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Deployment of list boxes
Hi, Using the Deployment tool, the new product fields of type "List box" are created on the remote server with no option list. As well, transferring an existing field of type List box doesn't update its option list. I attach an image with my deployme ...
Tomas Gomez
25/09/2020 14:09:21
Last post: 28/09/2020 17:24:51
Greetings! We have a customer who is using the old Search Module which is using the project Dynamicweb.WeightedSearch Project. They have recently been upgraded to 9.8.8, and the search fails because of an Null Reference. Would it be possible to add a ...
Keerthy Sethupathy
25/06/2020 15:48:21
Last post: 10/09/2020 13:04:13
NotifyUser in Altapay-handler
Dear Dynamicweb, We have a couple of solutions using the Altapay checkout gateway and see some issues/improvements for the checkout handler as we have a lot of errors in the monitoring panel with: Can not send email due to missing user Which comes fr ...
Anders Ebdrup
08/06/2020 17:50:44
Last post: 09/09/2020 14:25:25
Get comment counts on subpage
Hi All Been trying to crack this for some hours now, but with no luck. Basically i have a page with an item publisher attached to it, that just lists all my items, in this case i'm building a blog. On each blog details page, if i use @TemplateTags()  ...
Casper Andersen
02/09/2020 15:47:10
Last post: 07/09/2020 11:09:46
Local/Dev Environment for multiple developers
Hi, I've been working with DynamicWeb for a short while on a preexisting solution. As it appears we're about to start a completely new solution we want to setup things properly as opposed to what we're working on now. What is the recommended way to s ...
Kasper Laursen
25/08/2020 10:21:33
Last post: 31/08/2020 11:09:57
Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Common.Context.DisplayPricesWithVat has no effect in ProductViewModel
Dear Dynamicweb, We see that changing the property: Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Common.Context.DisplayPricesWithVat has no effect in the ProductViewModel. Will you please try to look into this? Best regards, Anders ...
Anders Ebdrup
12/08/2020 16:16:25
Last post: 27/08/2020 12:55:47
Preload data or clear data in ProductIndexBuilder
Dear Dynamicweb, We are missing a method in our ProductIndexBuilder where we can either preload data before start indexing or clear our caching when ending a build of the product index. Can that be added? Best regards, Anders ...
Anders Ebdrup
20/08/2020 09:46:23
Last post: 23/08/2020 09:27:06
Deployment question in regards to Items - dev to live
Hi, I have a site where we use Azure pipelines to deploy with. In regards to items we have it at the moment to sync with "Files". When a new file is deployed to live in items - for it to be updated in databse and created there - I need to manually at ...
Jan Sangill
12/03/2020 11:46:06
Last post: 17/08/2020 14:55:02
product discount quantity - on product page calculate by quantity - not first in cart
Hi, I have a question. It might be me overlooking something very simple. I hope it is. If a product quantity discount is applied with x percent in backend. Then when we goto the productpage - I need to be able to show the correct price - if the user  ...
Jan Sangill
14/04/2020 09:50:41
Last post: 17/08/2020 10:34:16
Creating order in Addin - scheduled task question
Hi, When I create an order via razor in the frontend - when creating an order via API - it calculates prices correctly. However if I move the same code into an addin - then only the unitprice for the orderline is present - but the totalprices, vat pr ...
Jan Sangill
12/08/2020 11:07:40
Last post: 12/08/2020 21:13:46
Dynamicweb.Content.Files.Metadata.Meta - How to use
Hi, I am trying to figure out how to use the namespace Dynamicweb.Content.Files.Metadata.Meta for getting metadata from metafields that are set inte File Manager. Exampel: I have configured a metafield called "DocumentName". I have added that field t ...
Aki Ruuskanen
11/08/2020 16:40:02
Last post: 12/08/2020 09:46:21
Sort order of property fields in frontend/pim/ecom
Hi, I am trying to get my head around the sorting of property fields. I have attached three screenshots of same fields in PIM, eCom and when rendered with the ProductFieldService. They have all different sortorder. What I am trying to achive is to re ...
Aki Ruuskanen
14/05/2020 14:07:53
Last post: 11/08/2020 14:52:12
Integration with a Digital Signature solution
Hi, Has anyone developed an integration with a Digital Signature Solution with Forms in Dynamicweb? I am trying to understand if we can do that by keeping all of the form setup in Dynamicweb (using Forms for Editors) and have some additional code or  ...
Nuno Aguiar
28/07/2020 13:40:51
Last post: 03/08/2020 13:18:02
Refresh License Fails
A customer running 9.8.9 has been experiencing the following failure from the 11th of July. They got upgraded to 9.8.8 in June and yesterday to 9.8.9 to see if this would resolve the problem. The login time when logging in to Admin is also quite long ...
Keerthy Sethupathy
28/07/2020 10:48:42
Last post: 28/07/2020 13:10:15
Order delivery status update
Hi I need to implement some functionality to get delivery status of shipment. I added the field on order DeliveryStatus and I am displaying it on list of orders. I have a code that will fetch me the new status of order. How can I run this code each t ...
Ivan Marijanović
22/07/2020 13:43:18
Last post: 23/07/2020 04:39:42
Form Submissions Being Sent to SMTP Server When IP Is Banned
We get a handful of bad form submissions a day that result in the referral IP being banned. In lookking at the content of the form submission, they are usually in Russian and talking about male enhancement products or spending time online with beauti ...
Tim Eddings
13/07/2020 21:31:06
Last post: 13/07/2020 22:09:41
Product Discounts
Hi, DW version: 9.6.15 We have Product discount based on quantity and discounts are applied on all users and products, But some user has user specific prices on products which are already discounted and we dont discounts to be calculated on thoese pr ...
Umar Farooq
10/07/2020 12:53:48
Last post: 10/07/2020 13:44:06
Custom Related Products Loop
Hi, Wasn't there a code example of how to generate a loop of related products? I have a SQL query that will essentially return a list of ProductIDs that I would like to then put in a loop. I know there are a ton of ways to do this, but I want to avoi ...
Nuno Aguiar
02/07/2020 20:19:18
Last post: 07/07/2020 12:17:19
Error installing NuGet packages for Dynamicweb.DataIntegration 2.2.6
When I try and install the NuGet pakages for Dynamicweb.DataIntegration (Latest stable relealease 2.2.6) I get the follwoing error: Circular dependency detected 'Dynamicweb 9.1.2 => Dynamicweb.Security 1.0.6 => Dynamicweb.Indexing 3.8.3 => D ...
Jon Thorne
02/07/2020 04:09:43
Last post: 03/07/2020 10:48:11
Getting current user id in Dynamicweb 8 through API
Don´t ask why, but I have to make this work on a Dynamicweb 8 solution I have this on Dynamicweb 9, and it´s working fine Dynamicweb.Analytics.UserIdentity.GetCurrentIdentity(); But can´t find anything 'similar' on Dynamicweb 8. Anyone got a clue? /H ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
01/07/2020 17:16:40
Last post: 02/07/2020 09:56:22