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Forum » CMS - Standard features » User Smart Search: Searching last login time is never doesn't work

User Smart Search: Searching last login time is never doesn't work

Manon Wekking

Hey there,

One of our customers asked us if there's a way to create a smart search for users who have not logged in on the website yet, so they can send an e-mail reminder to them that the solution is available. I tried creating this smart search by using the parameter Last login time, using operator is and the standard value of Never. However if I do this, I get no results. If I look for users with the operator is not then I do get a result. So apparently for the never keyword to work, people have to be logged in in the past (which really is a catch-22).

I have the following questions:

- Is there another way to find the users who haven't logged in yet?

- How should I use the never keyword properly? Or is this perhaps a bug, if so when will it be repaired?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Kind regards,

Manon Wekking


Manon Wekking

Bump, I've got the idea this is a bug, so I'd really like to have a response on this. Maybe I should have created a case rather then a forum post?


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