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Localized 404 page on same domain
Hi, I have a case with a size that's in multiple languages. All language have their own domain,,, etc. except for Holland, which is under the main domain, though with /nl-nl/ appended to the url. When I hit a non-exis ...
02/08/2019 08:12:43
Last post: 05/08/2019 10:41:21
Generate Password functionality
We are running 9.4.20 of the application. When using the Generate password functionality on a user in the backend, it doesn't create a password that meets the complexity requirements. Is this a known issue or is there a workaround to force it to foll ...
Terri Donahue
22/07/2019 16:18:38
Last post: 07/08/2019 15:31:56
Import ItemTypes in DW8 with multiple language layers
Hi guys, I have a solution running where I need to import ItemType based pages. The source files is pretty simple and each property from the source is mapped to a property from the ItemType. In the DataIntegration job, I am using ItemProvide ...
Adrian Ursu
19/07/2019 12:03:01
Last post: 01/08/2019 11:42:58
Optimize Express
Hi, Our website used application version 9.6.9 and wrap solution file. I tested the "Optimize Express", it shows the error. And also I tested the lastest Rapido file and application version 9.6.9, it also shows the error. Please check the below loom ...
Tin Ma Ma
17/07/2019 12:21:23
Last post: 18/07/2019 10:50:44
Get Item of Area in DW8
Hi guys, I have a data integration notification (OnJobCompleted) where I need to read a property of the Area ItemType. What is the easiest way to get that property? I know in DW9 there are some methods that ease access to the ItemProperties but I am ...
Adrian Ursu
16/07/2019 14:10:21
Last post: 17/07/2019 11:34:25
Prevent sending of Emails using Notifications
Hi guys, I have to implement some rules for preventing the send of emails if some conditions are met. I won't focus on the conditions, I just need to know what would be the best practice. I have identified a few notifications: OnBeforeSendReceipt, On ...
Adrian Ursu
08/07/2019 17:14:58
Last post: 10/07/2019 10:58:33
Delivery provider for Newsletter v3
Hi, Can I change the Deliveryprovider for the old newsletter v3 module? Or is it just using the common SMTP settings from System Setup in Management Center? It's an old DW 8.8.1.. Thanks - Mikkel Ulstrup ...
Mikkel Ulstrup
08/07/2019 14:48:48
Last post: 10/07/2019 09:04:15
Updating GeoLocation firing too often
Hi there, Possibly related to TFS #65614 "Bug in Users code causes excessive (and expensive) calls to google api", we ran into an issue with Live Integration for users being really slow. We were able to relate this to Dynamicweb.Admin reaching out to ...
Imar Spaanjaars
05/07/2019 10:08:27
Last post: 06/08/2019 11:08:11
Reset friendly URL cache
Hi guys, I have a project where I use explicit URLs for Product MetaURL. Meaning that during import, I am supplying the value to ProductMetaURL field. Everything seems fine, except for a few situations where the URLs are not resolved correctly. I am ...
Adrian Ursu
04/07/2019 13:08:14
Last post: 05/07/2019 09:24:44
'Hide For Phone' option did not work on item-based page
Hi All, I checked 'Hide for Phone' option on one of the item-based page and saved it. But I can still see the page on mobile responsive of that site. Can you please check and advise? Best Regards, Nyein ...
Aye Nyein Myat
02/07/2019 09:41:55
Last post: 15/07/2019 07:02:03
Problemer med Produkt selector
Hej, VI har kunden ActionSportsGames, som bruger DW versionen De har et item, hvor de bruger en Produkt selector. De får hvad du kan se i det vedhæftede, hvis de produkter der vælges har specialtegn i navnet. Har i mulighed for, at løse dett ...
Cecilia Sørensen Vejle
02/07/2019 08:31:54
Last post: 02/07/2019 10:35:02
Intelligent Tracking Prevention 2.2
Hi Dynamicweb, I would like to know your thoughts about ITP (2.2) and how to mitigate this to handle cookies? Best regards, Anders ...
Anders Ebdrup
28/06/2019 09:51:07
Last post: 01/07/2019 17:11:42
ItemPublisher override filtering
Hi there, The items we are listing (using ItemPublisher module) have a Year field and we want to pre-select the items from current year. To achieve that we add a rule for Year field with value @Code(DateTime.Now.Year). ...
Mario Santos
26/06/2019 15:18:34
Last post: 27/06/2019 09:11:31
Triggering Saved subscriber for an user / address only once
Hi there, We ran into a situation with Live Integration where we have multiple UserSaved / AddressSaved notifications fire for a user, causing multiple requests to the ERP per HTTP context. For example: Changing user data triggers 1 notification - Us ...
Imar Spaanjaars
24/06/2019 09:56:14
Last post: 16/09/2019 16:11:41
Mails from Event viewer
Hello, Is it possible to receive mails from the Event viewer e.g. when errors are logged? Best regards, Anders ...
Anders Ebdrup
21/06/2019 09:00:15
Last post: 19/08/2019 15:12:07
GUI for editors - Is it possible to sort the order of the paragraph/page items when the editor creates new page/paragraph
Question: Is it possible to sort the order of the paragraph/page items when the editor creates new page/paragraph? If yes, how can this be achieved? /Hans ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
19/06/2019 16:51:58
Last post: 21/06/2019 10:37:34
Bug in Items naming - Dropdown should show Label, not ID
Se video We want the editor to be able to edit the dropdown fields (based on paragraph items) that are available to select in a dropdow field in another paragrah item. In order for the editor to know what is w ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
11/06/2019 15:35:23
Last post: 11/09/2019 09:51:26
The same key was already used for another template
Hi, I have a problem where, whenever I make a change to a template (even just adding a space or a newline), my frontend breaks with the message: Exception in template (UserManagement/ViewProfile/xxxxx.cshtml): System.InvalidOperationException: The sa ...
Jonas Krarup Dam
07/06/2019 13:55:08
Last post: 11/06/2019 13:00:44
Form for editors radio buttons
Hello, I have come across a very strange problem with my form that I are using the forms for editors app for. I have provided a video below. In the form it is two sections with radio buttons, as it is now it is only possible to check the value "yes" ...
Alexander Tømmerholen
06/06/2019 15:16:48
Last post: 06/08/2019 09:11:37
Select variants and products in Products field type
Hi guys, I have a solution running on DW 9.3.3 and there is something weird going on. I have an ItemType based Paragraph with a Product field on it. Usually, the product field allows selection of both Variants and products. In this situation, it allo ...
Adrian Ursu
04/06/2019 14:38:18
Last post: 17/06/2019 09:43:58