I have a setup where it is possible to add products to the basket not available in Ecommerce product catalog. I'm doing this via the API (see thread: http://developer.dynamicweb.dk/Forum-17061.aspx?action=ShowThread&ThreadID=1309 )
When I have added some products to the basket, in my test at least 2 items, and I try to remove/delete an item from the basket it is always the first item in the list that is remove/deleted.
I have with SQL Profiler tried to track the database commands for any clue to why this is happening.
I have together with support tried to eliminate all possiblities of template error, and in the test i found out that with a standard product catalog with a standard basket it works. The only difference I can see and somehow conclude is that when products from the ecommerce product catalog are added the standard way the basket behaves perfectly, if I add some products manually via API, the basket doesn't work.
I have compared the database entries of my products in EcomOrderLines and even if I make them almost equal it doesn't work.
The only way out I see at this time is to the remove/delete command manually directly on the data tables.