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Product Discount in ProductIndexBuilder/ExtendDocument
Hi, I need to know if a product has a discount or not in a ProductIndexBuilder/ExtendDocument(). The purpose is to enrich other fields with values ​​depending on whether a product has a discount or not. I would like to avoid Services.Discounts.GetDis ...
Casper Hermann Rasmussen
24/08/2023 11:02:47
Last post: 25/08/2023 11:50:12
Add a logo from html code
Hello everyone, can someone help me with the following, I need to add a logo from an HTML code, how can I do that, the code is something like this: <span id="siteseal"><script async type="text/javascript" src="https: ...
John Cristian Villamar Cueva
15/08/2023 00:06:13
Last post: 15/08/2023 09:28:34
Finish the transaction at a custom CheckoutHandler
Hi, We are implementing a custom CheckoutHandler. We are unsure about which functions we need to call to properly mananage the response of the transaction. 1) When the payment is approved: We use SetOrderComplete() and the order is displayed as compl ...
Tomas Gomez
14/08/2023 11:46:35
Last post: 14/08/2023 17:16:58
Display Schema extender fields in Queries in PIM
Hi guys, I have had a lot of situations where I would extend the index with new properties for the purpose of filtering but I was also interested in displaying those fields in the Queries, at least in the index mode view. Is there any way I can accom ...
Adrian Ursu
10/08/2023 11:11:43
Last post: 10/08/2023 12:49:06
Products in stock - live integration
Hello, We need to display a list of products that are in stock. I tried to change a query/index and add that the stock is greater than zero. This works, but the problem is the stock level. The stock comes from the NAV live integration and we do not h ...
Mario Kožić
08/08/2023 09:14:49
Last post: 08/08/2023 10:08:11
Prevent user login if not allowed on website
Hi, We have a customer with a solution with many webshops on. We seperate users in different usergroups in import. The users should only be allowed to login on their allocated site. I've made restrictions with the permission matrix, so the user g ...
Marie Louise Veigert
02/08/2023 09:09:16
Last post: 02/08/2023 14:05:56
Order weight
Hi, The Order class has a Weight property. Checking its value around, it looks like the weight calculation only consider one product unit (quantity=1) from each orderline, i.e. the weight of two units of the same product is the same as the weight of  ...
Tomas Gomez
01/08/2023 12:04:08
Last post: 03/08/2023 11:04:42
Where is Version in System\Manage Versions stored
Hi, My site is running on 9.15.9 as configured in IIS, but the manage versions screen still shows 9.15.8. I suspect it could have something to do with deployment of config files? ...
Justin Sjouw
25/07/2023 15:46:31
Last post: 26/07/2023 14:32:22
Render Navigation for a specific User context
Hi guys, I have a solution that becomes more and more challenging because of the large number of Users, User groups, and Assortments. Navigation rendering is becoming a real issue, even with the new approach. I understand that our setup is rather far ...
Adrian Ursu
11/07/2023 13:00:29
Last post: 11/07/2023 14:14:05
Handle custom font family/styling inside titles
Hi guys, I have a situation where I need to accommodate something like this: This means that I have to add some custom styling to a piece of text inside a heading. I can define a reliable separator that would identify the segment to be customized. St ...
Adrian Ursu
07/07/2023 13:47:31
Last post: 10/07/2023 12:40:55
reordering an order via dwapi
Hi, It seems like there's no way to "reorder" an order via the dwapi. Right now if you were to "reorder", you would have to loop every orderline from the old order and add them one by one to your current cart. Is it possible t ...
Mikkel Hammer
04/07/2023 15:10:25
Last post: 17/07/2023 12:08:12
Check if user has ordered product
Hi guys, We have to build a functionality to allow posting product reviews only for users that have purchased the product. What would be the most efficient way to check if the current user has a specific (current product) in his order history? Thank  ...
Adrian Ursu
04/07/2023 12:01:03
Last post: 04/07/2023 13:52:29
Missing Using in IronPdfRenderer
Dear Dynamicweb, We are experiencing issues with multiple IronCefSubprocess in the Task Explorer - please see this screen dump:, which is taken up CPU. We believe that it is caused due to a missing "using ...
Anders Ebdrup
03/07/2023 13:19:42
Last post: 02/08/2023 13:08:11
Accessing assets
Hello I want to be able to add, edit and delete assets (both documents, images and video links) via code in the back end. How do I do that? (Version 9.) Thanks in advance, Fredrik ...
28/06/2023 20:11:06
Last post: 29/06/2023 15:28:20
Convert Item into ItemVIewModel
Hi guys, What is the best approach to convert an Item into an ItemViewModel? Is this even possible? Thank you, Adrian ...
Adrian Ursu
28/06/2023 11:28:54
Last post: 29/06/2023 03:29:23
Change of case sensitivity between 9.15
Hi guys, I have a template running on 9.15 that read some parameters of the NavigationTreeViewModel. The code looks like this in 9.14 (and it works): string theme = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.Parameters["Theme"].ToString()) ? Model.Paramet ...
Adrian Ursu
28/06/2023 10:39:27
Last post: 08/08/2023 14:30:52
Getting to a "Clean" version of GlobalSettings.Config
I'm working to produce a "clean" version of GlobalSettings.Config, so that I can use it as a generic baseline for new solutions. On top of that I will then add GlobalSettings.Database, .CommonInformation, .MailServer etc The version on  ...
Justin Sjouw
28/06/2023 09:48:58
Last post: 30/06/2023 15:01:38
XML-provider not using provided XSL-file
Hi Dynamicweb. I have a solution running on DW version 9.14.9, where I have an issue with the XML-provider as destination, to export product data into an XML-file. I want to transform the XML-structure during the export, using a provided XSL-file. Bu ...
Kristoffer Surrow
25/06/2023 13:21:42
Last post: 09/08/2023 09:06:15
Payment retry on a failed order
Hey guys, On my project I need to give users the posibility to retry a payment on some orders . What is the best approach to do this? The context is like this: - the orders are completed, but capture state is Not Captured - Users should have a link i ...
Alexandru Aliu
21/06/2023 19:16:44
Last post: 22/06/2023 16:35:38
Issue with Nuget 9.15.8
Hi, I have been working with a partner to get a solution up and running. Image processing was not workingm which was caused by missing DLL's. Can someone from QA or dev please check if it is a general issue with the NuGet package? Message from pa ...
Justin Sjouw
20/06/2023 15:10:46
Last post: 22/06/2023 09:30:15