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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Page description copies to subpages [SOLVED]

Page description copies to subpages [SOLVED]

Daniel Linder

Hi, we are using for a customer, and when they or we enters text in a page description, DW copies that value to all its subpages.

I can't understand at all why DW has this behavior, please help!

UPDATE 20/03/2017:
This seems to ONLY happen when the subpage is set to "hide from menu", if I change it to "published" the strange behavior stops.


Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Daniel

Once that what super clever (said some SEO experts) - now it sucks...

Check you GlobalSetting.apsx for these keys:




And if they have the value of "Auto" that might be the cause. Change the value to an empty string and it might stop.

BR Nicolai

Votes for this answer: 1
Daniel Linder

Hehe yeah I really don't understand that "feature" :)

In any case, it works now! Thank you so much!

Nicolai Pedersen

"Its fashion baby"... :-)


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