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Sorting users from extranet by hierachy

Lise T. Pedersen

As time goes by, it seems that I am forced to convert a lot of employees in the HR-module to users in the Extranet-module, if I shall be able to show them in a list on the website.

My problem is that I need to have them sorted by hierachy, and in different groups, not same sorting everywhere. A custom field with a sorting number has been suggested, but it is not the best solution, as I see it. I have about 90 employees, and it will take a lot of time to sort by numbers om each one - people comes and goes and there are often changes.

Anybody who has had a problem like this - and perhaps a smart solution??



Morten Snedker

Hi Lise,


Sorry about the late reply! Did you get around to a solution to your troubles, or does your question remain?


Regards /Snedker






Lise T. Pedersen

I have not startet the project yet - want to be sure what to do :-)

Morten Snedker

I'm not sure if that was an answer to my question? :-)





Morten Snedker

Thanks for the mail - I think we should keep it here! :-)

"My problem is that I need to have them sorted by hierachy, and in different groups, not same sorting everywhere."

Could you try to define it? What is the definition of the terms "hieracy", "different groups" and "not same sorting"?







Lise T. Pedersen

I have about  90 employees, as written earlier. They are sorted in about 10 different departments, and across these departments, I also need them to be in different groups, like "sikkerhedsudvalg" "personaleklub" - totally across the other groups.

One group is the leaders - 6 persons from different groups (Direktion, økonomiafdeling, redaktion etc.) and in the leader-group, they have to be sorted hierakic.

But in each of their groups, they are the leader themselves, and has to be placed in top of the group. The rest of the employees also has a hierakic sorting, e.g. we don't want the "praktikanter" before the journalists. 

And that means that a person, who is number 5 in one group, has to be number 1 in another group. Would be nice if I was able to sort them like in the HR-module, so that the sorting in EACH group is unique.

I hope, you understand the problem better by this description?












Morten Snedker

Hi Lise,


Unfortunately, I cannot see that what you want to achieve is possible without custom code using User Management, as it was with the old HR module. Due to the structure of users/groups, you will be needing extra columns to maintain the sorting within a group.


I know this is not the answer you were hoping for, but if you have any further questions, don't hesitate!


Best regards

Morten Snedker










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