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Get relation between discountorderline and product

Martijn Bokhove

For our customer we are building a webservice te import orders to the internal clientsoftware.
Now there is a problem when discounts are added to the orders, we can't see which discount orderline belongs to which orderline.

For example, product B has 10 percent discount, product C has 5 percent discount.
In the orderlines there are 2 new discountlines, but there is no relation to see between the orderlines with products and orderlines with discounts.

We had expected that the field 'OrderLineParentLineID' was used to show the relation, but it stays empty.

Is there any way to see which discountorderline is based on which productorderline, so we can communicate this with other software?



Lars Hejgaard Sørensen

Hi Martin,

The OrderLineParentLineID is used when adding BOM products to the basket. There's no way to distinguish the relationship between orderlines and discounts, but it would be an important improvement IMHO.



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