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Performance and number of pages

René Poulsen
René Poulsen


I'm working on a solution where we want our customer (not the users of the website) to be able to create a lot of items via. the frontend. To begin with, we will have 1.000 - 2.000 items and in the future they will create new items regularly. Will it result in a performance issue in DW if these pages are created under the same parent page? If yes, would it be better to create them as paragraphs?

The solutions is running on v.


Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi René

Depending on the numbers. Under 15.000 pages is not an issue - when new pages are created, the editor do get a wait time until the cache is re-build. With 15.000 pages the time is app. 5-8 secs when adding a new page. Under 5000 pages, it is less than 1 sec, so that is not an issue.

In the backend it will be an issue to have many pages under the same parent. So they would need to be grouped.

Paragraphs have none of above challenges - nor would named item lists which are made for exactly this.

Hope this clarifies.

BR Nicolai

Votes for this answer: 1
Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi Guys,

We have the same issue, although with a 9.x.x solution.

Sometimes it's impossible to group the subpages other than under the main Page. That's why there's been requests to change the way the subpages are handled for large content solutions.

I know there was another post specific to this new functionality. Is there any estimation on when it's gonna be implemented?



Nicolai Pedersen

Yes, it is in the roadmap for 9.3

René Poulsen
René Poulsen

Thank you for your reply. Nicolai. Sounds like it's no problem for us. We won't reach 15.000 in many years. When we do, we will probably have deleted some of the old ones.


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