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Swift update - braking changes on database?
Hi, I just tried to update my website to use latest Swift version (from 1.21.0 to 1.26.4). I'm on DW version 9.17.6 I've noticed that there's quite a lot of database changes in swift item types. So, what is the recommended approach to upd ...
Karol Barkowski
23/07/2024 16:56:52
Last post: 25/07/2024 15:04:33
NETS payments integration issue
Hi, I am trying to integrate NETS/DIBS Easy payments in DW 9. During the checkout i got an error from DibsEasyCheckout: En feil har oppstått **Payment request failed with following errors: { "notifications.WebHooks[0].Url": [ "Fi ...
Karol Barkowski
04/07/2024 11:44:30
Last post: 25/07/2024 14:24:57
NotificationSubscriber order of execution
HI, When using the same Notificaiton Subscriber in two different libraries in the same solution, is there a way to control the order that they get executed? THe reason being in that I'm getting "Unexpected exception GetContent() with the mes ...
Andrew Rushworth
19/07/2024 11:25:49
Last post: 19/07/2024 11:28:48
global.asax code
Hi, In DW10 I have access to the Startup.cs file where I can configure my whole project, use filters, middlewares, configure dependency injection containers, error handlers, generate swagger files, all that standart stuff that each and every web proj ...
Karol Barkowski
17/07/2024 16:02:44
Last post: 17/07/2024 17:50:18
Error on Razor Engine
Could not delete C:\Windows\TEMP\RazorEngine_twyaoezb.xx5: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'CompiledRazorTemplates.Dynamic.RazorEngine_d0d203368fb64296945dbb5fad64359c.dll' is denied. at System.IO.Directory.DeleteHelper ...
Shiwanka Chathuranga
15/02/2022 06:07:14
Last post: 16/07/2024 14:20:50
Get content of as DW Pages as string
Hi, We need to create 1 single PDF with the result of several pages in DW. For example: /my-page?a=1&b=2&c=111 /my-page?a=1&b=2&c=222 /my-page?a=1&b=2&c=333 Using an HttpClient we can make these requests and then concatenate t ...
Nuno Aguiar
16/07/2024 12:38:25
Last post: 16/07/2024 13:07:15
DWAPI Paragraph issue (dwapi/content/paragraph?pageId=xxxx)
We have a paragraph that contains a Swift_ProductComponentSlider with a single group. When updating the product information within this group, the dwapi/content/paragraph is still returning the stale/cached product information from within this group  ...
Barry Geukdjian
29/06/2024 10:24:08
Last post: 16/07/2024 08:21:47
Extending DAP to also export assets of BOM (Parts List)
The DAP uses the /dwapi/ecommerce/products/export For the export as zip function, as far as I can see there is no possibility there to extend this to include assets of SubProducts in case of a parts list. In this case would I need to create my own AP ...
Justin Sjouw
26/06/2024 18:35:32
Last post: 27/06/2024 15:36:42
Display voucher based discount on products
Hi Guys, We are looking into a way to display voucher based discounts on the product list page (PLP) and the product detail page (PDP), but is looks like that it has been blocked in the core code in DW (please find the screen shot below). I am wonder ...
Anders Ebdrup
11/03/2024 10:19:39
Last post: 27/06/2024 15:27:05
Chrome and edge autocomplete triggers antispam
We are experiencing problems with the auto complete in chrome and edge triggering the anti spam functionality. It fills the description field with the username it remembers from the login page. It seems that the problem stems from autocomplete=" ...
Lasse Larsen
18/06/2024 16:38:20
Last post: 18/06/2024 17:20:06
Api response doesn't match swagger documentation
Hi, I need to use the product search endpoint but there are two issues I found. First one is that response model that I get doesn't match the model described in swagger docs and it's missing facet group names. See image below where on the lef ...
Karol Barkowski
10/06/2024 12:53:05
Last post: 13/06/2024 05:02:21
Object reference Error on Dynamicweb.Analytics.Experiments.Experiment.GetExperimentByPageID(Int32 PageID)
DW Version 9.12.2 , did we miss any configuration? the solution is upgraded from 9.10.* to 9.12.2 This is not happen always... Full Error :- 2021-11-24 20:48:32.869: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. System.NullReferenceException: ...
Shiwanka Chathuranga
24/11/2021 17:09:39
Last post: 12/06/2024 16:25:57
Ability to set TotalProductCount
Hi Is it possible to set the TotalProductCount property in the OnBeforeProductList observer? In the OnBeforeProductList observer we are fetching data from a third party system to filter and sort products (Relewise) and that works as intended by using ...
Vincent Gercke
10/06/2024 15:22:41
Last post: 12/06/2024 09:50:23
Datalists using stored procedures with temp tables
Hi DW 9.17.5, Swift v1.26.0 This is a project with a couple of custom tables and we are using datalists to access the records on those tables. Since the original query had a couple of inners joins and that was causing some performance issues. We trie ...
Pedro Meias
08/06/2024 00:32:37
Last post: 11/06/2024 17:41:34
Klarna v3
Hi, In the klarna v3 payment provider we enabled the following option Upon investigation, i found out that the property "allowed_customer_types," which is type List<string>, has not been initialized either in the constructor or elsewh ...
Umar Farooq
22/03/2024 12:58:05
Last post: 06/06/2024 11:41:43
LoginError from azure AD
Hi, I have implemented the azure AD connection. But some times i get a LoginError and a banned IP. Error message: SQL Injection detected from ip : (Match on QueryString LoginError); expression: (?:'|%27|%22|%26|%3B|;|%3D|%23|%00|%7c|--)(?![ |:|&g ...
Andreas Pettersson
27/02/2024 09:13:47
Last post: 03/06/2024 09:59:17
Hi, We have a solution where we implemented the Azure AD Loginprovider. For a number of users we an error saying LoginError=IDX21323 after they try to login. Has anyone encountered this before? Regards / Aki ...
Aki Ruuskanen
03/06/2024 08:33:19
Last post: 03/06/2024 09:55:09
Frontegg external authentication
Hi, We need to implement a new external authentication for Frontegg. Is it much work implement an external loginprovider in DW? I found example code but is there possibl ...
Magnus Holmberg
24/05/2024 11:32:18
Last post: 27/05/2024 11:43:27
Add /de/ to URL for one language layer
Hi, We have a situation where we need to add /de/ to only one language layer. So "" needs to be rewrited to "". Also all of product URLs needs to be rewritten like this. Would the appropr ...
Aki Ruuskanen
21/05/2024 13:39:31
Last post: 22/05/2024 08:18:18
Debugging: No Symbols loaded for Compiled Razor Files
Hi, I'm trying to debug a local solution, but breakpoints in the cshtml files are not hit with the message that symbols are not loaded. I have taken the following steps: Create a new dw10 project with "dotnet new dw10-suite" Add Files f ...
Justin Sjouw
24/11/2023 09:30:09
Last post: 14/05/2024 13:13:37