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Forum » Ecommerce - Standard features
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Send notification on Quote State change
Hi Guys, I have set up a notification email on Quote Status change. Nothing fancy. An empty template with a simple text in it just to see what happens. After changing the state on the quote, I've got the following yellow error: [NullReferenceExceptio ...
Adrian Ursu
19/07/2017 01:22:40
Last post: 19/07/2017 13:16:57
Facets with Numbers
Hi Guys, I have a situation where I have some facets and the facet options are numbers. They seem to be indexed properly, the facets show the options correctly, but the filter is not applied. I have defined the fields as system.string[] and the condi ...
Adrian Ursu
13/07/2017 23:30:39
Last post: 20/07/2017 20:37:08
Send notification to different recipient
Hi guys, I have a couple of custom notifications that I need to send, where the recipient of the email is different based on a setting on the user or the user allocation to a user group. Specifically, I have users allocated to Sales agents. The users ...
Adrian Ursu
12/07/2017 12:58:16
Last post: 20/07/2017 13:18:35
Multiple SortBy in list (querystring)
Hi there, Is it possible to do a secondary sortBy through the query-string on an eCom (index based) productlist? Best, Jonas ...
Jonas Mersholm
07/07/2017 11:40:16
Last post: 19/01/2023 14:16:36
Setting up index with assortments
Hello, I have some issues setting up the index with assortment active as an item should be shown if the item is in a user's assortment or the item is in no assortment at all. But I cannot get this to work. Right now I have a query string like this: + ...
Anders Ebdrup
28/06/2017 00:11:47
Last post: 28/06/2017 16:16:37
Update values for Address Custom Fields
Hi guys, I am trying to use the newly added custom fields for User Addresses. I have succesfully defined them in the backend but it looks like I cannot update them from front-end using the default tags. I am using 9.2.14 Thanks, Adrian ...
Adrian Ursu
26/06/2017 19:55:10
Last post: 27/06/2017 14:28:19
Hi Guys, I have a solution based on wrap. Pretty much everything is Wrap code. I have a rather unusual amount of variants in the form of color options for a house painting producer. Whenever I try to run TemplateTags in any template, I get the follow ...
Adrian Ursu
21/06/2017 23:50:18
Last post: 22/06/2017 10:52:14
Adding buffer for unknown shipping
Is it possible today to add a buffer to the payment authorization amount for an unknown, like shipping? Maybe of our B2B sites calculate the shipping with freight companies after the order has been placed, and they tell the customer on the website th ...
Scott Forsyth
21/06/2017 16:21:47
Last post: 22/06/2017 05:05:35
Updating OrderLine fields in cart
Hi Guys, I have a case where I need to allow the customer to edit the value in an OrderLineField. Somethign similar with the way I update the orderline for quantity changes. I need to be able to make this update using AJAX. Is this possible using sta ...
Adrian Ursu
20/06/2017 14:33:03
Last post: 14/12/2017 18:30:52
Working with quotes
Hi Guys, I am trying to implement the Quotes flow and I need to know what happens when a customer decides to turn the quote into an Order: 1. Is there a specific method or link to turn it into an order? I have found a link that adds the Quote to cart ...
Adrian Ursu
20/06/2017 11:50:01
Last post: 20/06/2017 12:39:48
Repository task : auto build index on errors
Hello, I'm having some trouble with a customer whose repository index often fails to build. To palliate for that, I set up an automatic index build every 15 minutes in the "tasks" part of the repository. It gets executed fine... unless there was an e ...
Gaëtan Di Caro
20/06/2017 08:34:04
Last post: 21/06/2017 14:48:11
Rounding issues
Hi, We are running into some issues with rounding with discounts and taxes. The difference is usually by 0,01€, but still depending on the settings in the backend there are 2 consequences: The credit card is authorized for less The customer complains ...
Nuno Aguiar
15/06/2017 16:58:07
Last post: 12/07/2017 12:47:08
How do I create pretty prices without decimals
I want prices without decimals, for example: 580,- Some prices are difficult to get right after VAT is added. In DynamicWeb 487,39 + 19% VAT becomes 579,99 - and if I modify the price in backend to 487,40 it becomes 580,01 in frontend. I've added a r ...
Filip L.
15/06/2017 13:59:21
Last post: 16/06/2017 13:33:15
Price matrix and discounts
I've imported prices into the prices matrix. - I thought I could specify a general price "Alle varianter" which would show up on product lists, but it seems this price has higher priority than the prices specifie ...
Filip L.
14/06/2017 13:21:46
Last post: 15/06/2017 12:11:46
New shipping error
I have a problem when I want to create a new shipping. I get an stackoverflow error and I don't know what the problem is. How can I fix this problem? I click on the button New shipping and then this window pops up. When I run it through Visual Studio ...
Yung Yi Wong
13/06/2017 11:48:39
Last post: 22/06/2017 16:35:05
Order Search in Customer Center
Hi Guys, I just happen to notice the Order Search functionality in Customer Center. I have never used it before and it is actually a very nice surprise. However, the search form selects does not offer any option to select from. Is there a dependency  ...
Adrian Ursu
13/06/2017 00:43:02
Last post: 13/06/2017 10:33:13
VAT and shipping fee
I have a DW9-webshop setup with a static shipping fee of 750 DKK. and don't want to deduct VAT of this fee. Under Settings -> Ecommerce -> Advanced configuration -> Prices, there is no checkmark in "Use VAT on fees: Delivery". In the cart th ...
Kurt Moskjær Andersen
09/06/2017 22:35:02
Last post: 22/05/2023 09:36:51
Standard currency and importing prices
Hi, I'm working on a site that adds new lanuages and new currencies. The standard currency is danish kroners (DKK). Now I've got a CSV-file (which I'll import) containing prices for products for the swedish site - the currency in this file is swedish ...
Filip L.
09/06/2017 10:59:58
Last post: 09/06/2017 13:48:22
Ecom and product catalogue module
Hi, I've added a paragraph to a page, connected with the product catalogue module. The paragraph is used to output a certain amount of products to the page on a light gray background. Whenever a customer clicks on a product, they are redirected to th ...
Kurt Moskjær Andersen
09/06/2017 10:17:37
Last post: 09/06/2017 13:42:33 TLS 1.2
Hi, Can somebody confirm if Payment Provider is set to work with TLS 1.2? Comming September will disable TLS 1.0 and 1.1, and we need to get our DW8 solutions working. ...
Nuno Aguiar
08/06/2017 17:50:52
Last post: 22/08/2017 15:59:27