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Forum » CMS - Standard features
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Unable to enable sitemap.xml for language layer [solved]
Hi We have version installed for a customer and I followed the instructions from the url: But we still get no sitemap when we enter the.test.url/en ...
Daniel Linder
22/04/2017 15:12:26
Last post: 27/04/2017 10:03:56
Sharing content between websites using translations
Hi folks, We're building a new site that has 90% the same pages that an existing site has. One site is for the UK and one is for Ireland. I've tried using the translations feature as a way to manage the two sites. The exisitng UK site is the main one ...
Alec Stubbs
25/04/2017 11:49:00
Last post: 26/04/2017 17:10:23
AD Integration - get users from specific groups
Hi When using the Dynamicweb AD Integration it's possible to set the web.config setting "GroupsToSkip" to the groups that you don't want to import to DW. But this list can be very long and it is necessary to maintain this list when new groups you don ...
Lars Larsen
26/04/2017 11:49:49
Last post: 26/04/2017 14:03:18
New Index for indexing diffferent itemTypes for search
Hi We are building a website using mainly Items for content (Pages, Articles, Projects, Employees), and we want to bulid an index for searching purposes. The search results will appear as you type, and shown in a catagorized list (see attachment). Of ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
21/04/2017 13:59:27
Last post: 25/04/2017 12:09:26
item publisher - Show items that or on the same level as the current level, and with the same parent page?
In a big dynamic item based structure, is it possible to attach an item publisher list, that always will select items at the same level as the current level, and with the same parent page? I want to create an editor friendly blog, with a list of othe ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
19/08/2015 16:51:44
Last post: 24/04/2017 19:50:46
Link to corresponding language version of current page
Hi Is it possible somehow to link to corresponding language version of the current page? eg. If i have a page in Danish, I want to automatically link to the English version of that specific page - and not just link to the English frontpage. Is this p ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
24/03/2017 17:32:57
Last post: 24/04/2017 16:53:04
Server Error in '/' Application. [solved]
Hi, We are getting an error on one of the items that we have, but this only appears in a test environment and not production, do you have any clue on what this error means? It appears when we try and open the item in management centre, and we have ch ...
Daniel Linder
19/04/2017 08:43:09
Last post: 24/04/2017 11:59:04
Newsletter subscription
Hi, I'm having some troubles trying subscribe a newsletter. I have different results in 2 different scenarios: Subscribe newsletter with a logged user email Works good. Subscribe newsletter with a anonymous user DW returns the following error in the  ...
Ricardo Pereira
21/04/2017 16:01:20
Last post: 24/04/2017 10:01:00
Setup guide showing on installation
Hello, I'm trying to install on a server a solution I was working on locally (which works fine). I restored the database, copied the files, edited the GlobalSettings.aspx with the nex database, and created the website in IIS. However, when I try to a ...
Gaëtan Di Caro
21/04/2017 11:35:43
Last post: 24/04/2017 08:34:40
OMC - Newsletter subscriptions report
Hi, The Newsletter subscriptions report at Marketing reports is not recording the newsletter form actions: Our newsletter form is a paragraph with Extranet/Intranet (Extended) module set as Create profile / Mana ...
Mario Santos
20/04/2017 11:16:41
Last post: 21/04/2017 11:08:46
CKEditor configuration file
Hi All, I'm trying to change the CKEditor configuration file, but seems Dynamicweb ignores the file (please see the attched file). Does anyone had the same issue? Dynamicweb version: 9.2.8 Thank you, Ricardo ...
Ricardo Pereira
10/04/2017 13:24:00
Last post: 21/04/2017 06:29:57
Reports on searches
Is there any data logged for searches now with the new repository? We have a customer who would like to regularly review which ecom searches are being made so that they can make product or keyword decisions. Thanks, Scott ...
Scott Forsyth
10/04/2017 16:50:36
Last post: 21/04/2017 03:21:26
Google Analytics code breaks paragraph navigation
We have a situation where GA code is placed in marketing emails and it breaks the paragraph navigation. Clicking the link takes you to the page rather than the specific paragraph. The solution is running version Is this expected behavior. ...
Terri Donahue
10/04/2017 22:45:30
Last post: 20/04/2017 21:14:08
Where is the template for RSS when Action=ShowFile
Hi I am trying to add image and drescription to an RSS feed, based on the News Module. I have tried both the RSS module and the NewsV2 module, and i am rendering the rss/xml by adding the &Action=ShowFile to the querystring. But i canĀ“t find the  ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
06/04/2017 09:08:10
Last post: 20/04/2017 13:31:53
DW9 CaseInsensitiveKeywordAnalyser
Hi, On DW8 we have the Lucene CaseInsensitiveKeywordAnalyser. Now using DW9 there are more analyzers but I can't find the CaseInsensitive one. It has been removed or maybe renamed? Is there any other that performs the same feature? DW: 9.2.6. BR, ...
Mario Santos
21/03/2017 16:51:54
Last post: 19/04/2017 12:21:47
Missing template module/App maps.html
Dynamicweb 9, standard module "Maps" template is missing. I want to use this module within Dynamicweb 9, but the template seems to be missing? System.Exception: Empty template: Maps/templates/Maps.html at Dynamicweb.Maps.Maps.Render(StringBuilder con ...
Jordy Goorman
14/04/2017 15:43:27
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item in same type item
Hi I have articles as page based items. I want to be able to select two related articles inside the same type of item, as the related items I am selecting. I want it to be more than a link, so I want to publish heading, image and short description of ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
13/04/2017 17:49:41
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Password recovery email not send, error in source
[Solved]: A setting in the web.config took precedence over the Globalsettings.aspx settings, resulting in a incorrect configuration Hi, I've been asking this question at Azure and Sendgrid, but unfortunately they can't help me. I have a page with the ...
Harald Brouwers
11/04/2017 09:11:48
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Request: Add option to set: Reply-To, Sender and From in Forms
Hey So due to nasty things like SPF and other things alike it, it has become impossible to simply use the "Get from Form" option in the sender field. So instead we are now just using something simple as noreply@domain - however - this removes the opt ...
Claus Kølbæk
06/04/2017 14:58:33
Last post: 07/04/2017 15:46:18
Copy of website does not update link for 404 page
When copying a website the Update links function does not include updating the link to the 404 page. It would be very nice of this worked like it does for other links. ...
Per Søgaard
07/04/2017 14:39:27
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