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Performance Issues using Item Lists
Hi, Our front-end developers have grown very fond of Item Lists as they are easy to fill data into and use, however, it seems like they trigger a lot of SQL Queries. I have ensured that all items involved have "Cached" enabled, but they still come, a ...
Søren Heide Larsen
20/09/2017 12:56:04
Last post: 21/09/2017 13:30:59
sort files by default as standard
Hi, Is it possible to sort files by default as standard? At the moment de files are sortend down (the first uploaded is the first you see). Is it possible to make it as standard the other way arround? Kind regards, Manon Wekking ...
Mannon Wekking
19/09/2017 17:38:42
Last post: 21/09/2017 14:50:36
Gallery module - flipping book without flash
We have several customers asking for the flipping book functionality in a non flash version. Are you updating the flipping book to a version that works on all units? (Please) ...
Per Søgaard
19/09/2017 15:57:56
Last post: 20/09/2017 17:27:26
Edit translations disabled
Hi Guys, When 2 admins try to edit the same translations it is disabled ('This translation is now editing by other user'). But the lock isn't released after the first admin save&closes the window and logs off. For now the only way to clear the lo ...
Jesse Bakker
18/09/2017 15:14:22
Last post: 20/09/2017 11:23:23
Frontend editing and HTTPS
Hi I have a website which in the Website app is set to "Force SSL". But then frontend editing does not work. When clicking "Frontend editing" in the backend the page is opened with HTTP and not HTTPS. This somehow makes the frontend editing functiona ...
Lars Larsen
14/09/2017 08:57:15
Last post: 21/09/2017 09:38:17
Product "Stock Status"
Greetings! I have an issue regarding the Stock Status of products in Dynamicweb When I create a new product (no variants, yet), the product is created with a Stock status of "none" and the drop down is grayed out (cannot change). I'm not sur ...
Andrew Ashley
13/09/2017 14:20:17
Last post: 04/10/2017 16:27:36
Sorting items in pages
Hi. Is it just me or is it not possible to sort the Items on pages in V9.3.1? Best regards Peter ...
Peter Kristensen
08/09/2017 09:22:30
Last post: 21/09/2017 10:24:36
Weird behavior of File selector
Hi Guys, I have this strange behavior of the Link field type in ItemType definition. It works fine for paragraph and page selector but for file selector it add a weird /http:// before the actual file path (see screenshot attached). This happens after ...
Adrian Ursu
06/09/2017 17:41:09
Last post: 08/09/2017 03:04:18
Mails not sending with smartsearches
Hello, We're experiencing mails not sending to recipients in version 9.2.17 when we're sending an e-mail that contains smartsearches. The status of the mail stays on 'sending...', see screenshots attached. After we've send one of those, no other mail ...
Justin Breg
31/08/2017 15:38:13
Last post: 01/09/2017 14:37:41
Email statistics don't show for one email in email marketing
Hi, On 18 august KWPN did send an email to a group of customers. But they email still don't show the statistics of the email (see attachment). What can be the problem? It shows an error 'Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '138746/im ...
Mannon Wekking
30/08/2017 16:47:24
Last post: 07/09/2017 16:57:25
Link to item - loop fields of linked item i ItemPublisher
Hi I have an itemtype (Called Ships) that contains a field of the type link to item (Called owner). Now from what i read here it should be possible to display the fields of the Linked Item. I am usi ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
28/08/2017 15:46:09
Last post: 30/08/2017 10:04:28
Sending parameters in the template to QueryPublisher or DataLists
Hi Guys, I have a situation where I need to use a set of data in different ways. One way would be with a regular QueryPublisher in order to implement an advanced Search and the other one is to display a subset of the data based on some criterias. I a ...
Adrian Ursu
26/08/2017 16:01:51
Last post: 28/08/2017 11:06:16
Using Address Custom Fields
Hi guys, I am trying to use the long-awaited custom fields section for Address. I have managed to define a field, I can write values in it from backend but apparently I cannot save in it from Front-end. I am using this Tag: @GetString("UserManagement ...
Adrian Ursu
24/08/2017 16:02:38
Last post: 04/10/2017 01:03:23
File path error in backend Item interface
Hi Guys, I get a strange errror in back-end in the edit/add a Paragraph (ItemType based) when adding an image. I think I have set everything correctly (see my screenshots) but somehow the Image path is not rendered correctly resulting in this error m ...
Adrian Ursu
24/08/2017 13:39:30
Last post: 24/08/2017 13:57:48
Error when saving list item
When clicking on "Save" or "Save and close" in a list item view I get an error. See picture. This error did not appear before today. When inspecting the console I see this issue: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Int ...
Sofia Soje
23/08/2017 13:24:53
Last post: 24/08/2017 10:59:38
Delocalize pages and Paragraphs
Hi Guys, I have been asked by a customer about the delocalization of Pages and Paragraphs. I have read the manual and it describes very well how to Localize a page but I don't see any method of Delocalizing a page. Assuming I have a website with the ...
Adrian Ursu
21/08/2017 12:42:39
Last post: 21/08/2017 16:26:10
Where to see the bounced e-mails?
Hi, When an e-mail is sent with e-mail marketing to a lot of users and most of the users did get the mail but a few dind't, then the e-mail gets red in the marketing module. How can I see the bounces of the e-mail (the e-mail adresses that dind't get ...
Mannon Wekking
15/08/2017 13:59:43
Last post: 03/01/2019 10:03:06
Search Module (APP) for content with special characters
Hi Guys, I have this situation where I use the Search module for searching in the website. The module seesm to work fine with only one exception. It cannot deal with special characters. In the New index approach, we have managed to add a new Analyzer ...
Adrian Ursu
11/08/2017 11:20:04
Last post: 11/08/2017 11:55:33
Cannot delete address on backoffice
Hi there, Managing the user addresses on backoffice I'm able to add a new address but when I try to delete it nothing happens. Is this ia bug? DW version: 9.2.14 BR, Mário ...
Mario Santos
10/08/2017 19:01:14
Last post: 14/08/2017 00:52:20
Multiple emails on a user - Email marketing
Is it possible to extend email marketing so a user with several email adresses will receive an email on all email adresses? ...
Tobias Høst
07/08/2017 13:57:36
Last post: 07/08/2017 16:16:30