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Error in productlist

 Hi DW's

I have added the Seo Express module to a shop, but then the product list is crashing

 when I change the URL to:

Generates urls for eCommerce products and variants in the format /Product-Name.aspx and /Product-Name/variant-name.aspx

the productlist answers:
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Dynamicweb.eCommerce.Frontend.Cart.Renderer.RenderCart(Order Order, Int32 stepReq, Template Template)
   at Dynamicweb.eCommerce.Frontend.Cart.Frontend.GetContent()
   at Dynamicweb.Frontend.Content.getModule(DataRow& ParagraphRow)

Any idea how I can resolve this, or find the cause of the error?


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen
Could you provide a URL?

The stack is from the cart and not the productlist...
 sure, I have mailed u.
 Thanks its working now. I was a error in the XSLT in the productmenu.  the pagetitle was included in a concat method.
 Theres another issue (  I know it should be a topic for itself).

After I have activated the Seo Express all the links in the basket goes to /Kurv instead of to the product.

I am using the @Ecom:Order:OrderLine.ProductLink.Fixed

which in the output generates: Default.aspx?ID=8&ProductID=PROD16&VariantID=VO1

 But when the link is generated it is: /Kurv/t-shirt-i-rødt/small.aspx

how can I link back to the productcard  from the basket?


never mind. I created the link, myself, It was the ID in the link, that was wrong.


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