 08:27:00
recurring orders recalculation
Hi there, We have a solution with a custom integration to ERP which controlling all the prices and discounts, also there is significant number of subscription/ recurring orders. Currently, if a recurring order is generated when no discount campaigns  ...
Umar Farooq
06/06/2024 08:42:33
Last post: 06/06/2024 09:53:32
Now an then an error when submitting orders
Hi, Sometimes this error is generated when an order is being submitted from dw to BC with the LiveIntegration. Is there anything I can do to prevent this? ...
Justin Sjouw
31/05/2024 15:04:59
Last post: 03/06/2024 10:01:40
Batch integration - import property translations
Hi, Our customer has al her properties and translations in NAV. When I make the request where I specify the languages, I only get the Property field translations values for the main language: "ENU". How should I adjust this request to add t ...
Davy Capiau
30/05/2024 08:58:55
Last post: 03/06/2024 13:46:49
Add fields to codeunit
Hi, We have a solution with a standard BC integration and use Live Integration to retrieve orders and invoices. Now we would need to get a customfield from BC with the orderdata. Its a field that a tracking number for Logtrade. What do we need to do  ...
Aki Ruuskanen
23/05/2024 08:33:33
Last post: 23/05/2024 09:03:13
Performance and Zero results clearing cache
Hi, Summary: The EcomProvider (as Destination) seems to be clearing the cache even when there are no results to import. This was found in 9.17.2 Setup: We have many scheduled tasks that run every 5 minutes to get data from the ERP As expected, not ev ...
Nuno Aguiar
08/05/2024 16:03:59
Last post: 31/07/2024 11:09:43
Prevent jobs from running if ERP connection is down
Hi guys, What would be the best way to account for ERP connection availability before running a batch job? We have seen situations where running a batch job would generate some errors if the ERP endpoint is down. Is there a standard way of handling t ...
Adrian Ursu
08/05/2024 10:08:42
Last post: 17/05/2024 09:18:55
AddInParameter options or Parameter for longer text
Hello (I hope this question is in the right forum part.) I develop a custom batch job and want a parameter to support longer texts. I find no AddInParameter like "LongText" or similar, just TextParameterEditor. I wonder if there is a AddInP ...
26/04/2024 13:07:05
Last post: 26/04/2024 14:14:54