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Optimize menu load speed
Im wondering if there is caching on menus. when looking on the debug info below i am curious as to why it makes database calls everytime. is it possible to cache this so it wont use that time? 14:47:41.709 CreateDataReader - took: 0 ms. USE [Pilgrim. ...
Keld Gøtterup
29/06/2017 12:27:31
Last post: 24/07/2017 13:51:08
Rich text code-first configuration DW9
Hello, There is some documentation regarding code-first rich text editor. It says there is a parameter which allows me to choose another config. (see screenshot) I'd really like to know which parameter... Looks like ConfigurationID is the one I need, ...
Justin Breg
21/07/2017 11:31:00
Last post: 24/07/2017 13:50:21
Spam protection for newsletter signup
Hello, When using the extranet module for newsletter signups we have some issues with bots submitting the newsletter form. Is it possible to activate some sort of anti spam protection for this? Best regards, Anders ...
Anders Ebdrup
21/07/2017 09:08:26
Last post: 24/07/2017 13:38:44
Replace some characters when building URL's
Hi Guys, I need to add some characters to be replaced (or ignored) when building the firendly URL. Is there any dictionary where I can add these characters? My case specifically is related with quotes that came from Word during an import. It seems th ...
Adrian Ursu
12/07/2017 12:53:57
Last post: 24/07/2017 11:36:47
Special characters in URL
Hi Guys, I have a question that is related to another post of mine earlier this month. I have some characters in URL that are not captured and replaced with "-". My previous post was about quotes from Word. I have not got any answer to that, I hope t ...
Adrian Ursu
18/07/2017 11:32:40
Last post: 24/07/2017 10:56:34
Item pages on restricted area
Hi, We have a page itemtype which is allowed on the master language area, but is forbidden on the slave language layers. Now this is working, the specific item can't be created on the language layer. But when a page is created on the master it's auto ...
Jesse Bakker
20/07/2017 14:35:23
Last post: 21/07/2017 08:51:06
Email marketing custom title in backend instead of subject
Hi, A customer of ours is creating a lot of emails in the DW Email marketing module. At the moment the subject of the email is used to identify the emails in the overview: Is it possible to add a custom field to the email (for example above the gener ...
Harald Brouwers
14/07/2017 16:21:57
Last post: 20/07/2017 15:05:56
Cookies Warning
Hi Guys, I am trying to set up the cokies warning the same way I did for other projects. However, it looks like in my current solution I cannot activate them no matter what I do. My solution is based on Wrap with very few template customisations, run ...
Adrian Ursu
18/07/2017 11:52:09
Last post: 18/07/2017 12:49:40
Inherit Page content
Hi guys, I have a situation where I have pages and subpages and I need to display in subpages content from parent page. Not Page properties, but rather Paragraphs that are defined in a specific template area. Is this possible with the API assuming I  ...
Adrian Ursu
14/07/2017 09:56:12
Last post: 14/07/2017 13:50:38
Impersonation after login
Hi, I have a couple of managers, who needs to impersonate employees. Because both managers and employees use the same login, I would like to be able to select which employee to impersonate, after I login as a manager. I've tried to iterate the loop D ...
Kurt Moskjær Andersen
06/07/2017 12:11:22
Last post: 13/07/2017 09:13:30
User creation without email
Hi guys, We are having an issue when we try to create users without email via front-end. In the interface (backoffice) we don't have any issue but via front-end (extranet/intranet module) we can't achieve this successfully. The validation loop is alw ...
António Ramos
04/04/2017 19:04:16
Last post: 10/07/2017 16:29:27
RE: How do i Cache optimze a DW page?
Hi I have a costumer, that want´s to performance optimize their Dynamicweb page. The costumers webpage is here, If i look it up, it says shold fix leverage browser caching ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
06/11/2014 14:25:51
Last post: 10/07/2017 13:03:27
Error message for user with existing email
Hi Guys, I have implemented a form for user creation using the regular Extranet/Intranet module. I have noticed however, that the error message returned for a case when a user tries to create account using an existing email is not editable from the m ...
Adrian Ursu
09/07/2017 02:17:57
Last post: 10/07/2017 11:00:13
Can I use a dwnavigation on a product template?
Hi, can this be done and how? ...
Kim Søjborg Pedersen
06/07/2017 08:02:47
Last post: 08/07/2017 11:49:59
Getting paragraph items under a given page in DW9
Hi DW, DW version: 9.2.16 I have a page with multiple paragraph items. I want to acces those items in a navigation provider. In DW8 I could get them by first getting all paragraphs on the given page with "Paragraph.GetParagraphsByPageID(pageId)" - th ...
Marie Louise Veigert
06/07/2017 10:14:29
Last post: 06/07/2017 10:33:24
Upgrading from "Manage versions" fails
Hi I have a Dynamicweb site on a Host Nordic server. The server is a partner server. When I try to upgrade the website from within the backend (Settings - Manage versions) I get this error: Server Error in '/' Application. Filename: redirection.confi ...
Lars Larsen
28/06/2017 11:24:12
Last post: 29/06/2017 08:38:31
Social login user group
Hi there, I've created a login page with the possibility to login through Facebook, using the DW external/social login options. Of course, if the user does not exist it is created- but how do i control which user group the newly created user, is crea ...
Jonas Mersholm
01/06/2017 13:21:32
Last post: 28/06/2017 20:36:42
New website VS old website domain behaviour
Hi, We have a customer that developed a new website in the same solution but in a new different website (AreaID). He had multiple sub domains (without setting in area domain area) that were opening the default website (AreaID = 1) and all was working ...
António Ramos
21/06/2017 11:48:50
Last post: 28/06/2017 16:24:43
User Permissions - Read Only in Content - Create new page
In the KWPN sollution we have several content-managers, which are only allowed to access specific pages in the content area. This works fine with the standard permission option. But these content-managers are still allowed to create new pages in de r ...
Jordy Goorman
18/05/2017 11:14:08
Last post: 28/06/2017 16:21:41
Product Category Fields performance issue
Hi, We are using a number of product category fields for product group because each product group can have different set of product fields. We have a product catalog page, first, display all the product groups and user can click on product group to s ...
Thaw Htun Lynn
27/06/2017 07:35:23
Last post: 28/06/2017 16:11:36