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Invalid SMTP setting

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi Guys,

I have a situation where a workingSMTP setting no longer work. Unfortunately I could not capture the exact moment when this stopped working, I just found out about it and I am trying to fix it.

The solurion is pretty ol: running on Windows Server 2008 on a virtual machine. It is the only solution running on this server.

Since the very beginning of this solution, I have used a gmail account to send the notifications.

However, now, it seems that it is not working anymore.

I get this error whenever I try to send an email:

System.Exception: No valid SMTP host found. Please specify a valid SMTP host in Control Panel. at Dynamicweb.EmailHandler.Send(MailMessage mailMessage, Boolean logging, Boolean throwException) at Dynamicweb.Admin.Access_User_SendMail.SendAccessUserMail()

I have checked the account and it is working. I have reset the password and tried to send the email from another application and it works. Tried Telnet on the server to check the port and it is opened.

I am not sure what else I should check.

Any help on debugging this would be appreciated.





Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Puspak

Can you maybe provide a screenshot of the settings and the content of the mail log?

Thanks, Nicolai

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi Nicolai,

The error log is preety vague:

[7/31/2017 9:25:56 PM]: Error: Mail not sent.
[7/31/2017 9:25:56 PM]: Error: No valid SMTP host found. Please specify a valid SMTP host in Control Panel.
[7/31/2017 9:25:56 PM]: Error: The message was saved for reference. Filename is 'b5bd12a0-522e-410e-916a-f0b079ec0cb0.eml'.

This is all I get

I have tried in the settings all options. With or without SSL, different ports (587,465,25) with and without "Do not use SMTP pickup directory"

The telnet investigation on the server shows that port 587 is opened.

Can it be related with an incomplete setup of the security certificate on the server?

Is there any way I can check that?





Nicolai Pedersen

I dunno.

You still have not published a dump of your settings.

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi Nicolai,

I thought it ight not be necessary.
I have attached it.


Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Adrian

When I test your settings, it works with the settings in dump #1

If I test on port 465 using SSL (that is the combo required according to Google docs) I get an error, see dump #2

Capture.PNG Capture1.PNG
Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Thank you Nicolai.

I will check the settings on the email. Maybe it does not allow for relay.

Strangley though, I have also tried with an email that is working already, set up on sendgrid. And I had the same error.



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