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search words
Can you add search words to a page and can you only include searthen pages in the search? Ex: if you whant pages that relate to a searten city you would add that city to the search words of those pages and these would then be listed in the s ...
20/03/2009 16:34:32
Last post: 23/03/2009 08:47:15
eCom Menu
Hi, Is there an xml example file like the navigation.xml (for pages), but for the eCommerce group lists? Best Regards, Nuno ...
23/07/2008 20:30:28
Last post: 20/03/2009 13:28:21
file size
I have a link to a file on a product in e-com and I use "Link" on the "Media" tab for this. Is there a whey to get the size of this file and put it on the productlist page? ...
12/03/2009 16:41:06
Last post: 20/03/2009 13:15:24
eCom menu - xslt and @InPath
I am making a eCom menu. It has to be in the left side of the site. I am having problems with showing it in the way I want to: Groups in the root level of my shop has to be shown (and no other groups). When I click one of the groups the groups below, ...
16/03/2009 10:04:27
Last post: 20/03/2009 13:14:07
next/previous product
hi Is there no easy way to implement a next/previous product link on the product(detail) template? I understand that I can use the product list template for this but then I need two seperate pages for listing products, an that will mess up my menusys ...
19/03/2009 11:17:12
Last post: 20/03/2009 13:11:30
Buying products from the product list
I need to have a quantity box and an add button on every product in the product list. How do a conect the box and the button to a product so that it takes the right product and the right quantity? ...
01/07/2008 16:26:42
Last post: 18/03/2009 15:25:29
order email
I whant to send an email if the customer checks a box in the cart and if they don't the email is not sent. The email should be sent on the same time the order mail is sent. Can you do this width some script or do you have to do some custom module for ...
18/03/2009 08:30:45
Last post: 18/03/2009 09:00:21
Prefix 'Ecom' is not defined.
Hi I am trying to build some kind of logic into my ecom product template and after converting a html template to xslt i receive the following error. Prefix 'Ecom' is not defined. How do I correct this. ...
11/03/2009 16:31:17
Last post: 17/03/2009 14:30:59
Can a call FormMail.aspx from any form or does it only work DW forms? If you can, witch values have to be included for it to work? ...
11/03/2009 13:10:25
Last post: 11/03/2009 16:22:04
Placing Product Variants in Dropdown
Hi there, I want to place some product variants for a given product in a dropdown. A user then has the choice to pick a variant (e.g. different colors) and (with the help of some javascript) show a different product picture. Is there some documentati ...
09/03/2009 17:46:44
Last post: 10/03/2009 08:39:48
requestEncoding set to UTF-8
Hello everyone, what are the sideeffects in changing the encoding in web.config from utf-8 in the globalization node <globalization requestEncoding="utf-8" responseEncoding="utf-8" fileEncoding="utf-8" /> to iso-88 ...
07/03/2009 19:56:15
Last post: 09/03/2009 13:57:36
Removing orderlines from basket when added via API fails
I have a setup where it is possible to add products to the basket not available in Ecommerce product catalog. I'm doing this via the API (see thread: ) When I have ad ...
05/03/2009 20:35:40
Last post: 06/03/2009 09:15:39
Right clik on page - Access is denied
When I right click on at page in the navigation tree I get an javascript error: A Runtine error has occurred.... Line: 1173 Error: Access is denied. It prevent me from editing the page properties or to delete it. I have just disabled the new userinte ...
05/03/2009 10:36:46
Last post: 06/03/2009 08:52:03
Error when calling Save() method on Order
I am adding custom products to the DW Basket and it works just fine. Except for this one situation: When I add products to the basket and go to the basket and empty it and I try to add products to the basket again. The first attempt fails with this e ...
04/03/2009 13:08:49
Last post: 05/03/2009 11:10:59
Error when creating paragraph
Hello I have installed the latest DW version on a clean set of Access db "from DefaultEmptyData" I can create pages but if I create a paragraph I get this error message. Is ther anybody who know what this is all about? Exception Details: Sy ...
05/03/2009 09:46:44
Last post: 05/03/2009 10:18:32
Notification runs twice,
Hi guys, I made a simple notification subscriber that listenes to the Order.Steps.Completed event. My problem is that the event is run twice when i complete an order. My code looks like this: public class budgetMaxOrderStepsCompleted : Dynamicweb.Ext ...
03/03/2009 13:52:45
Last post: 03/03/2009 15:04:03
Accessing Extranet custom fields
Hey Guys, I made a few Custom fields in in the ExtranetExtended module, and now i'm trying to find them via the API, but with no luck. Neither ExtranetExtended.User og the AccessUserClass classes had a property to access them. Where do i find them? & ...
26/02/2009 15:52:37
Last post: 03/03/2009 13:35:48
Base Tag
Like the description says: Where does it come from? And can I remove/change it? <!--base href="" /--> <!--meta name="Description" content="" /--> <!--meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content=&qu ...
09/02/2009 09:24:36
Last post: 03/03/2009 10:00:22
Stock level
Hi guys, We had a discussion today abou a bug fix in relation to stock level, but since we were in a Friday mood, the discussion got further than this;) We ended up talking about handling these instances where stock level somehow reaches zero or even ...
27/02/2009 15:09:28
Last post: 02/03/2009 12:59:47
Fileshare/Virtual Folder from another server
I created a Virtual folder infiles using IIS manager, and from here i can browse contents on the server holding the share - so seen from the iis, everything looks fine. I can also list the files in my browser: http://localhost/files/test/ But not fro ...
26/01/2009 22:24:04
Last post: 02/03/2009 09:34:57