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Deploying website layers
Hi guys, I have a project where I want to start using the deployment tool. I have 2 solutions:Staging and Production. On both of them I have several websites and some of them have Language layers. My aim here is to understand how I can deploy a websi ...
Adrian Ursu
17/11/2021 13:35:18
Last post: 21/11/2021 18:47:57
Authenticate user from URL
Hi guys, I have a project where I need to implement a feed functionality without PIM module. I have created a page where I get the products the users have to see but I need to display that page (or render that page) in the context of the user, consid ...
Adrian Ursu
15/11/2021 14:16:30
Last post: 15/11/2021 18:40:04
User Smart Search - not clicked links in mail
Hi, We are trying to create a email marketing flow for visitors that do not click any links in the emails they have received from a previous flow. I tried to create a user smart search as in the screen shot but it does not seem to work. Any ideas of  ...
Aki Ruuskanen
12/11/2021 15:03:15
Last post: 15/11/2021 08:54:04
Override MetaTitle and MetaDescription from Page Template
Hi guys, I have an old project using DW 9.6.12 with a template set using RazorTemplateBase<RazorTemplateModel<Template>> I am trying to override the values for MetaTitle and MetaDescription from the Page template. I have tried every solut ...
Adrian Ursu
02/03/2021 21:03:52
Last post: 11/11/2021 10:59:28
Date controls in Admin result into broken CMS pages, no clue why and how to solve ...
Our customer notified us that their production CMS 9.7.5 was 'broken' ... It seemed that date controls in the admin section caused troubles, a bit as described in: ...
Peter Leleulya
09/11/2021 15:48:31
Last post: 10/11/2021 14:36:56
Cookies configurations
Dear All, I am now trying to do the cookies configuration for functional cookies and tracking cookies. On the list of cookies set, it was mentioned the below two cookies but I couldn't find those cookies on the setting. Can you please advise why  ...
Aye Nyein Myat
10/11/2021 13:21:48
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Styling and the pdf=true function?
Hi Just a simple question. Do I use media query to style how a pdf will look like when we use the pdf=true to save a PDF file? /Hans ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
09/11/2021 15:52:21
Last post: 09/11/2021 16:21:15
Date field and placeholder tags for marketing emails
We are trying to display a date inside one of our emails. The field is registered as Date, not DateTime on the user. To show the date we use the placeholder tag as mentioned here: ...
Martin Moen
08/11/2021 12:09:45
Last post: 08/11/2021 14:15:27
Duplicate users in Index with Load Balancing
Hi, This is weird one. A particular index is generating duplicate documents every now and again. We can't consistently reproduce it, we just know it happens and that rebuilding the indexes manually fixes it. The particularities of this project ar ...
Nuno Aguiar
14/10/2021 12:00:15
Last post: 05/11/2021 14:49:06
How to enable patterns on asset categories
I am running a DW version 9.10.10 and I want to set an asset category for images, but I am missing the 'AUTO CHECKIN' section in the configuration of the asset category. Then I looked at the asset categories on a demo Rapido site running 9.10 ...
Roald Haahr
05/11/2021 09:44:33
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Cookiepolicy where only necessary/functional cookies are activated
Our customer's website uses Dynamicweb All-In-One - EXPRESS special version 9.6.3. It is a website where only necessary/functional cookies should be acitvated. The website tells me that the following cookies are used without consent hence they ou ...
Laila Maria Mou
03/11/2021 11:07:24
Last post: 04/11/2021 12:43:38
Best practice for regional websites
Hi any advice or experiences in this area? We have developed a substantial DW platform with 10 Ecom sites in language versions. These are all clones from the main global (en-us) site and each have been translated and unique content added by each coun ...
Kevin O'Driscoll
14/10/2021 10:47:04
Last post: 04/11/2021 09:54:23
Permissions for PIM only
Hi guys, I am trying to create a specific UserType that would have access to PIM and not Ecommerce. I have noticed though, that disabling Ecommerce access, removes the ability to create groups in the PIM warehouse. I am using DW 9.12.2 Here is my set ...
Adrian Ursu
29/10/2021 12:07:19
Last post: 01/11/2021 03:04:18
Redirects not working with danish characters
Hi One of our customers have had several redirects with danish characters (æ, ø, å). The links have been working until the solution was upgraded to v9.10.7. Is this a bug in that version? It e.g. this link: ...
Lars Larsen
29/10/2021 15:09:23
Last post: 01/11/2021 02:17:37
PageUniqueId in querystring
Hi, Is there a way to have a URL with a PageUniqueId rather than an ID? Something like "/Default.aspx?PageUniqueId=876aefa1-1cd5-49ed-96b9-6081943c12e8" The reason we're looking into this is for when working with multiple environments.  ...
Nuno Aguiar
28/10/2021 19:01:19
Last post: 29/10/2021 10:55:26
Customer Center's Add Address not doing a POST-REDIRECT-GET
Hi there, When I enter a new address in the customer center and then reload the page, the address gets added again. It looks like the module directly returns the list view content after an add and does not redirect to the list view. That means that t ...
Imar Spaanjaars
27/10/2021 10:12:02
Last post: 28/10/2021 09:09:12
Product information on back in stock email
Hello, I would like to ask if there is a possibility that in the back-in-stock email I have access to the Product Object to display the link to the product or at least the product number in the email? The scenario is that when the user checks the bac ...
Dan Gheorghe
27/10/2021 13:10:16
Last post: 28/10/2021 03:06:53
Page shortcut not working if Enable Statistics is disabled
Hi, This seems like a really weird one, but I found out that the page shortcut redirects stopped working if I turned off Enable Statistics under Tracking. See the repro here: I tested in 9.10.11 and 9.10.9. bot ...
Mafalda Correa
14/07/2021 18:59:56
Last post: 26/10/2021 15:33:21
PDF=True in DW 9.12.2
Hi community, I have a strange problem on a newly upgraded (9.12.2) stagingsite. The function where you add "pdf=true" to get a PFG generated has stopped working. It renders an empty PDF so obviously something is failing. I cannot see anyth ...
Aki Ruuskanen
14/10/2021 15:17:54
Last post: 26/10/2021 08:49:53
Website with several Error 404 pages
Hi, We would want to have several 404 pages, in order to manage different types of not found errors (e.g. obsolete urls). The Customizing 404 pages documentation explains how to settup one 404 page per website, but not several 404 pages within a cert ...
Tomas Gomez
25/10/2021 12:04:14
Last post: 25/10/2021 15:04:20