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Anchors in email
Hi I'm trying to make a content list with anchor links in a newsletter. Dw inserts a base url when sendng the newsletter. Is there any way to avoid this, without changing the management settings (only changing it in the newsletter)? Regards Thomas ...
Thomas Schroll
06/10/2013 17:25:39
Last post: 09/10/2013 20:20:14
Soccer matches
Hey. I'm in need of some advice. I have a website where I need to create a page showing forthcoming soccer matches, and these matches should also be listed on my frontpage. Each match contains the following info: - Home team & picture - Away team ...
Glenn Holm
04/10/2013 15:11:27
Last post: 08/10/2013 14:39:56
Content Integrator
Hi I need to submit an address (?vejnavn=Vejnavn&postnr=0000&husnr=00) to a webservice. I should then receive a xml with data, that I show on the page. Is it possible to use the module 'Content Integrator' with a form, or is it only static pa ...
Thomas Schroll
01/10/2013 11:08:39
Last post: 06/10/2013 16:16:18
Image metatags
Hi, In the File library you can right-click an image and then select Metatags. This gives you the opportunity to add meta tags to the image, such as its title. So far so good. However, I want to use these meta tags in an Image Gallery, but I cannot f ...
David Matheson
01/10/2013 15:21:36
Last post: 02/10/2013 12:07:05
Hi all :) Is there a tag for entering a UUID i DW? I need this to be put in a codesnippet for advertizing. Tnx :) ...
Richard Adams
01/10/2013 12:49:32
Last post: 01/10/2013 15:31:42
Support for 'old' layout method in DW8 ?
Hi, Will the old paragraphLayout method (instead of designs & layouts-method) still be fully supported in the latest version of DW8? Thanks, Ton ...
Ton Martens
01/10/2013 11:09:24
Last post: 01/10/2013 13:58:28
Admin approval for publishing posts / pages
Hi, we have a feature request on one of our solutions: "When someone hits save/publish, the post/page goes to an "approval" state, sending an email to specific admins who can either push or disregard the post/page." Is this featur ...
Joakim Tønnesen
27/09/2013 14:36:08
Last post: 30/09/2013 12:30:45
RE: Global:Device tags
Hi, I recently tested a site I am working on (seperate templates for desktop, tablet and smartphone) at a device lab to check my tablet and SmartPhone versions.. The site worked fine across all devices (see this link) with the exception of the Nokia  ...
David Matheson
26/09/2013 14:06:08
Last post: 30/09/2013 11:20:39
W3C HTML Validation
Good day. I have two points where It seems DW fails to escape/encode characters to html entities. That in turn makes the resulting html invalid. Strictly speaking :) Urls have & instead of & Product name that has a double quote (").  ...
Victor Jonsson
20/09/2013 11:34:37
Last post: 25/09/2013 14:58:04
W3C HTML Validation
Good day. I have two points where It seems DW fails to escape/encode characters to html entities. That in turn makes the resulting html invalid. Strictly speaking :) Urls have & instead of & Product name that has a double quote (").  ...
Victor Jonsson
20/09/2013 11:34:40
Last post: 24/09/2013 14:47:25
Data Lists - get Culture/Language Name
Hi, I am trying to get the culture/language name through Data Lists but can't seem to find it anywhere. Does Dynamicweb user .NET libraries to render it, or is there a table I did not see? Nuno ...
Nuno Aguiar
24/09/2013 11:11:48
Last post: 24/09/2013 11:54:21
Extranet login other possible ID
Hi DWs One of out clients asks me if we can use anything else than USERNAME for login? He would like ie. CPR og Mail or phonenumber. can it be done? ...
Peter Bille Larsen
20/09/2013 11:33:58
Last post: 20/09/2013 12:13:47
Flipbook - Gallery module
I am trying to make a flip book using the gallery module with 147 pages, does anyone have any documentation on these scripts as we need to make a few changes and to alter the system a bit. Issue 1: limit 100 pages Issue 2: change style sliding docume ...
Andrew Mannell
19/09/2013 13:49:48
Last post: 19/09/2013 16:55:37
Dynamic email in forms
Hello, When setting up a form you can set it to send a receipt to an email field in the form. I have a case where the person filling out the form needs to be able to chose from a dropdown menu which email address he wants to send the form too - so is ...
Claus Kølbæk
09/09/2013 14:08:09
Last post: 19/09/2013 15:22:40
Page shortcut show in new window?
Is it possible to specify that a shortcut should be shown in a new window or tab? It quite a logical feature for the enduser. It looks like there is no way of specifying the link target for a page shortcut. I hope i am wrong. ...
Remi Muller
06/09/2013 10:38:03
Last post: 18/09/2013 12:45:04
User management across sites
Hi! I have several sites under the same solution set. I'd like to have several persons to edit, but the editor should only have access to certain sites. I've tried to set this up from the sites administration page, but users can still access sites th ...
Richard Adams
10/09/2013 12:03:45
Last post: 12/09/2013 02:22:19
Editor Provider
In the release notes for 8.3 there is a section describing that the Editor Configuration is updated with the possibility change type of editor. I have checked in a 8.3 solution without seening the "Type" field in Editor Configuration. And t ...
Aki Ruuskanen
11/09/2013 14:07:21
Last post: 11/09/2013 15:33:03
Search (Weighted) | Date values
Hi there I am trying to use the search (weighted) module to find products that have a given value in a custom field of the date type. I those "Search in": eCommerce and under Settings - Product Catalog (eCom) I chose the custom field. My qu ...
Bjarne Rosendal
11/09/2013 15:05:53
Last post: 11/09/2013 15:29:38
Supernatural event of Newsletter V3
Hi, One of our customer recently report, that they can't unsubscribe people. Even though they have deleted this person, he still can recieve newsletter every week. And I have checked these email addresses, they can not be found in the accessuser tabl ...
Judy Zhang
10/09/2013 11:20:24
Last post: 10/09/2013 11:52:48
Error transforming XSLT System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransformException
Hi, When I copied a live solution to our test server, I got this error "Error transforming XSLT System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransformException" at the place that we use the translate tag f.x.. --@DwLanguages-- But it works fine on the live server. Wh ...
Judy Zhang
06/09/2013 10:50:52
Last post: 09/09/2013 12:37:04