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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Why does the keywords inherit to subpages?

Why does the keywords inherit to subpages?

Marie Louise Veigert

Hi Dynamicweb,

We are experincing a potential bug in Dynamicweb

(See attachment for the structure)

1) We create a parent page with keywords.

2) Then we create a subpage which don't get any keywords.

3) Then we create a subpage to subpage 1. This subpage get the first parentpage's keywords?

It seems like a bug? But why does it happen?



Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Marie

Can you take a look at your Management Center, Editing, Meta data and see what settings you have there?

BR Nicolai

Marie Louise Veigert

Hi Nicolai,

I have a checkbox "Use ´Dublin Core´", which isn't checked.

/Marie Louise


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