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Globalsettings changed everyday at same time
Hi For a customer of ours, we released version about a week ago. After the release we had several issues with the Friendly Url's on the website. The Friendly Url's turned into normal Url's. Saving the settings for Friendly Url's (web & h ...
Martijn Bokhove
13/04/2012 15:17:04
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Data Integration with eCommerce
Hello DW, I wanted to get some information about possibilities of Data Integration module you have in DW8. Link to the Module here... And the question is if it is possible to use it for constant automatic product data import and export. Because as fa ...
Dmitrij Jazel
03/04/2012 12:00:06
Last post: 10/04/2012 05:33:35
DW8 api where is Dynamicweb.Permissions.Security.Environment.IsInBackend()
DW7: Dynamicweb.Permissions.Security.Environment.IsInBackend() DW8: ? Where or how can determine if the user is in the backend in DW8? ...
Remi Muller
05/04/2012 14:18:46
Last post: 05/04/2012 15:44:50
Navigation cache issue
Hi, I have problem on a webshop with a navigation based on eCom groups. We made a navigation provider to hide some navigation items from some extranet users. If a user logs and sees his limited navigation tree, other users will see the same tree - ju ...
Jonas Kæseler
23/03/2012 12:06:05
Last post: 30/03/2012 09:01:53
"Subcribe" to SessionStart/End in DW7
Hi, We have a project we cannot upgrade right now, that uses some custom methods in Session start/end and Application_PreRequestHandlerExecute Is there a way to NOT change the global.asax, meaning, using the standard default global.asax that comes wi ...
Nuno Aguiar
28/03/2012 19:44:18
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Problem attaching custom module to paragraph
Hi, I have a very simple custom module that simply renders a ul/li list. I have done similar thing many times in DW 7.x, but now in DW8 when i try to attach the module to a paragraph the progress spinner just keeps spinning and nothin happends. Code  ...
Aki Ruuskanen
06/03/2012 15:16:57
Last post: 28/03/2012 14:50:58
Change amount of products displayed in a ProductList with the standard eCom Product list module
Hi everybody, I would like to know if it's possible to change the amount of products displayed in a ProductList generated by the standard module for such lists in Dynamicweb. The setting can be accessed today through the module-settings, but I would  ...
Bo Møller
13/01/2012 11:46:03
Last post: 28/03/2012 11:37:53
Custom urlprovider and ecom products
I have created a custom url provider for productid's which seems somewhat slow at the moment, my guess is because im getting all products in order to map them, is there some way to limit the mapping of products to a given page in some way, getting on ...
Morten Fink Eriksen
27/03/2012 11:26:07
Last post: 27/03/2012 11:51:27
Best practice in creating custom fields on groups
Hello! :-) We're currently developing a module that is using the extranet module. We discovered that when you're creating a custom field it's only specific for users, yet it is still being created on groups (groups and users seems to be the same in t ...
Jackie Nagel
12/03/2012 09:59:59
Last post: 27/03/2012 09:17:17
"SubLoops" Loop Counter
Hi, We need to create some hierarquies in loops, but although the information is perfectly segmented, the loopCounter does not reset. Is there another way to do this? Basically we had a loop of Rooms, and each room has a loop of children with their n ...
Nuno Aguiar
13/03/2012 18:55:20
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ePay implementation
Hello everyone! We are currently implementing an ePay-payment on a solution. I have downloaded and installed the custom module from, but it doesn't work. I have been in contact with ePay support who ha ...
Emil Højbjerg
20/03/2012 12:36:31
Last post: 23/03/2012 11:22:01
Stock Unit and Stock
Hi! What is the relation between product.stock and the product.unit.stockquantity? Do I have to assign values to both? When I added a stockunit to my product, the value in the tag Ecom:Product.Stock came from the value in the stockunit.quantity and n ...
Per Ljung
16/03/2012 16:39:23
Last post: 23/03/2012 10:47:26
Newsletter integrated with CRM
Hi, A customer has requested an integration between the newsletter-module and the existing mailinglist in their Microsoft CRM. It means that by subscribing - or un-subscribing - through the website/Dynamicweb newsletter module, the list is automatica ...
Tommy B-Kuhlmann
22/03/2012 14:03:16
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Get relation between discountorderline and product
Hi For our customer we are building a webservice te import orders to the internal clientsoftware. Now there is a problem when discounts are added to the orders, we can't see which discount orderline belongs to which orderline. For example, product B  ...
Martijn Bokhove
19/03/2012 13:45:53
Last post: 21/03/2012 20:58:14
Distributing page templates
Hello! :-) We're working on a system that is being distributed from one standard solution. We've made scripts that updates the solutions Templates whenever we've made sufficient changes. Our problem is that we can't seem to find a solution to distrib ...
Jackie Nagel
23/02/2012 12:12:18
Last post: 19/03/2012 12:38:52
Order Discount list update
Hi, How to update sales discount list in the backend, when values are inserted directly to database ? For example : if there is one sales discount created manually in backend (and it shows only one in Managment center -> Ecom -> Product catalog ...
Vilius Janulis
07/03/2012 14:48:10
Last post: 19/03/2012 08:52:41
Hi, In the newsletter v3 module, how is the "key" parameter calculated? For example: ...
Nuno Aguiar
15/03/2012 12:27:23
Last post: 15/03/2012 16:17:09
Languages of Backend Areas
Hello, I'm working on a custom module backend and trying to get the list of configured website/area languages getting also the selected Area on the treeview of Pages. I think I can't use PageView.Current().AreaCollection because I'm not in the fronte ...
Diogo Lino
10/03/2012 11:40:32
Last post: 12/03/2012 16:20:44
TreeView expand
Hi, We want to build a tree using DW's treeview control, but with some nodes expandable/collapsable (similar to pages) and then capture the event in order to load it's subitems. Here's the control <dw:Tree ID="navigationTree" runat=" ...
Nuno Aguiar
08/03/2012 17:43:04
Last post: 12/03/2012 16:04:14
Vi har problemer med DW’s indbyggede iPaper-funktionalitet på Vi har lavet et modul med en administrationsdel hvor det er muligt at kigge en række PDF’er igennem og oprette iPapers af dem der ikke har det i forvejen ...
Stefan Møller
27/02/2012 12:59:41
Last post: 12/03/2012 15:01:45