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Forum » CMS - Standard features » paragraphs appear in wrong order

paragraphs appear in wrong order

Ton Martens


In a multi-language site: When copying a page, and then making a language copy of the original page, the paragraphs of the 2nd language are in different order than those of the original page.

Because the site is setup to not allow (sub) paragraphs to me moved, the order can not be corrected, other than by triggering the ordering by modifying the original page. This should not be neccesairy. The order of paragraphs of the other language should be the same of the order of the paragraphs of the original page, I think.




Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

We will check this out and fix the bug. Will get back.


BR Nicolai

Oleg Rodionov

Hi all,


I've checked the following scenario on last DW 8 version:

Initial conditions:

 1. The solution has master area with a page having some paragraph (regular, item based or global)s and its language copy (it's created via Website module);

 2. MC->Control Panel->Language management->'Allow page operations (copy...etc.)' is checked;


3. Create copy of the page to the master and language area via copy options from page context menu in page tree - the paragraph order in the copies is the same as one within original page (OK);


Please, confirm that the scenario corresponds to your case or clarify that otherwise. 

BR, Oleg


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