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Timeout in basket
Hi DW, We are using the CartV2 with the URL : Kurv.aspx. When the user click "next" to go to step 2 and the "back" in the browser top navigation, the page is blanked with : "Websiden er udløbet. Mest sandsynlige årsag: Den lokale kopi af denne websid ...
04/02/2011 14:52:22
Last post: 08/02/2011 09:13:47
Decimal number in product field
Hi I have created a Decimal product field but when I write a decimal number in the product "product field" it saves it as a Integer without any decimals. I have tried both saving with comma "," and dot "." but it fails. Is this a bug? Kind regards /M ...
07/02/2011 12:49:53
Last post: 08/02/2011 07:28:23
Exclude paragraphs
At runtime I need a way to exclude specific paragraphs from being rendered on a page. Is there a notification I can use? Regards, Thomas ...
07/02/2011 12:02:19
Last post: 07/02/2011 19:37:52
Capture now in Dibs
Hi Is there anyway i can set capture now in dibs payment when using Post mode "Auto post"? Kind regards /Magnus ...
07/02/2011 09:20:40
Last post: 07/02/2011 12:45:19
shipping methods per country
Hello, Customer running on A shipping method is shown for a visitor, even though the selected country has been disabled for that shipmentmethod at ecom/config/shipping/[method]/country fees Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug? (I co ...
28/01/2011 15:35:06
Last post: 04/02/2011 06:52:11
remain shortcut while copying page?
Hi, Is there a reason for not remaining a page's shortcut while copying a page ? Customer is copying pages and finds himself manually having to alter this for eacht copies page. Thanks, Ton ...
02/02/2011 17:26:00
Last post: 04/02/2011 02:18:36
Getting parent node from current page
I'm developing a custom module, and need to fetch the parent node from the current node. How is this accomplished? ...
11/03/2010 14:05:12
Last post: 02/02/2011 12:06:32
Newsletter v3 categories
Hi, if a person appear in two categories with the same mailaddress and the two categories are selected when a newsletter is sent out - would the person receive two newsletters or would the system look for doublets? ...
01/02/2011 10:35:02
Last post: 01/02/2011 13:11:22
Get inactive products
Hi! How can I get all products? I have tried: Products.Product.getAllProducts(), Product.getProductBySQL("Select * FROM EcomProducts"), Product.getAllProductsFromShop("SHOP1") and many more but I cant get the inactive (ProductActive = 0) Kind regards ...
01/02/2011 11:19:11
Last post: 01/02/2011 11:36:00
Handling Deposits
Hi, Is it possible with standard or elkse custom functionality to let customers only pay a deposit of 100,- with a standard checkouthandler say Ogone while at the same time keeping all orderdetails intact say it keeps the same price and product in th ...
31/01/2011 15:12:02
Last post: 31/01/2011 15:30:08
Error in productlist
Hi DW's I have added the Seo Express module to a shop, but then the product list is crashing when I change the URL to: eCommerce products and variants (ProductID) Generates urls for eCommerce products and variants in the format /Product-Name.aspx and ...
31/01/2011 12:52:40
Last post: 31/01/2011 14:50:12
Checking a custom user field in Import / Export module
Hi guys, I'n trying to import a couple of user via the Import Export module. I've created the XML that matches the XSD, and all my standard fields are importet correct. What i can't get to work is importing to a custom field. I've defined a custom fi ...
28/01/2011 12:49:42
Last post: 31/01/2011 14:34:32
VariantGroups and Variant compinations
Hi, I'm wondering if it is possible to make variants display in two different dropdowns. The two variantgroups could be "size" and "color". When "size" is picked in the dropdown either a post is made with the first varia ...
11/01/2011 14:45:00
Last post: 31/01/2011 11:43:40
301 redirect on folder
Hi Our customer has made a 301 redirect on a folder with the direct paths module. It's the page/folder The redirect is working, the content of page shows up, but ...
31/01/2011 10:19:02
Last post: 31/01/2011 10:29:01
API fejl på SalesDiscountProvider samtidigt med PriceProvider
Beskrivelse Vi har på en shop gang i en løsning, hvor en voucher skal kunne udløse 20% rabat på ordren. Løsning er baseret på Dynamicweb rabat udvidet, så vi kan lave en rabat med vores egen SalesDiscountProvider. Problemet er prisberegningen på raba ...
28/01/2011 23:49:12
Last post: 30/01/2011 10:23:05
Filemanager permissions don't work
Hello, Customer running on We don't seem to be able to restrict access to several Filemanager Folders. For example, we want to restrict access to the "Templates" folder for several usergroups. Logged in as Admin, we go to the filemanager and ...
28/01/2011 12:17:03
Last post: 28/01/2011 16:25:59
Extending NewsV2
When extending the newsv2 module, which is great you can now. I'm wondering why Template.getLoop return a template and not a loop why is that? Dynamicweb.Templatev2.Loop _newslist = new Dynamicweb.Templatev2.Loop(); //t.GetLoop("NewsList"); Another t ...
27/01/2011 17:51:19
Last post: 28/01/2011 09:25:55
Extend search template
Hi Is there any way I can extend the search or filter module with my custom tags or how do I create Global tags that i can access inside the searchtemplate and filtertemplate in dw 7.2? Kind regards! ...
27/01/2011 15:21:25
Last post: 28/01/2011 09:08:33
Good Day, I'm trying to keep a loop and reuse it. This is the code: #region Facilities loopTemplate = template.GetLoop("Facilities"); droptemp = databaseobj.GetDroplistFacilities(); for (int i = 0; i { loopTemplate.SetTag("Facility.Code", ...
27/01/2011 16:20:09
Last post: 27/01/2011 20:16:23
Custom DW 7.1 - eCommerce completely dead?
I've installed a stone stock custom solution on DW 7.1 (Application( I've changed the update.xml to 50 same with the ecom xml and then reset the IIS to force updates on the files set and SQL database. When i enter eCommerce in the backend a ...
01/06/2010 11:54:34
Last post: 27/01/2011 15:42:56