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Force logout after 20min
Hi, We have a customer that wants to force logout after 20min / session expires. Is there any setting in DW where I can do this rather than using a JS Timeout and trigger a redirect to extranetlogoff.aspx? Best Regards, Nuno Aguiar ...
Nuno Aguiar
13/02/2017 21:16:05
Last post: 03/04/2017 12:33:03
Empty facets in FacetOptions Loop with Query Publisher
Hi Guys, I am trying to use facets to filter some lists rendered with Query Publisher. I have noticed that once I apply a Facet filter, the other Facet options are gone. The behavior on the productCatalog seems to be different. I can still see the ot ...
Adrian Ursu
24/03/2017 16:50:19
Last post: 31/03/2017 10:57:21
New Index implement custom sorting
Hi Guys. I have looked in the documentation for indexing but I could not find anything relevant on this subject. I need to be able to sort the results of the index, published with Query Publisher. I tried using system name ending with Sortable withou ...
Adrian Ursu
30/03/2017 17:16:33
Last post: 31/03/2017 09:33:02
Performance and number of pages
Hi, I'm working on a solution where we want our customer (not the users of the website) to be able to create a lot of items via. the frontend. To begin with, we will have 1.000 - 2.000 items and in the future they will create new items regularly. Wil ...
René Poulsen
29/03/2017 08:46:36
Last post: 29/03/2017 17:29:18
Multiple file upload - forms for editors
I made a simple template for Esbjerg kommune, that should handle multiple file uploade on the page: But when I use it to upload 2 different files, it uploads one of the files twice ins ...
Charlotte Mogensen
14/03/2017 15:23:19
Last post: 29/03/2017 15:16:13
Guidance on using GetFriendlyUrl
Hi there, In many of our web sites I see developers use this method: Dynamicweb.Frontend.SearchEngineFriendlyURLs.GetFriendlyUrl I also know that you have been recommending not to call this from custom code as the method depends on context that may o ...
Imar Spaanjaars
29/01/2017 14:16:57
Last post: 28/03/2017 12:17:31
Best practice on master-detail items in 8.9.X
Hi there, Since Dynamicweb is pushing us to use items for just about everything, I do ... But I'm having issues with large quantities of master-detail items. When I for example create an item type for a news item I often won't be able to use it as a  ...
Peter Leleulya
30/01/2017 13:06:11
Last post: 28/03/2017 12:06:34
Item field Link type returning bad url
Hi there, We have a paragraph with an item, this item contains a field with the "link" type. When fetching the value in the paragraph template using the following code: @GetValue("Item.Link") an url with this format is written: "/Default.aspx?ID=xxxx ...
Jonas Mersholm
27/03/2017 15:52:31
Last post: 28/03/2017 12:01:03
User Group size limit? [SOLVED]
Hi, we are using DW for a customer and it seems as if there is some weird limitation on a usergroup. In the overview of the group, it says that the group contains 640 users But when you click on any of the users in the group to check the deta ...
Daniel Linder
23/03/2017 15:04:35
Last post: 28/03/2017 11:55:52
To search in items with Index Searching
I need some help on how to create a search field to my homepage, and the options are these: I have lot of products, created as items, and published as lists on different pages after their product category. First priority is to be able to search for t ...
Lise T. Pedersen
24/03/2017 14:42:04
Last post: 24/03/2017 15:33:53
Get content from master language
Hi, I cannot find what the logic is behind the icons that copy the content from master language? When is the green check used and when is the "download" icon used (see attachment)? Mvh / Aki ...
Aki Ruuskanen
24/03/2017 10:26:09
Last post: 24/03/2017 10:57:49
New Index first letter analyzer
Hi Guys, I am trying to build a facet that contains the fisrt letters of company names. An Alphabetic index. Is there any way I can use one of the existing Lucene analyzers to create a field of this type. Just the first letter of the Company name (Co ...
Adrian Ursu
22/03/2017 23:27:39
Last post: 23/03/2017 10:44:04
Repositories and Queries
Hi. I need to make a Qyery that excludes a subset of products depending on wether a customfield ("internalnumber" as string) starts with a known string. The expressions includes the "usual suspects": active, languageID and Parentg ...
Kenneth Radoor
16/03/2017 15:06:01
Last post: 22/03/2017 15:02:57
Reset password for Secondary User
Hi Guys, I have this scenario where a User is auto impersonating another user upon login. The impersonation works fine but now I get this scenario where I need to allow password reset for the login user. Since I am impersonatin another user with full ...
Adrian Ursu
21/03/2017 11:16:54
Last post: 22/03/2017 13:10:29
Edit user details when using Password security settings
Hi Guys, I have this scenario where the applicatio is set to have a specific password security setting. Number of character, lowercase and uppercase etc. The security setting is the built in one, nothing custom about it. The users are supposed to alw ...
Adrian Ursu
21/03/2017 11:21:09
Last post: 22/03/2017 13:08:34
Server timeouts caused by the DynamicLead tool
Hi Dynamicweb, We have an installation where the dynamiclead tool is activated which causes a massive 15Gb+ database. Because of the big database, the website gets a lot of timeout errors when accessing the extranet and the marketing section if they  ...
Justin Breg
16/03/2017 14:11:04
Last post: 20/03/2017 17:01:18
Field being analyzed - when asked not to
Hi, I can't understand why a field is being analyzed when asked not to. Could this be a bug? You can see the term vector is not 1 - which it should not being analyzed Could it be a bug with "List Box&q ...
Nuno Aguiar
20/03/2017 14:06:47
Last post: 20/03/2017 15:16:26
Log-files on anti-spam
Hi, Are there any log-files of mails caught using the anti-spam functionality? Best regards Kurt ...
Kurt Moskjær Andersen
17/03/2017 11:51:14
Last post: 20/03/2017 14:55:59
Page description copies to subpages [SOLVED]
Hi, we are using for a customer, and when they or we enters text in a page description, DW copies that value to all its subpages. I can't understand at all why DW has this behavior, please help! UPDATE 20/03/2017: This seems to ONLY happe ...
Daniel Linder
20/03/2017 08:48:34
Last post: 20/03/2017 14:43:13
Dynamicweb documentation search issue
Hi, If you go to and search for paragraph id you get an error Best Regards, Nuno ...
Nuno Aguiar
17/03/2017 16:21:00
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